Your game is full of hackers and modders
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. This game is minimizable and crossplatform meaning people who are playing on pc or phones are using third party apps. No one can prove it and only you can I’m not putting a single cent into this game until it’s fixed. In reality which this is no one is allowed to cheat. So why am I being dealt this problem on a daily basis? In tournaments they would be banned for life for committing to those actions, mind you in reality people do cheat but that is the circumstances they’d be dealt with. You cant say there isn’t cheaters because I’ve been dealt with many different problems that do reoccur. Duplicated cards at hand as soon as the timer fuse runs down even a mm. Cards that could have been played earlier on in the game “but they decided not to” like cmon man. That’s not even the beginning. There are players destroying cards without using destroy card abilities or exile abilities. There are players making me skip my turns without even using time warp cards. There are players cheating you can’t say that doesn’t sound fishy. Because when in reality I could play the same decks as them and I’d never get those kind of hands maybe .0004% of the time I would but it’s not every game like most of these so called “lucky” players get. **** I’ve even come across a couple people using the same deck as me LURRUS companion and using cards that are waaaaaaaaaaay over 2 cmc and bringing them back to the field like cmon if that isn’t enough proof for you to check into the servers and fix the root of everyone’s problem then I’m gonna quit. Well wouldnt that be a waste of 200$ I put into the game just he move an inch up the ladder. Like I know there are a lot of good players out but I could pick and see who the real players are to these cheaters who claim to be “competitive” like the players who actually put a pretty penny into the game. I love this game I’ve played it since I was a kid don’t let these players ruin it for others because I’ve had 4 friends who quit already because of it. And people claim it’s algorithm when clearly it’s not. Those are the very people that claim people aren’t cheating in the game and they say “git gud” like I’m 2-3 weeks into the game I’m new as **** to this app but I put money down to get the cards I need to win the games legitimately. Makes me wonder if half these players who do cheat put anything into the contribution of Mtga growth. I don’t wanna have to deal with this every game. The reason I put this into bugs is because this bugs the **** out of me when I do everything to get to where I am in the games ranking for historic. Oh and for your information lurrus can only be used if people have non land permanent cards that are 2cmc or lower. This alone proves that players are cheating to gain ranks. Please don’t get rid of lurrus either I just spent nearly 200$ to create my lurrus deck.

Dragontails#94922 commented
I do modding but I don't mod games I do modding apps for stuff like vpns and music and plus my other stuff that I have been working on. Like cryptocurrency but there's not much of modding apps with that there's less unless I have looked in the wrong spot. But my MTG Arena isn't modd. It's not that I won't spend a lot of money on games and vpns in which I have but only a little I don't have aot of money I still live with. My parent father passed away so I don't have a dad anymore I'm the oldest and I still get blame for everything and I'm in my 30's plus both of my brother's already moved out. But I do want to tell my story you can even check on my account I didn't mod my MTG Arena app. But I also did find glitchs in the VPN apps some of them do give you free gold in any arena and or online gameing. If the modders would one day think about the subcentes of everything I wouldn't mind just normally well in the future of having money still of actually trying something for free maybe you can do something for the arena not by lowering down the prices seeing they have already made a mistake on it I do have more than one account but I can only get into a couple of them and I'm choosing one to keep. That's because my emails has gotten hacked. My Gmail is my real name is Ember C. McGhee if you want me to finish telling my story let me know. I also have good ideas on mtg arena. You cay do something about the gems they do cost but yeah but people like me don't have aot of money and later I probably won't be able to take anymore. So please get this message comment. Please and thank.
Gradius9989#54610 commented
******* constant cheaters it has to be here like every other ******* online game. Its a ****** nazi company who cant develop a working game for dogshit. I hate wotc more then my ex. They reward the spenders by making them play against **** players to boost their egos. I hope they catch fire and die in their building. The game is nothing but draw all mother ******* land or start with 2 and get none while your stupid **** opponent gets perfect answers and draws to anything you play. RIGGED ******** ********* YOUUUUU NAZI BASTARDS WOTC STOP GIVING THEM YOUR MONEY
Lolesaurio#88389 commented
Este juego está tan plagado de tramposos que van desde los que modifican el juego para que las tierras no aparezcan, hasta los que lo modifican de manera que un solo hechizo o efecto se multiplique más de 10 veces sin maná disponible en juego ni cartas que generen dicha multilicacion,
Les dejo una pequeña lista de usuarios con los que he detectado trampas donde teniendo mazo de solo 60 cartas, no surgen mas de 2 tierras y ellos con mas de 150 cartas, les surgen tierras como si el azar no existiese.
Si se cruzan con estos nombres, concedan inmediatamente, es lo mejor, asi evitaran frustraciones:
Jugadores MTG con los que no te vienen tierras o siempre les vienen las cartas adecuadas por mas que su mazo sea mayo a 150 cartas llegando a las 250 máximas:*SEGUIRÉ AGREGANDO NOMBRES DE JUGADORES A LA LISTA HASTA QUE ME ABURRA DE JUGAR, SI ALGUNO DE USTEDES SE VE EN LA MISMA, LO SIENTO, EL AZAR NUNCA ES 100% NEGATIVO.
Imperator Maximilian utiliza un mod que afecta tus cartas en pleno campo de batalla, inutilizandolas
HemorrhagicPain, afecta tu campo de batalla con sus mods
Goofatronic Maximus
Ikaan Al Shaar
Jerseyhero, mazo de 250 cartas, 6 manos, 1 tierra por mano, solo obtengo 2 en el mazo de 60 cartas.
abt fly
SortinMama de CardSortinMama
Mongo5890, (con un lector de 250 objetos Más que eso Nos reunimos con 60....)
Bogan Ashla, meta modder
Rpgamer97, lo mismo, 250 cartas, 1 tierra por mano, yo 60 cartas y con suerte una tierra cada 3 manos
TuPadreMuah -
Spaccamudande#71699 commented
This game is **** the cheating is embarrassing and I don't know how they do tournaments with money... in my country it would be considered gambling.
It also happens to me and other players to see cards that are duplicated, mana that isn't spent, turns passed before I even finish playing my hand, it's total disgusting. The good thing is that it would be simple to solve it as long as they decide to play it on the server side and not the client side, but if they don't do it it makes me think that they are the ones selling the cheats, I've never seen so much dishonesty as in this game. -
Mythos2010#56252 commented
This guy adds one power to his or her attacking creatures, where there is no enchantments or ability thats giving its plus 1 attack power. this game is design to make us smarter by thinking, and know its now making us stupid. fighting a loosing battle with a cheater
MasterMarz#87476 commented
I second this. I literally ran into an account called draft_account_4 with a broken deck and i just got aggro killed, with him having perfect removal for everything i played. I got stuck with a land flood in addition to this and it cost me my last loss in a quick draft. And this happens way too often. I get weird accounts just sweeping with god decks, but i get random **** like simulacrum and garbage rares
oohh lala#16762 commented
@banjoto#04486 @banjito#04486. No Actually letting you know that you don't read. The picture provided is description of the blue border lining that prevents a player from suing the card for any reason.
He also stated that those lands circled are not playable, there is nothing on field or in the game existence that does not let him use the cards. Also he had those vaults out both by turn 3 which means he had more than enough time to activate them and could not even then. Regardless to what you seen on the field your taking it as that is the main reason, but that is not the case at all. Regardless of yasharn the fact that he could not play those lands are odd enough, also your not considering the odds he is facing, the opponent has exactly cards to counter act and all rare cards in their disposal. He has proof enough and I believe his words as well as i encountered the same thing. Why come to a post about cheating and mods just to down it and say it's not cheating, can't think of anyone on the planet besides cheaters trying to save face or encourage others to humor your mods. Who does that? save your debate for your diary or your social media, why come to a post that supports this idea and try to debunk them? cool but read what they are telling you correctly first! denial andy
Mordrid#17167 commented
I had a Helm of the Host equipped to my Serra’s Emissary, and created two copies. The copies never got haste on the turn they came out. Then, the opponent taps mana, but casts no spell to unequip my helm, and for the entire game I can’t re-equip it. Then, out of a 250 card deck, he manages to pull a removal spell, which I counter with hexproof instant (Loran’s Escape). Next turn he pulls another destroy spell, I used my instant to give indestructible. I draw another Loran’s escape, and he draws another removal spell, which I counter. And again for the four turn, a removal, again got countered. Finally on fifth turn, he got a board wipe, but his creatures don’t die? He has nothing to prevent this. I tried submitting the full video to WotC, but every time I report a “bug” it auto forwards me to FAQ. I have to stop loading page once I click the report a bug option, and then I enter the information, but it wont let me upload the video, even when I cut it down to just the board wipe.
I tried pulling data logs, but it wouldn’t let me save them… convenient.
I am recording EVERY game I play now for proof.
I have even tried uploading the video here and it won’t let me… Again, convenient
banjito#04486 commented
@g_sniper sorry man no cheating there either, the spell you are trying to cast is a legendary spell. Which requires you control a legendary creature or planeswalker. Which you don’t.
banjito#04486 commented
@jaywaldthen#48560 just letting you know man they weren’t cheating in that instance. You can see they have yasharn in play and that cards text reads “players can’t pay life or sacrifice nonland permanents”. Don’t get me wrong this game ******* cheats, but this doesn’t prove it.
Shinyoka#86660 commented
There were a few instances that I thought it was just luck or mobile has serious server connection issues. It often happened when I use the Android version, where my game has Server connection issues, close game and come back literally in like 30 seconds and I've lost 3 turns already or suddenly player was tapped out of mana and when I come back my board is wiped clean and everything in graveyard or exiled.
Until recent, I was showing someone how a certain card works but I didn't cast it that turn, Person literally pointed out that my card just turned into a Land, and the player didn't cast any card that cause me to discard it or change it.
I do believe there are some manipulations happening, but I'm still leaning towards coincidence on most of them, definitely that card changing one convinced me enough
joywaldthen#48560 commented
Agree Completely below you see that I can't pop my celestial vault, they knew i would have the creature advantage and despite me having 2 down they prevented me from choosing the other option and notice d big borders on the cards being highlighted. Name was in all caps and tried to ruin my weekend but in fact it made my weekend so much better, and I played on another account with a VPN so that way we would not match again. Also changed deck colors seeing that it will pair you up again with that person no matter the VPN. But now these people are creating bots to specifically match with you no matter when you log on like a planned appointment _ purpose of VPN. Never put it passed anyone
Ever play against someone and win and then the next match up was instant, and the name of the person was some type of troll or call out to you from the previous match?? yes its possible, alwasys look at the deck to see the sleeves and how the bot just insta created a deck to get back at you for the win, So i conceded that match before it even started, next thing i knew they kept matching with me with different account names but all similar the nemesis that was cheating earlier, Yes players can latch on to your server, dox you and find info and instantly create a bot account named after your doxed info or stuff to troll, Example my buddy had his dad pass away from chemo and cancer, and when he beat this one cheater the next match up was (chemo) and after that the next player name was (cancer dad) See the internet was still in his dads name and that info was available to the Opponent that stalled the match to buy time to Dox modd or hack whatever you want to call it.
These may seem like a long stretch to some, But true MTG people know when the deck randomizer is being manipulated and hacking is going on. WHen you look at the Reddit on it and other post about peoples curious thoughts and feelings of suspicion just like so, Someone (98%) of the time will say no and that its not possible and who cares and who would waste their time. That is the moment of failure to and WAY to comfortable and think nothing in life can happen for any reason and leads me to beileve they are indeeed those cheaters as well.
It seems the actual real players complain about it all and the
cheaters say nothing is wrong religiously and finally the loopholes of uhhh if mtg don't catch or allows it then its ok lol... Exploiting that MTG Arena don't care about the situation.Sadly, Mtg is going to lose people, have you already noticed no real players anymore?
it's because it is dying in popularity as the real players are hitting a brick wall of cheaters.
Yes, we all know people cheat in all games, but it's no as much as MTG ARENA, it's as bad as Call of duty.why do they do it? I would be salty too if I had no life and no gf and nothing better to do and can't win naturally at anything creating this endless loop to feel the need to cheat and that maybe someday I can look the other way and think i won naturally, but sit with the legit feeling of never winning the right way or naturally would eventually shine on that person and how far they have progressed in life off of lies and take it to the coffin with them. Sad way to go out, knowing you always been a cheater and no trophy of achieving anything.
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G_Sniper#50181 commented
He's got jaded sellsword and tergrids lantern neither which prevent me from casting this spell
G_Sniper#50181 commented
Ss 2
G_Sniper#50181 commented
Here you go. Proof the game cheats you out of winsjust because it has to maintain a win ratio..
I have a few legendaries in my graveyard, captain, helm of host, sarahs wings, circle of loyalty. All tools to give me life gain haste first strike etc.
In the pictures below you can CLEARLY see I've got more than enough mana and the turn is currently on the phase before declaring attackers on my turn so I should be able to cast prime-evils glorious rebirth causing every legendary to return to the board, which would allow me the win.
Especially since I've kept being red agro damaged this whole game and I've clearly got legendaries in my graveyard.
Oh would you look at that, no blue border around the card. No matter what I do on my turn to cast the spells and the opponent doesn't have a card to prevent me from casting spells and they didn't cast anything too prevent me this turn.
It just won't cast, hmmm.. interesting. It's like I'm required to lose no matter what?
G_Sniper#50181 commented
The game isn't designed to be fair, it's not even designed to be normal. It's quite literally designed like a slot machine.
It's a video game version to keep people playing and become addicted so you spend money on it, hoping to win. They design this game to maximize you spending money. And you can bet your sweet cheeks it's revolved around making you feel like you have to spend real cash to compete.
Anyone with a brain who is intelligent understands the best way to beat these cretins of disgraceful greedy human beings at WOTC is don't play. Don't spend a dime, or even play. PERIOD!
Because they don't care if you as a single person don't spend a dime. Because you'll be the meat to feed into their "whale" purchasers on their digital slot machine they've created to cash cow stupid people out of their hard earned money.
Their whales drop lots of cash, and you end up being the loser who gives their customers the few wins they need to keep those walking derp wallets coming back and spending more.
Stick to paper magic, get some friends to play with. They can't rig that like a slot machine at least, and you can have REAL fun doing it because you aren't being manipulated to part ways with more cash by forcing wins and losses.
And come on WOTC, you really think intelligent people don't know you are manipulating every aspect to maximize purchases in your micro-transaction gambling store?
ViridisMonk#70759 commented
Absolutely agree. Just played a game where I had 1 Etching of Kumano and 1 squee dubious monarch(just played). They had 1 creature that had made a blood token last turn. I prepare for attack, I play Archon's glory on Squee sacrificing Kumano. He sacrifices a blood token to draw a card. Arcon's glory doesn't go off. not a counter spell, negate ability, nothing, it just doesn't go off. So Squee dies to his 1 creature somehow (Squee was supposed to have flying and lifelink). I was supposed to do 4 damage to his face and gain 4 life.
Intoxable#90896 commented
COME SUBSCRIBE TO ME GUYS, I'm building a case against Arena, because its obvious cheating, I have so much proof in my videos and pics.
Intoxable#90896 commented
I've also noticed more lately someone will be sitting there, for 20-30 seconds, and keep looking at their cards and their hands then magically after 30 seconds they have a card they need or a kill spell. I would not put it past mod cheats or Wizards paying employees to cheat to force people into more spending, now that one I'm less likely to believe because a whistle blower would end them.