Card stuck on stack
Often Cards stay in the Stack when a short disconnection happens in the mobile app. This bug made me lose a lot of games in the last weeks.
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Hiskett#36976 commented
During a game, the screen turned dark and 'waiting for server' appeared with a spinning circle, however the game continued to play as normal in the background (with opponent making actions and then my cards highlighting when priority passed to me). After timing out on my opponents turn, it passed to my turn and my hand became highlighted, and the 'End Turn button appeared, however the screen was still dark with 'Waiting for Server and I was unable to click on anything. I closed the program and restarted. By the time I got back in it was my opponents turn and after they finished their turn priority passed back to me. I attempted to cast 2 spells. The first one (Ichor Drinker) went on the stack and remained there without hitting the battlefield. I was unable to take any other actions and watched as my timer burned down. Eventually the cards in my hand became highlighted again and I was able to attempt to cast a second spell (Flitting Geurilla). This spell appeared to go onto the stack above Ichor Drinker, but then immediately came off the stack and onto the battlefield. I was not able to interact with the Ichor Drinker on the stack at all and my timer ran out. The Ichor Drinker remained on the stack for the rest of the game, screenshot attached showing the Ichor Drinker on the stack during my opponents turn.
ZachCarr#31881 commented
I attempted to cast sever the bloodline (sorcery) as the rope was burning (main phase 1), however the spell got stuck on the stack and was never cast. I was instead moved to combat. For the remaining of the game I was unable to cast the spell. Game was a SIR premium draft played on iOS. Resulted in an unplayable game as I effectively mulligan and the spell blocked half of the screen.
I did not find a work around to fix this while in game.
MajorDanger#74518 commented
During 3rd turn there was untapped blue mana and I debated casting Rhuk vs Sword of Forge and Frontier as I didn't want either to be countered.
First and only extra timer started.
Decided that Rhuk would be best option and cast it. Immediately switched to opponents turn and Rhuk stayed on the *stack. -
YelloBird#39599 commented
Same here, happens quite a lot.
I cast the card "Raven Wings" in an early turn of the game, but it never left the stack. It just stayed there for the rest of the game, not appearing on the battlefield or in my hand. Just stuck on the stack forever. Seems to be a visual bug on mobile.
Metal Prime#13509 commented
I was playing a game, when I get disconnected an I lost a card, I was frustrated, and I assume the game will be draw but not just my card will be in the stack the rest of the draw.
Urza#64610 commented
1. MTGA on Android. Playing Quick Draft.
2. Game 2 / Turn 3: Playing a spell in 2nd main, no combat but added ad phase stop.
3.Spell goes on Stack as per animation.
4. No lands tapped /mana paid. Spell stays on stack as per visual, however the stack coint stays 0. Spell does not resolve.
5. Game moves on with the spell inaccessible as if it doesnt exist.
6. Lost game because of this issue. Would like a refund of draft entry. -
Raiven#84358 commented
The card has frozen in the middle of the screen and won't let me use it
LastLifeSyndrome#98040 commented
Currently if you attempt to cast a card and the game loses connection the card is stuck "on the stack" but the stack is empty. Your lands never tapped for mana and the card is visible but not accessible.
metal_slime#17340 commented
Have had issue come up during multiple games. Log attached.
cathartist#83487 commented
Device: iPhone 11
Format: Sealed Dominaria
Estimated Loss:
gems to play =$10 US
Time building deck and climbing ladder =priceless
Reputation amongst peers = tarnishedSame here. Attempted to play "Krosan Druid” and the exact thing happened. I was intending to pay kicker cost for the 10 life but instead I poked the card feverishly to no avail while my opponent finished me off and was showered with gifts and physical favors from his sea of cheering female supporters, presumably.
Xitec#80013 commented
Same here happens on IOS (iPad Pro) I think this issue is always caused when there is a slight delay in my internet connection. I assume the app try’s to trigger the code for playing the card but then get’s interrupted by the network and then the code is not furthermore processed, the card is in the system still in hand but for you it is not, hence you can’t do anything else anymore. Only way to solve this is by completely shutting down the app and then reconnecting. This often resulted for me in at least loosing 1 turn due to the timeout till reconnection or often results in loosing the game due to that because it gives the opponent a massive advantage if you can’t proceed with what you want to do. Especially impacts the early / late game play where everything is highly impacting on the whole game. No fun at all especially in playing ranked or some paid event. I can’t risk playing any paid event because of this **** issue. Happens at least multiple times within a week if you play a lot on the go.
kingaqua#74254 commented
I have the same issue with Dig Up. It has happened twice. Cast the spell, and get prompted with Waiting for server, then when the game returns, the spell is on the stack, out of your hand, not resolving and game continues. Both cases I lost the match.
mananabanana#42361 commented
I cast a Werewolf Pack Leader on my turn. Waiting For Server popped up and game stalled. When game resumed, Werewolf Pack Leader remained unresolved on stack, where it remained until the end of the game. Gameplay functioned normally besides. Not a big deal, just letting you know in case it contributes useful data toward fixes. Thanks for the great free app and game, I love it.
madphoenix#28911 commented
I had this happen in two consecutive games. The first game, I played a land, "wait for server" appeared, and then the land was not in play or in my hand. The game below (with pictures), I cast a blood artist and it just stayed on the stack and never resolved throughout the rest of the game.
mini pie#51763 commented
Had the same thing happen, then it timed me out and cast the spell but i didn't get to see the scry 2 cards.. Second time this has happened and cost me the match.
SlycerX#88830 commented
Same thing happened for me after a short disconnection. Card on stack and when I reconnected, none of the lands got tapped, card stuck on stack and it's basically a completely lost card. The card will remain visible on stack for the remainder of game.
Solomon3_1#21936 commented
I had the same happen. There was a server disconnect when I played it. I had a solid wifi connection, so I’m not sure why. The card remained visible and never resolved.
Eyam#20403 commented
My spell "sacred fire" was cast, then "wait for server" appeared. The spell stayed on the stack but was never cast. I could not play it from graveyard either.
Thank you -
Mistal#00555 commented
Had the same issues tonight. Even though it’s blue, it wasn’t clickable.