Obtained cards tagged as new but were already owned
cards already owned being tagged as new
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Theodrek#76755 commented
I have been trying to collect one of every card from Lost Caverns of Ixalan but this bug is making that virtually impossible. The entire idea of the new system was to have duplicate protection to allow you to fill out a collection. I have attached another photo of it telling my first copy of a dual land I have 4 of already. I have no idea how many rewards I could be missing out on because of this. Despite the struggle I have 95% of the set and I imagine there are potentially thousands of gems I am missing because I get no gems for getting 5 copies of a rare/mythic I already have like this land. A very frustrating bug for a 100% collector and I hope there is going to be appropriate compensation for retroactive losses and not just "tough luck".
Dragon#28070 commented
I am also under the impression, that this new card-bug, which I am also experiencing as described, prevents me from getting the Gems from additional Rares and Mythics beyond the fourth. Must have been at least around 200 Gems I did not get so far from this bug.
Jack Duey#73417 commented
Initially I was not actually worried about the "bug" of it showing "first" on cards that were not truly first, but now I realize this is preventing our rare/mythic protection. I have always been happy to spend with each set release because of that rare protection, but with that gone, I do plan to completely cease the spend until this is fixed. I opened my "estimated" 10th Squirming Emergence to be told it is the first. And, as you know, this is happening on numerous cards, maybe all of them. While the conspiracy theories are out there on this thread that it is intentional, I don't necessarily believe that. However, it is going to make me stop buying for now.
Manflesh#57197 commented
When I open packs, anytime it's a card that's added to my collection, it's always marked as a first time I've opened a copy, most of the time it not being true.
Blackerlotus#53919 commented
Ive been noticing for quite a while that, most if not all of my cards from packs are being listed as "first" openings even if I have two or three of the card already. I have a feeling this was done to override the duplicate protection that was claimed to be written into the programming. This happening is fairly disturbing if it was done intentionally [especially for rares and mythic rares] and sets a dangerous president which should not be ignored.
Sacratus#87102 commented
Every time I ***** a pack. Every card I do not own 4 times gets the tekst "first". In my opinion first should be used only when you get the card for the first time, not the 2nd of 3th Time. This is stupid and even an old bug. I exspected this bug to be taken care of already.
Teysa Melira Inkeyes#68177 commented
when getting packs it often says First when I get cards.
but I already have those cards.
Just now I pulled a Squee in a golden pack and I already have this one 3 times in a deck.
this is constantly. every golden pack for the past month has always contained at least 1 card I already have. And normal packs regularly mention first but when I open the inventory I have several of them. -
Reyos#63427 commented
I run Bartolome del Presidio in my Samwise Catfood combo deck already (replaced some copies of Bloodflow Connoisseur for cost efficiency) and I pulled Threefold Thunderhulk in my last draft, along with grabbing Waterwind Scout in most of my drafts - I bet I already own copies of almost all these cards.
MrOrange187#87244 commented
When I open boosters it normally lets me know that the card i have received is the "first" copy in my collection. The thing is...it now does it to all the cards from the booster saying that its the first. Nothing serious nobody is hurt...just letting you know. IPad iOS
ohiogrown#05973 commented
The new update I am not getting my duplicates when I open packs. All it says is new cards. I've opened multiple packs.
JustCallMeSPED#62110 commented
Exactly as the title says: I open a pack, and cards that I know I already have in my collection are getting the little "First" tag on them.
MikeTL#92349 commented
Adding my capture log.
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise.
Abini#36968 commented
This has been happening at least since Wilds of Eldraine. I noticed it a lot with the enchanted tales cards and thought the bug would be relegated to those. But nope, seeing it all over the place for random cards in Caverns of Ixalan.
Tordeck_the_Dwarf#62680 commented
I have been having this problem for weeks, I get 4 of a kind and then I will pull more of them. Some of them say they are new, while others show up as not but I still have four. This is getting really frustrating especially when I do drafts and get vault progress for that but regular pulls this isn't supposed to happen.
PaulMonroe#83010 commented
When opening packs, it tells me cards are "first" when they are not. Using Windows 10 on PC.
hubatish#60122 commented
I got this today. I play on both mobile and desktop but doubt that's too related. I literally have 4 copies of some of the cards marked as new
Feverbrew#21289 commented
While opening packs, rares will have the "First" tag despite not being the first collected copy.
Kadashara#12947 commented
When opening new packs of cards, it tells me that I am getting cards for the first time, when I very much already own them
Biiks#85358 commented
i opened a couple packs and multiple times i got hatching plans showing up as my first even though i already had a set of four, the same bug happened with lord skitter which i had one of but still showed first, i dont think i got vault progression for the hatching plans either
Broodstar#80471 commented
I play arena in German Language, and by rare or mythic rewards collected by price booster etc. shows up "Erste Karte" = first collected card, even when I have already 4 cards in collection. I think, in these cases I don't get the reward in diamonds.