Your game is full of hackers and modders
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. This game is minimizable and crossplatform meaning people who are playing on pc or phones are using third party apps. No one can prove it and only you can I’m not putting a single cent into this game until it’s fixed. In reality which this is no one is allowed to cheat. So why am I being dealt this problem on a daily basis? In tournaments they would be banned for life for committing to those actions, mind you in reality people do cheat but that is the circumstances they’d be dealt with. You cant say there isn’t cheaters because I’ve been dealt with many different problems that do reoccur. Duplicated cards at hand as soon as the timer fuse runs down even a mm. Cards that could have been played earlier on in the game “but they decided not to” like cmon man. That’s not even the beginning. There are players destroying cards without using destroy card abilities or exile abilities. There are players making me skip my turns without even using time warp cards. There are players cheating you can’t say that doesn’t sound fishy. Because when in reality I could play the same decks as them and I’d never get those kind of hands maybe .0004% of the time I would but it’s not every game like most of these so called “lucky” players get. **** I’ve even come across a couple people using the same deck as me LURRUS companion and using cards that are waaaaaaaaaaay over 2 cmc and bringing them back to the field like cmon if that isn’t enough proof for you to check into the servers and fix the root of everyone’s problem then I’m gonna quit. Well wouldnt that be a waste of 200$ I put into the game just he move an inch up the ladder. Like I know there are a lot of good players out but I could pick and see who the real players are to these cheaters who claim to be “competitive” like the players who actually put a pretty penny into the game. I love this game I’ve played it since I was a kid don’t let these players ruin it for others because I’ve had 4 friends who quit already because of it. And people claim it’s algorithm when clearly it’s not. Those are the very people that claim people aren’t cheating in the game and they say “git gud” like I’m 2-3 weeks into the game I’m new as **** to this app but I put money down to get the cards I need to win the games legitimately. Makes me wonder if half these players who do cheat put anything into the contribution of Mtga growth. I don’t wanna have to deal with this every game. The reason I put this into bugs is because this bugs the **** out of me when I do everything to get to where I am in the games ranking for historic. Oh and for your information lurrus can only be used if people have non land permanent cards that are 2cmc or lower. This alone proves that players are cheating to gain ranks. Please don’t get rid of lurrus either I just spent nearly 200$ to create my lurrus deck.

Manimal#67771 commented
I've been seeing. Lot more blatant cheating lately. Before it was more like hmm he takes super long to get just the right card multiple times kinda cheating. But now it's 4 turns Somehow get 9 mana or putting a card down without the right amount of mana. It's kinda ridiculous.
Hawk3015#56213 commented
I just had my first obvious cheater. His name was WALDO.
With no mana bonus, he puts down Howlpack Piper with only 3 mana available to him. I play a spell on my turn to maintain "Day". At the end of my turn it suddenly becomes night, the Piper transforms, and he's able to toss Ojer Taq on the table for free.
On his 4th turn he casts Furnace Host Charger (a 6 cost, while he has only 4 mana). I'm still frantically searching for what triggered night (confirm that nothing did, and spells were played by both sides every turn). He attacks with all 3 creatures, and I have only 6 health left.
I choose to block and kill all but the Charger, which should leave me 1 life and leave him only the charger and 4 lands on the table. The charger somehow reduces my health to 0. I lose.
Again, there are NO modifiers in play for any of the 4 turns the game lasted. I only wish I had recorded it. -
SKU77-K1D#51401 commented
Played 3 matches tonight with cheaters. Server lags are a tell tale sign. First match on turn 3 , had a 22 moss pit skeleton played on turn 2 buffed to 33 by 22 death baron . Dude plays spitful banditry for 3 itsa 2 red x meaning he could only do 1 damage to each creature. Some how it clears my board? Ive had cards appearing on the battlefeild played for no mana.ect. it always tied with cards that seem to be tweaked as well like the example above. At least make reporting easier and add a record match button for mobil.
failnation#65496 commented
XxBlixX is one of them. Reported.
Casina il grande is another. Reported. -
VoiD#89909 commented
In MTG sactioned tourments there are many cases of cheaters what more to an Online game where there are no Judges keeping an eye on the game. Play it for free and only spend on the real cards for a real game of magic. Your time wasted playing the game is already a steep price you pay.
seer#04482 commented
I come across it in casual play but its much more annoying in the the supposedly serious game matches that require gold investments.
Cards without vigilance playing as though it had vigilance,
Cards coming into play without haste and playing as though they have haste. -
JuzamDjinn#23862 commented
i faced opponents which are switching cards in their hands to get the perfect card to shut your deck or majority of making their totaly unexpected move to happend i experienced this more then 5 times in MTG arena in timeless also in historic. today the 22 of january i faced an opponent which name is "island#76692" he is the first i can mention here as a suspect of major cheater.
DaveG1313#49094 commented
i dont like the fact that i will be playing someone, beating them pretty soundly, next thing you know they are letting their timer run as though they had quit, only to show back up at the last second and play all the cards they needed to win, if thats not a dead give away that people are hacking into the system to pull the cards they need, i think its why their timer runs down as its taking them that long to get into the programming and change the cards currently in their hand
RyuuRage#14731 commented
Most anecdotes of “cheating” on here are people who don’t understand how to play the game.
RyuuRage#14731 commented
@Shan#16385 well Illunia only looks for permanents, so maybe Omniscience was the only other permanent in their deck? It’s not that hard to understand.
RyuuRage#14731 commented
@Gradius9989#54610 if you close the game and re open it that should be fixed.
RyuuRage#14731 commented
@SpartanHonor559#36355 He has two creatures that lower equip costs. THAT is why he could equip without mana.
SpartanHonor559#36355 commented
Here is a prime example. This entire game, I couldn't get one extra land out. Yet he was able to get all of this out and 2 of the equipments attached to the one creature cost 2 mana to attach to target creature. They were on another creature and I destroyed that creature. So he had to pay them to get them on the creature they were on. However previously he had played 3 creatures and used all of his mana. So he had none left. How did he manage to spend 4 mana he didn't have to attach equipment to a creature?
And another one. So in the opening hand, you're going to tell me he got out Grima Wormtongue, Shalai Voice of Plenty, Sheoldred to destroy my one creature I had out and then a card to take that one creature and give it to himself and all in only 4 turns of the game. And he's not cheating?
SpartanHonor559#36355 commented
I too can confirm there are many people using a cheat mod system. 99.9% of the time you can tell because they delay the start of the game. I've had games where my deck is literally 70% lands and in those games I draw nothing but creatures and then in other games I only have about 30% lands and I draw nothing but lands. WotC isn't doing anything about it as I have reported multiple people. One guy I have played 3 times. All 3 times he used the same deck and played the exact same cards. Interesting how you play the exact same cards, every single time. I just played a guy that played some lands and I had him down to 8 life. He played a Millenium Counter card which doesn't do anything except double the amount of millenium counters on that card until it gets to 1000. That's it. Nothing for planeswalkers or creatures. Then he played 2 planeswalkers cards and they both came out with 12 loyalty counters on them and they come standard with 5. Amazing how that happens. Then he had nothing giving any of his creatures +1/+1 counters. NOTHING. Yet the ability of the one planeswalker let him create 5 4/4 white angel creature tokens. Ok, no problem. He used it and it created 10 and they were all 30/30.
Another good example, I played my deck of 230 cards. it has 70 lands. I started my game with 2 lands, 2 creatures and 3 enchantment cards. For the next 9 turns, I drew nothing but lands, he had kill cards to destroy both my creatures and then he magically got out an hourglass coven and 2 savage gorgers. I used my 2 enchantments on the savage gorger and the hourglass coven, but the damage was done. I had nothing.
The other way of cheating is exploits. Exploiting is a way of cheating. It is stated in the rules of MTG and looping is specifically stated as not allowed. So people playing marauding blight priest and then exquisite blood with another card (can't remember the name) card are looping an infinite effect where When they gain life, target opponent loses a life and when an opponent loses life, you gain that much life. That's called looping for you cheaters and it is cheating.
Again with looping, using Peregrin took, Experimental Confectioner and Witch's Oven to create an infinite number of 1/1 rats. Literally you sacrifice 3 food tokens and create 3 1/1 rat tokens. Then for every creature entering the battlefield, they create 1 food token. So it's literally sacrifice 3 food, create 3 1/1 rats, create 3 food tokens and repeat. That's looping.
Using the one card, (Can't remember the name again) to untap all tapped permanents you control whenever you cast a spell and then playing a ton of blue cards to draw almost your entire deck, so you have infinite mana and an infinite number of cards to play, is cheating.
I reported a player for cheating and here is the awesome message I got back from Wotc:
Thank you for contacting Wizards of the Coast Customer Service. I'm very sorry to hear that you've had some undesirable results while playing MTG Arena. I assure you that our algorithms, including matchmaking, the shuffler, coin flips, and others, have been tested at length and are working as intended. All players are on the same playing field using the exact same rules.
I do, however, want to thank you for your concern and feedback on this matter. It is particularly important to our company that your voice is heard, and we will take it into consideration as we strive to build a better experience for you.
I’ll be glad to help you further if you have any other questions or concerns!
Wizards of the Coast | Customer Service RepresentativeFrom that alone I can say WotC is making plenty of money off this game and doesn't care how many people are cheating.
llong468#27934 commented
He55e#36161 is a cheater.
stephanie glinski#33399 commented
I too can say as a newer player i am displeased with the game over all being paired to unwinniable matchs everytime I go to play a match as a newer player i also feel the Eco of the game is not where it should be i live on a fixed income and can't spend real money on games like this but again i wont because of how unfair it is for me I feel changes over all are needed for us newer players perhaps why not add a story mode like yall did with the client on xbox 360 many years ago i feel that whould be way more newplayer friendly then shoving them in to pvp with no chance of getting winning matchs such a joke of a game it is in this current state
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Waddzilla#93798 commented
I just had someone use demonic tutor against me in a ranked historic match... the card is banned in that format supposedly.
Gradius9989#54610 commented
Being killed by a FKN DREADHORDE COMMAND. Its NOT A CREATURE. Hackers all the time and bad matchmaking. I couldnt remove or kill it
Tullros#40426 commented
I can confirm this, and its getting worse. And I don’t mean statistical anomalies, I am talking about blatant violations. I am having to rope out of matches (because I am highly ******) when this happens, and it’s happening 1-2x a week. I have been playing since Arabian Knights, so I know the rules, and four of the same legendries on the table with no mirror box or anything, and no attack phase for me is definitely a cheat. Also in IT, so guarantee my devices are clean (and it happens randomly on all of them). I have tried to report a bug, but rather than just take the data I want to give them I get redirected to a website, where I have to answer a bunch of dropdowns and questions, even though I was linked over with the "Report a Bug" link. The architecture of the "Help" and "Customer Support" functions at both WoTC and Hasbro lead me to believe that they WANT to be hard to contact. This product and company has really gone downhill. I have already sold of a large portion of my cardboard, and was hoping for Arena to become my new hobby. It is not to be so, as the rampant in game cheating and lack of oversight, by an organization that obviously just wants my money and doesn't care about what they deliver in return is not for me. Very sad. Not giving any more money to ANY of Hasboro's divisions. So disappointing to watch a Pioneer in the gaming world, destroy so many good games. MTG is not the only thing you guys screwed up. Replace your visionaries, they are failing. Gonna try one more time to report a cheater via the website when it happens....but since the process to get in is such a PIA, I will probably walk away from the game and company for good next time it happens. Get it together. Here is a reddit about it, and I believe the commenter who talks about how easy it is.