Algorithm Improvement
I'm sure you're getting a lot of complaints about how one-sided your algorithm is not being impartial and often times screwing over players with land draws that should not be happening in a purely random sample - so my complaint can be added to that pile.
But, an idea for changing the algorithm to improve randomization would be having the program assign a number to each card remaining in a deck and pile shuffling the cards into X amount of piles (let's say 6). It can repeat this process Y amount of times then take the middle of the pile and put those cards on top. A better template would be from the card shuffler for poker sets from stores.
Sagat#53343 commented
fix the shuffler
AWM434#12082 commented
Wizards. Stop groveling to the almighty dollar. Manipulating the randomizer and matchup in hoping that some one rage buys more of your ****** product is disgusting. Your track record is not so good. Bank of America finally sees it, and they don't give a **** about customers. but they do see terrible business practices. How about no manipulation what so ever and be happy with a few billion dollars less in profit or next thing I read in the news is how Hasbro dumps you cancerous *** to save their own. You have destroyed this beautiful game with your greed. By the way MTG employees, you should of did a little solidarity back when this cancer started to spread, but you sold out to the old mighty dollar like your heartless overlords. Hope you are happy with the outcome and potential unemployment as they do massive layoffs to save their own sorry *****. By the way, all of us costumers feel the same way, many are just fearful that you will retaliate with banning their accounts.
NIBOSHI#50407 commented
Even if it is for monetization, I still don't think this shuffle algorithm is a good idea. In fact, I have been playing for a few months and have not paid much money, but I am already losing interest in paying more money for this game. I don't think a game that can't attract money from users in the long run can be successful. As long as the algorithm is bad, I would not recommend this game to my friends.
Elyod#62244 commented
Make everything about Arena random. The draws, the matchups and whatever else you manipulate. I wish I never spent money in this communist program. I love MTG, a game that me and my friends have enjoyed for over a decade and this single program make me hate Wizards. I wish I continued to play on MTGO, where when I win or lose I know it wasn't due to some algorithms.
SirDiesel#16569 commented
Not an idea. I've been playing paper MTG for many years and work in data and statistics for a living. Over the last couple of months, the number of times that I have lost Premier Draft games due to drawing too many lands or too few lands has increased dramatically. The draws for Brawl seem appropriately statistically correct, but the draws for Premier Draft are not functioning properly. At this point I have decided that I am done paying for any product on Arena because there is no point in drafting if there is no chance to win. I have a strong suspicion that there is AI on the backend that already puts a finger on the "draw scales" to attempt to most encourage players to pay for more drafts, but this is now ridiculous. I don't care whether you fix it or not but thought you should know that at least one player's spending drop is due to this.
(If you check all of my Premier Draft game history over the last month you'll see that I have run experiments such as running extra nonland cards with the same number of lands and still losing multiple games in a row to mana flooding. Your algorithms are off.)
PerkyDong#92692 commented
This games is not a fun experience and I personally doubt it will get any better. The shuffler algorithm is suspect and matchmaking is just useless. There are so many examples that I find it redundant to repeat them. This is not a bug it's a feature so if you are going to play you have to accept this and realize that you are going to be screwed over time and again.
To me a big part of the experience is to keep your win rate somewhere close to 50%. I have experienced 7 game win streaks followed by 10 losses. What gets to me and it has been mentioned in this thread is how you lose the game. Mana can be a very obvious indicator of how the game is "working". You have a multicolor long game strategy, mana drops will be infrequent while your chosen opponent is mono red and through no fault of your own you just get wiped out. Next match mono black very similar. Finally you get to play against another multicolor and your opponent only has 2 lands by turn 4 and you wipe them out. Rinse and repeat ...
At the end of the day it is about income and there will be more monetization coming soon. These developers are beholden to the corporation and Hasbro has to increase revenue so I don't see this getting any better. Unfortunately I fell for it and have spent quite a bit of money over the years. Remember in MTGA you own nothing. Does MTGO still do redemption sets?
NIBOSHI#50407 commented
Why do not the mtg arena developers fix the shuffling algorithm? I really think the bad shuffle algorithm is a bug that should be fixed with the highest priority. Even if a new card set is implemented, I am not interested in buying them unless the shuffling algorithm is fixed.
JaxMugen8#86810 commented
In best of one formats, the chance of winning is heavily skewed towards the player going first. It's not as bad in best of 3 as sideboard play can greatly impact matches, but in best of one, the extra tempo the first player gets from being a turn ahead will often lead to them winning "by a single turn".
Can *something* be done to help with this? I'm not sure what exactly - lots of balancing issues would need to be considered - but it'd likely have to be something to help counteract the tempo that player 1 gets.
GhostFlameZz#66071 commented
Three events in a row 0/3 (Two sealed events and one draft) because of mana screwed, (ALL 9 MATCHES in a row, I LOST MY HEAD in disbelief).
It’s not my fault you make me automatically lose because your RNG feels EFF this guy no lands for you.
Now I’m out 5500 gems of entries and you now have a very upset customer.
I’m fine losing if it’s because hey yeah I lost to the better player. BUT LOSING BECAUSE YOUR RNG IS SO TERRIBLE and pathetic is not my fault.
Either refund me my gems now or lose my business for good.
フロスト#26645 commented
Morgon#62421 commented
The shuffler has been broken since the game's inception. There's no possible way, especially in a digital game, that one would draw ALL or NO mana.
Therefore, the first Mulligan must be made free to offset the awful, long-standing issues.
Future Royalty#66811 commented
I don't think they look at these treads or care to be honest. Magic's software has been around a long time with coders coming in and out of their offices for a long time.
With each new online type based on their game, they have had many opportunities to correct Magic's template and they keep messing it up. Any card draw algorithm should be based on blank should always be blank in its card rng pulls. That is basic 101, it should not favor either side, but clearly its not. Testing the algorithm is not hard to do. I have had games with 30 lands, simple to test the land draw and have gone games were I was at 2 mana thru 8 turns, not mathematically possible, or where I have 40 creatures and not drawn any for 6 turns. What this tells me is that the coding has other factors in its base format. They could have for example rarity of the cards or the additional coding affects that base algorithm or complex combination coding on card effects that is conflicting with the deck draw mechanic. The game has this issue in all its formats and I think they simply do not care or its not coded right. There are more interested in flooding new card creations to make profit whether the cards are overpowered on not using analysis numbers to determine a cards effect by usage and simply do maintenance to clean up registries, and correct simple bugs.
This is why many quit the game. Think of it this way, Magic started in colleges, in schools, where experienced players taught the game, handing out samples and making the experience playing the game more novice and innocent. That attracted sales. MTG online formats throw you to the wolves, because the parents are the targets of their sales. There is no place for young inexperienced players to learn, they simple copy and paste established decks from content creators. This RNG deck coding is one of the worst I have ever seen. I doubt they correct it. -
Vyrachiel#68850 commented
Every single deck I create, whether one color, two, three, five even. Don't know what the point is when the game magically finds a complete counter/anti deck to whatever I'm deciding to throw together at a futile attempt to make some wins happen. This is literally impossible to play. I wish this was a joke but believe me when I say it isn't. Been playing since MTGA released. This has been consistent and constant. I literally CANNOT make a deck of ANYTHING and expect random matchups. I will ONLY face decks that have a complete array of cards TAILOR SUITED to forcing me to lose. Also yes, the mana curve BS that apparently never afflicts my opponents, only me. So sick of this complete dumpster fire of a card game. Deleting it. ********* WotC.
PuppetSoul#10794 commented
Random customer support rep funneled my complaint into "Algorithm Improvement" when my complaint is that the algorithm is working as intended: I was handed multiple mandatory losses because the game director doesn't want people going infinite in draft events.
Martin Denis#73610 commented
hay un error en el shuffle del MTG ARENA que es cada vez peor.
hace días que solo robo las tierras del mazo, en cualquier formato.
soy jugador de magic de verdad y esto no es posible a este nivel.
MTG Arena esta muy mal programado no dan las posibilidades de robar solo tierras en los mazos. -
PuppetSoul#10794 commented
Odds of missing the land drop for 8 cards in game 1: 0.009%
Odds of missing the land drop for 12 cards in game 2: 0.00036%
Odds of this happening in back to back games: 0.00000324%
PuppetSoul#10794 commented
Ended the event 1-1 with two mandatory losses. Very cool game.
PuppetSoul#10794 commented
Ten missed land drops loses that game.
PuppetSoul#10794 commented
Nine missed land drops and counting.
PuppetSoul#10794 commented
What are the odds of missing your first six land drops after the lands in your opening hand two games in a row?