continual freezes during gameplay
My arena client continually freezes during gameplay and eventually crashes out with windows error.
It seems to most commonly happen when a special effect is being played for a card that has one, so the ability to turn those off might be a useful start. At the moment it's unplayable.

Fallen Angel#65266 commented
Crashes rarely, but freezes every second game more or less.
Mostly middle of game, nothing progresses... I force quit game , then restart and hopefully enter the match again, although most of the time MTGA sees this as Skip turn and I lose a turn even though I have 3 time outs.
Sometimes freezes between end of a game and Home Sceen.
Really super annoying.((((Not mentioning the other thousand bugs. As a game developer, I must say, change your programming style! )))
kaede101#24558 commented
freezes during gameplay -
RacoonJ11#34602 commented
Game keeps crashing. At least every second Match.
Reinstalling, deleting Temp folders, deleting Registry Entry, Reinstalling, Restarting... It keeps happening and won't keep playing this game.
Had a ticket, but from three different support staff member got three stupid answers. after submitting all the logs: Windows events, dxdiag, crashlog... and for sure they didn't even look at it.
From basic Restart/Reinstalling advise to "Don't use wireless connection (broadband with at least 25 Mbps really?" to use VPN (US based, even if this WOULD solve the crashes. This should be a permanent status???WTH?!) and using different wireless network from different ISP... yeah now I should try wireless and for sure it suddenly could be my ISP?! How?!
Those people are so clueless and give standard pre-made advises.
The last one told me to look here for other players with the problem "maybe someone has a solution"
So now I have to do research to play this game?Freaking FIX YOUR CODE! Has to be since some update.
Simon#19959 commented
Happens to me on Android 11 galxys20u on a daily basis since around snc.
I've been playing on the same hardware since the release of arena and play every day. Tried to enclosed some videos. -
MarcoM#50916 commented
Bug started now here as well since the June update. Since you and Epic Games are not able to manage a stable and simple card-game on the Mac I will stop playing and spending money and time in MTGA until this is fixed. I have no problemes with other games and apps whatsoever and running on a brandnew Mac with the newest software. Sorry. This is really a bad experience. And the answers from customer support are a bad joke either.
SurferDude#83206 commented
Same issue on the feezing almost every game in MacOS
Red/Blue_Wizard#89759 commented
Same problem with freezing and crashing,
Consistently waiting on servers when all other apps will run fine with the internet connection I’m on, I’ve been playing MTG since 95’, this is an awesome game, I wish I could play it
Sean the Bold#28919 commented
I don't see how Wizards of the Coast could let this freezing issue go makes you guys look bad and I'm fed up with your game!
Doodleschmoop#44176 commented
Game gone from hot to freezer, no?
Game freezes every single time I play. No other programs running, brand new computer.
Definition is on low, I've tried so many things to make MTG Arena work.It's costing me gold in drafts because I keep losing games because it freezes, even after restarting everything. It really, really sucks.
Come on Wizards, please fix? I work so hard to earn the gold. Please not let it go to waste. -
darkswordslayer#92650 commented
Having similar performance issues after a couple recent updates when it used to be flawless a month or so ago.
Samsung Galaxy A71 5G
Android 11Please fix this. It's destroying gameplay.
KTBFFH10#47854 commented
Playing on iPhone 8, game began to lag to the point of unplayability. Continued playing despite lag, eventually was given a loss. Opponent may not have experienced same degree of lag.
mattimedes#90483 commented
Same problem as the everyone else in this thread: the game and the entire system UI freeze nearly every day I play. The freeze is often preceded by weird diagonal graphics streaks. Sometimes I can get my laptop to unfreeze by logging in with my phone after a match has frozen. Logging in via my phone cause the macOS client to be logged out, which somehow causes things to unstick.
It only happens during gameplay, and has never happened during draft or deckbuilding.
2019 MacBook Pro, 16-inch
2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
64 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GBI've taken my laptop in to the Apple store twice, thinking it might be a hardware issue. They replaced the full logic board both times but the problem is still happening.
Arena used to run fine on this machine. The problem started occurring around the time of the release of Kaldheim (late January). I was running macOS 10.15 (Catalina) when it first occurred, but there was no change after upgrading to macOS 11 (Big Sur).
IForgot#43087 commented
Stuck with trying to play an island in the middle of a match kinda funny but also very depressing lol.
It sounds like you may need some more troubleshooting advice. Please review our Technical Troubleshooting articles for what advice we have available.
erin#88328 commented
I'm having the same issues as NosajArena#36389 on a new Macbook pro. It used to run fine, now it's become unplayable. I am constantly having to force shut down my entire computer.
spreadingseeds#77382 commented
This happens to me and causes many game losses. The game simply takes longer than is provided with a match long level of extra time provided. Often happens when I have lethal.
So frustrating.
NosajArena#36389 commented
Update: Works great with Nvidia GeForce Now, so that's what I use now. Still unusable on Mac though.
Same here, freezing constantly, sound often continues but the image freezes. Often when card graphics / animations happen after they’re played, but also other times like the vs screen. Lost many games this way with no recourse, some with the win on the board. Fan runs hot and computer shuts down sometimes. I only ever play with MTGA running and nothing else on a new MacBook Pro 2019. These problem never happen to this computer except during MTGA. Seemed to be worse when using an external monitor and larger screen settings, so now I play on a small resolution and screen size and with graphics on low. Wish I could turn off card animations. I often restart my computer between matches with the hope that that will help reduce freezes/crashes.
Very frustrating and embarrassing for Wizards, especially with no response on here. Nobody with a Mac should spend money on this game. I work in tech and I know some crashes in software are unavoidable. But this is table stakes stuff. I hope you apologize and fix these problems.
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
GoldDRoger#46394 commented
same here. Freeze a lot in the middle of the combat
Uroboros_#33765 commented
The game seems to be working (The animations of the cards in foretold are working) but the game stopped completely, my opponent does not interact and I can not even pass the turn or any action. The clock is not ticking.