Game crashes when cards hit the battlefield in latest build 2023.30.30
Since upgrading to build 2023.30.30 (on 25 Oct), both the iOS and macOS apps crash intermittently when cards hit the battlefield (right at the point that its animation would usually play).
In some instances, the app totally freezes (and I get the classic spinning wheel cursor on Mac), and the only option is force-quit and restart the app.
In other cases, the card seemingly hits the battlefield okay, and it appears as though my opponent is just roping/waiting, and when their timer eventually runs down to zero, it just sits there fizzing without progressing. If I close and reopen the app at that point, the active game reloads and I can see that my opponent actually played their turn and has been waiting on me.
Note: I’m seeing this issue on two different devices (MacBook Pro M1 and iPhone 14 Pro), and on both I’ve removed and reinstalled the apps to no avail. There’s no connection drop-ours happening at these times either.