Players with excessive triggers on the stack will cause the opponent to start using timeouts and eventually lose
Any deck that has an infinite combo that puts triggers on the stack can cause this bug.
Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
Create an infinite loop of a flavor of your choosing. Scute, Oak... Whatever floats your boat.
Note which platform you’re using (PC, Mac, Android, or iOS)
PC, but this is across all platforms.
Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
After opponent puts an absurd number of triggers on the stack, eventually they use all of their timeouts and the game goes into an auto-resolve situation where the game will mandatorily choose a response to occur for each trigger. After the active player uses all of their timeouts, the game assumes the opponent is the active player and the opponent starts using their timeouts since they are not responding even though they may not have a possible play or have passed the turn. Opponent will eventually lose due to 'using' all of their timeouts.
Enter the expected results of the feature
The active player with all of the triggers on the stack should be the only player to be punished with timeout usage. The opponent who is merely waiting to be passed priority should not use timeouts and should not lose for not responding as they are unable to respond.
Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Nothing relevant here. Make your own pictures. This bug has been reported for some time now and seems to be pretty straight-forward.
If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
There is no workaround. This is a UI bug, plain and simple. Please either cause the active player with the infinite stacks to time out and lose the game or at the least, time out and finish processing their stack, but don't cause the opponent to lose.
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
Buddy Jesus#37831 commented
This happened to me with the opponent playing scurry oak life gain. I had an alternate win con, and their life nor creatures mattered yet I lost because THEY took too many actions. The code is backwards.
Also, auto skip is broken. It doesn't do what it says it does.
Doubting this will ever be fixed considering it was reported over a year ago.
syntax53#95724 commented
Opponent's repeated animation and trigger effects should not penalize your own timeouts. It should be the opposite!! This typically only happens when the opponent is utilizing multiple card synergies (aka gimics) that requires constant recycling of mana/cards/graveyard. These gimics ruin the experience for the person on the other side of the table having to sit through it all mashing the spacebar endlessly. The person gimic'ing should be the one penalized!