Algorithm Improvement
I'm sure you're getting a lot of complaints about how one-sided your algorithm is not being impartial and often times screwing over players with land draws that should not be happening in a purely random sample - so my complaint can be added to that pile.
But, an idea for changing the algorithm to improve randomization would be having the program assign a number to each card remaining in a deck and pile shuffling the cards into X amount of piles (let's say 6). It can repeat this process Y amount of times then take the middle of the pile and put those cards on top. A better template would be from the card shuffler for poker sets from stores.
Nightprowler#84435 commented
Table top player of 20 years and have never seen anything out of all my games as ridiculous as this clearly rigged system. I have won many tournaments and lost some as well. I do not mind losing games to skilled players and well built decks but im not staying around for the clear patterns of screwing us over to purposely loose due to this rigged system...The sad part is they do not even care that they are losing loyal customers who have supported them for years
2xzwei#80100 commented
So true. I go first 2 or 3 times out of 10 games. In contrast, I regularly had the situation to go second for over 15 games in a row. However, I never could go first for 15 games; max 2 or 3 times I went first, then a loooooong time second again. It’s definitely not a 50:50 chance.
It’s also very strange that your opponent always has the perfect answer for every single card you play (non-ranked, random, and ranked). If you make them discard, they have “draw x, scry y”. If you kill their creature they have 1 mana open and play “hexproof” or “return to battlefield”. If you play a 5 mana card, they have a 1 mana counter but never played or discarded a counter before. If you kill their planeswalker, they have a second version in hand. If you kill that one too, a third one pops up…
Overall, 90% I lose. That’s 100% not relatable to the real card game.
I think if you pay for packs, avatars, diamonds, I am sure you will go first most of the time. Moreover, you always get the right cards to f**** up your opponent. If you play “for free”, just watch and be amazed how obvious it is that this game is completely faked (and pay-2-win). I did not spend a single cent, and I never will. Makers of MTGA have to understand that I was willing to pay money for a game that's fair. But in this setting I am not willing to pay money for a game that does not account for skill or a deck setup, but only money invested. -
Nomadd#34996 commented
That's also ALL I'm playing right now. I'm ******* losing my sanity, no matter what deck I pick - bang, counter. I picked a deck with ******* MIND FLAYER and first thing I play is deck with Mind Flayers.
FFS Wizards, have you ever played a card game in your life? Including, I don't know, YOUR OWN? Mirror matches are probably the most stupid, braindead things in card games and your ******* algorithm actually tries to find mirror matches. WTF is wrong with you people? -
Gogo von Vilt#11775 commented
Complete bullshite
Skunky Budtoker#00422 commented
Everyone is sick of the bs Wizards. Why can't you make this a fair game? Please drop the shuffle smoothing algorithm. We want a fair and random shuffle.
Massacheif1999#42279 commented
Im done I've waited too long for thing to be fixed im tired of the shuffler being broken despite countless attempts on many people pleaing to deaf ears. If you like a game where the devs don't listen this is the number one game for you. Had high hopes for the game
Snake-Eyes#13430 commented
Same exact deck, same exact problem. You'd think there wasn't any red mana in this deck
Snake-Eyes#13430 commented
More often than be coincidence in a multicolored deck I will receive Land of one color and playable cards of every other color. This has become especially problematic with your new multicolored deck emphasis in the latest expansion.
Most recently, in 4 turns I only drew white or green mana, or specifically red cards to play, when all of my starting land was also green or white.
Make it actually random or fix your algorithm, this is just ridiculous.
jyoiru#08323 commented
Come on wizards! Do not be lazy and spend some money to fix your shitty shuffler algorithm.
Devito90#16688 commented
Oh dang thats wild
some person commented
I would like to have the same cheat codes that my opponent has for Limited.
They get their 3 colours flawlessly (playing basics) and I'm stuck playing mono red, despite that being my less dominate land (a 8 -- 9 split) which doesnt include the 2 spells that would have made it possible to play my nonred spells that were rotting in my hand.
I get this bloody variance is supposed to be a thing but its time to pick Limited by its bootstraps and vastly improve any kind of ***** situations. I dont expect to be clinging onto turn 7 with 5 mountains in play and a bunch of nonred spells in hand with thoughts of ‘wouldnt it be nice if any of my 11 sources of not red would show up’.
Like once upon a time, bears were playable but that isnt an option anymore. You saw how fast and furious Limited Midnight Hunt was. Miss a beat and you are dead upon arrival.
Maybe its time for WotC to consult some outsiders for how Limited should be. You have the digital client that you can run adjacent Limited with and people can actually play games than sitting on 2 lands while your opponent pops off and smashing their 3 bombs turn 4, 5 and 6 (while you have your 2 lands from your opening hand)
some person commented
Same problem! Bloody variance ****! But really, WotC should redesign Limited because this isnt 1990s Limited where you could draft and actually be happy to play a bear.
Hatemyshots#17181 commented
oh and dont forget the great card draw algorithm that causes me to not draw or only draw into lands in a well distributed 60 card deck, i have a feeling that whoever made the rng and algorithm for this game has never played table top paper magic, also heres a hint hasbro NOBODY WANTS TO BE FORCED INTO PLAYING WHITE ANGEL GARBAGE WHEN ITS THE ONLY COLOR YOU GIVE A STEADY STREAM OF SUPPORT
Hatemyshots#17181 commented
fix the dog **** algorithm that forces me to play against decks that directly counter my deck or play against the same life gain angels deck on a regular basis i tested over 100 games , of which 95% led to matchmaking against direct counters or life gain angels) , also the **** algorithm that makes it so i go second in every single match for 2 hours before i get a first turn and then go back to second turns until your dog **** game decides its ok for me to first next month some time
Asmartfellow#11583 commented
Get a new randomizer. There is NO WAY, mathematically possible, that I'm drawing 4 of the same cards in a 60 card deck (Example, all 4 birds of paradise) within the first 2 turns in multiple games per day.
I've had this happen several times. Odds, and math state this should happen to me MAYBE once in 80+ years. Yet, playing MTG Arena, it has happened many times over. This is anecdotal evidence, but it is supported by the laws of probability. This SHOULD NOT be happening.
Replace whatever randomizer you have, because it is NOT working, and it's starting to tic a lot of players off. Not only should it be fixed, but IF it is known not to be truly random, then that should be admitted to the player base, as it is causing infighting.
Devito90#16688 commented
The fact it happened right as SNC dropped and that qualifying weekend hit doesn't surprise also this is severoath daksys they banned my actual account 😑
べーやん#88786 commented
終わっている。 -
Gogo von Vilt#11775 commented
Not for the first time, before it came on a week later and on several ocasions most of the posts were deleted. Wotc is ashamed of the truth that this Bullshite is rigged.
Devito90#16688 commented
Gogo von Vilt#11775 commented
Again just before releasing new set they deleted no1 thread about shuffler, with 3k wotes and 10k posts. Shame on you Wankers of the C.unts