Draft Token
No draft token after purchasing the mastery pass

Opalia#20608 commented
yuna0521#54224 commented
Corotinho#40161 commented
DEMAND refund or seek legal counsel.
Monarch Of Red#95234 commented
algae85#94010 commented
My draft token is missing too.
I bought mastery after the last major patch where historic jumpstart were added and token was not there which was an acknowledged bug.
After the patch yesterday the draft token is still unavailable
Luc_27400#59990 commented
blindmetal#55202 commented
Happened to me on the 24th of August and still got no token from the AFR Mastery Pass
Alumnis#48641 commented
Same here
nekonekokoneko#62600 commented
same here.
Beksinski#84172 commented
Yes, same here.
Playerseater#31253 commented
Same here, all rewards but no draft token !
NatchY#97398 commented
Same here, bought the MP at level 52 and no draft token
Othlen#28515 commented
I ve Reached 15th level of mastery pass and i hai buyed mastery pass but system di not give me the free draft coin.
Altair Charmwell#59546 commented
Hi, I just purchased the Mastery Pass and I haven't been given the draft token. Please help!
Screeonk#60454 commented
I purchased a mastery pass with gems, and did not recieve my draft token even though i was high enough level to recieve it
icr#21315 commented
Same here
Carakino#56039 commented
Same here, bought the MP at level 73 and received all rewards except the draft token
ktll4c91#57957 commented
bought the mastery pass at level 75. no draft token ktll4c91#57957
Caveira#30190 commented
Missing draft token, “Caveira” #30190
Corotinho#40161 commented
I hope all of you didn't spend money on this sham and just bought it with gems acquired in-game, but you did actually spend money you should seek compensation asap. I didn't and I will, if it's not fixed by Innistrad.