ban sheoldred
Sheoldred is not fun to play against anymore.
please ban this rediculous creature from standart...
its just wtf...

PressureChamber#23947 commented
I think the real problem is that they're printing so many cards like this in the first place especially with the abilities they're putting on creatures in general.
A bunch of one cost creatures with multiple broken abilities? Yup. A land card still being reprinted that renders much of blue's arsenal useless? Yup.
All sorts of nonsense that really should be banned yet WotC seems to not want to ban anything. They're too busy caring more about pushing high budget video games that feature ********** or selling how into diversity they are rather than creating a decent card game.
Man_Of_Steele#92836 commented
This card has been around for long enough. Makes so many deck unplayable and sucks all the fun out of matches
Tormented Sage#68265 commented
I'm finding myself just scooping games every time I see Sheoldred, the Apocalypse even if I believe I can win. It's getting boring to just see the same ONE CARD in 80% of my games! It doesn't help it's in the same color as Virtue of Persistence and similar graveyard recursion cards.
Asukax#15984 commented
Seriously what a broken card, makes Magic no fun
seaplain#18955 commented
Why have Alchemy if you won't rebalance actual problems? Wizards rebalances stupid cards nobody cares about but they won't address the biggest cancer to MTG in recent years. Sheoldred is everywhere, they always have it (if not multiple) on curve, and it just makes the game boring as ****. It forces you to build a deck specifically to play against it which is exactly what Alchemy was made to address but they won't for some reason. Creature decks are flat out unplayable against black between removal and sheoldred. DO SOMETHING. Even if you don't ban, at least rebalance Alchemy.
Mark the Awesome#94913 commented
This card (Sheoldred) makes the game not fun. It has made me remove the app multiple times and wouldn't surprise me if many others remove it as well. This is the kind of card that makes people quit playing magic entirely.
GoOutsideLoser#79559 commented
This card has become a cancer in alchemy. no counters, its spammed, costs too little. I underdstand trying new cards but the evidence is OVERWHEMLING this this card is broken and is ruining the SPIRIT of magik
Myrk#72106 commented
Running full control, I run out of gas against the insane removal and have no wincon. Running full removal, I will not have enough threats to combat the removal in Sheoldred decks again so no wincon. This card is the reason I am not ready to spend money on MTG Arena. And I cant do re-entry into paper magic because 70% of local decks are... SHEOLDRED! Show me a mono black deck NOT running Sheoldred. Honestly, you could probably get pretty far against non-Sheoldred decks with a normal mono black because it has pretty strong wincons anyway.
And dont tell me to "run removal" against a fundamentally broken card. Sheoldred is a 4x include in any deck that has black. Its a 4x include and a reason to splash black. If people have her in paper magic they ONLY play her because its $400 investment... So now I need to run 8x removal just to be sure I can remove at least one or two Sheoldreds? I cant use my removal on anything else because... I need to keep it for Sheoldred.
Theres no skill to playing her, and there is no fun playing against her. Magic is not fun and thus not worth money until she is banned or at least restricted.
Hirvadhor#03539 commented
I'm literally at a point in Alchemy where I get a gut reaction from the very first black land drop my opponent plays everytime and always instantly considering just conceding immediately... That's what cards like Sheoldred with Nazgul and One ring are doing. 95% of Alchemy right now is mono black for this whole reason... super unfun
LikeTheBox#05787 commented
Bump, this card is ruining alchemy. While you’re at it ban the people stuffing their decks with these and The One Ring. And ban the people in your offices who put them in the same game
grassi#05923 commented
Make more Sheoldreds! I run three different versions in my historic deck and win every time. I want a fourth and fifth one! Seriously, just get a removal card if you don't like Shelly.
PoisonBlaze#04623 commented
Ruined every format.
Rinku#46040 commented
I came back to MTG Arena to find that almost everyone is playing black and running Sheoldred in every format. I understand the argument about using more removal, but half the time it’s black/blue which can cheaply counter any removal attempt. That or just get it out of the graveyard/remove enchantment.
Vorgrim#54585 commented
Magic has become Black vs non Black. Too many cards, too good, for one colour.
Sheoldred is the tip of the iceberg.
Start by ban this broken and unfunny creature (FROM ALL FORMATS), and let's see if the situation improves... -
BigFIsh#33204 commented
she is format warping making everyone run more removal she at 5 toughness is very hard for red to deal with oh and death touch so even if you buff a creature she will destroy it and they banned meathook massacre taking out any chance at an aristocrat style deck and Reckoner Bankbuster nerfing artifacts when sheoldred is the problem and you have to always have an instant speed removal open for her because you cant choose not to draw a card if your life is low and she is down
johntokar4#86031 commented
I’d say ban it from alchemy as well. Honestly for 4 mana it’s stupidly overpowered. Almost none of my decks have any sort of answer to this ridiculous card and anything I’ve tried to swap to be able to answer it completely ruins the deck. Everyone I know that plays arena stopped entirely for a while because they were tired of being matched again it 9/10 times and never being able to do anything. Let’s not get started on the mess that Nazgûl also added to black. Whatever card designer you have on staff that’s got a ******* for black lately needs to chill for real.
vulpix13#24312 commented
It was never fun to play against. Ban Sheoldred, as well as The Wandering Emperor, Farewell, Atraxa and Wedding Announcement.
wolv#61704 commented
Too broken
WeazyZ#75266 commented
Ban shelly. Card is bad and you should feel bad about printing it.
Lawrence#40654 commented
Ban Sheoldred the Apocalypse & until you do, stop matching me against it. It's almost every **** game. It takes the fun out of the game.