infinite loop in alchemy with auto win using oracle of the sun/displace kitten
Infinite loop using displacer kitten, oracle of the alpha(mox artifacts/black lotus/, any draw creature card(cloudkin seer in this case), futurist spellthief.
please fix, can add in any autowin card or conjured "deal x damage" card for autowin

TheFakir#49465 commented
endless loop bug with displacer kidden, Terefi planeswalker; alpha oracle... artefact mana cards in alchemyHi,
thanks for giving us MTGA platform; for all the people; for all the years;Yet I still get stomped with endless loops; this one is remarkable example, because I had some counters already in place, for the turn would finally come to my draw again;
I had a "fraying lane" set up, and also a grim wanderer, should he kill my defense that was 2 units when my opponents turn began. one of them was a "junkyard genius". I was in good position to counter to everything with my "mysterious limousine", maybe some alternatives...
;The Tactic he did:
1. He had lawishly put down ADDITIONAL mana with his lotus orb and similar "artefact lands"
Then he used the ability of "displacer kidden" (see picture) to "reactivate" his Terefi planeswalker; he then could draw more cards... and because of this, he could push his token up; also, he did get additional mana artefacts, and could draw additional cards with cards from hand play.3. afterwards he activated his Terefi to draw more cards;
He even caused my to "discard all and draw 7 new cards for both players" with his ability.he also could play his displacer kidden once again and again... before even the battle phase started;
If you have additional questions, feel free to request for reply;
I attached a screenshot; My Ingame name is "TheFakir"#49465 and I was playing day 26.01.2023 around 16:30 german timezone;
You can merge my request with existing; I just have not the time and not the english skill to find eventual copies of my issue in my valuable time;
thanks! -
[Deleted User] commented
This is a fairly complex board state to reach with 4 creatures in play/hand and the mana to use them all.