While playing Sparky and you cast a card the whole game freezes
While playing Sparky and you cast a card the whole game freezes, sometimes for a couple seconds, sometimes indefinitely, you can interact with the screen and pets but card will not resolve so you're only able to concede OR Sparky will concede if you leave it there for a couple of minutes.

Frostie#38025 commented
I am experiencing similar. When playing sparky the game will frequently hang, my fans spin like crazy and my cpu temperature starts to rocket upwards. All I can do is concede. I enjoy playing sparky just to chill and test out my decks. This is a real pain!
Moussx#90231 commented
I also encounter this issue in games against players, where I cannot do anything but concede, it happened to me twice in a week too....
Vrodaire#51479 commented
I like creating decks and playing against Sparky -- this bug makes this so annoying that I play less, and less....
Tripz#99614 commented
Keeps happenin to me everytime I play sparky. I like to play sparky to enjoy a non-tilt sandbox to test decks and combos, but now even sparky will just rope you, causing even more tilt. This is insane...
Allirog#15154 commented
It feels very much it is programmed to do so in order to discourage folks to play against him as it happens on all platforms. Also, given the same lack of ergonomy and common sense is present in both PC and iOS versions meaning they reused the same code I doubt they did develop different engines for playing against either Sparky or other players. Versus other players when they stall/timeout one could activate abilities of permanents, play instants etc. but against Sparky one could only concede or wait for its timeout which btw is longer than vs other players. This feels very much to me these recent freezes are the intended behavior.
TicTac9k1#46427 commented
Happens to me alot, must be contemplating the better offer.
Sparky as of late freezes up more than it completes matches.
It eventually timed itself out.
Tamaster#58261 commented
Happened to me this afternoon. Same mid-game scenario, keyboard is responsive (can toggle full control), graphics animation is still live. You know how Sparky goes away to think and consult with the constabulary, well in this instance she falls asleep in the middle of the dark forest and is put under a spell by the elven druids from whence an awakening never comes. Very annoying!
TwiztedMetalX#72465 commented
While playing vs Sparky the whole game freezes, sometimes for a couple seconds, sometimes forever, you can interact with the screen and pets but card will not resolve so you're only able to concede OR Sparky will concede if you leave it there for 10 minutes or so sometimes