No mastery pass rewards past level 80
The mastery pass rewards are bugged past level 80, where one should get an uncommon each level. I am at 87 currently, and didn't get anything for the last few levels.

Max#40401 commented
mtg arena does not deliver the rare card rewards from the mastery pass above level 80. The company is owing me more than 20 cards in this regard in two different accounts.
Mithridates#57873 commented
Lvl 90 and no reward. The same happened in LoTR Mastery
robtam#83325 commented
This appears to be the case once again.
Alpaca_Witch#04656 commented
I have the same issue.
I got lvl 80 but I have no notification that I got the reward it either wasnt shown in my card collection. -
leste_gr#75949 commented
Same issue here. I submitted a ticket as suggested.
Boa Constrictor#85096 commented
Same here.
babycol123#89185 commented
Having the same issue, but last month I did not have this problem - got the card reward every level. At 87 now, nothing since 80.
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'General Questions'.
Werk#05641 commented
Hi, same problem level 63, I didn't receive a mythic card. It wasn't display, then I checked my collection and there wasn't any "New" mythic card
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'General Questions'.
Karnakoss#19171 commented
Same problem here.
Reach lvl 86. Didn't receive the mythic rare on lvl 80 nor the unco in the next levels.
No1Complainer#39644 commented
I am having the same problem, but I am at level 84. I know when details first came for this Mastery Pass, it said level 90+. Maybe it is programmed to only give rewards past that, despite saying in game for level 80. If that is the case, really bad we get ZERO rewards from level 80 to 90.