experimental confectioner
Paired with Peregrin took = endless supply of rats and food tokens - can continuously cycle forever = so broken - needs nerf

V is for Vega#60316 commented
This infinite loop needs to be addressed. Maybe add something like this ability can only happen once per turn. It completely spoils the match.
nemaa#39047 commented
Is there a plan to fix/change this combo?
nemaa#39047 commented
Would be better if Experimental Confectioner's ability would be changed to "Whenever you sacrifice one or more food..." -
FabTabulous#83601 commented
The reaction between experimental confectioner and Pelegrín took us a bit broken and it appears to be a miscalculation in the new alchemy sets. You can create a deck with these two cards that will ensure a victory on turn 4 should one of them not be destroyed immediately. Feel free to use these two and draw infinite cards on top of creating a million rat tokens. Maybe someone should look into this and take it seriously?
Gimbog#50605 commented
Peregrin took with experimental confectioner is unlimited. It is broken.
venefica666#49673 commented
This infinite loop is being exploited by almost every green/black deck in Alchemy ranked right now as it creates infinite rats and food tokens. Completely broken in terms of playability, needs nerf/ban.
Silvice#64315 commented
yeah this is a nearly infinite and effortless combo. you could draw your whole deck AND end up with an unlimited number of rats. here's a video in case it helps: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hmk9ik24508brarfrdos0/took_long_enough.mp4?rlkey=g43wd1u1ihwh5be6xgn7yc7e5&dl=0
Flo#36659 commented
I read the card wrong, peregrin took creates the extra tokens, so not a bug, but definetly unintended behaviour in alchemy in my opinion
[Deleted User] commented
The Took does that with its replacement effect. The Confectioners make rat tokens, so Took adds Food tokens to that.
So, sacrificing a Food tgives two triggers of the Confectioners, each making a rat token and a Food token. Sacrificing three Food to the Took causes 6 triggers total from the Confectioners, which in turn make a rat and a Food each, a total of 6 rats and 6 Foods. Hence why there is so much Food and rats.
Flo#36659 commented
The foods sacrificed with perigrin took kept coming back. So that infinite rats could be created. Might be a software bug, as i dont see a card to create those foods