Jump in Quest Bugged

kfresh#97309 commented
Same issue.
Finished one jump-in last night and it progressed to 1/3. Finished a second and it did not progress so I stopped. Came back this morning and it said 0/3. Finished a third and it still says 0/3.
Attempting to report bugs on mobile brings me here after being jerked from two previous pages.
Not sure how to include capture logs.
Costs the player additional gold and locks them out of the next quest in line. I only started a few days ago and have wrestled with this a couple of times already. I am guessing I have burned 5-10k on extra attempts.
NateSnell#25863 commented
Tried again today, spent 3,000 gold, it went to 1/2, 2/3, then dropped to 0/3 when I finished my third run. No reward, still stuck on the same quest. So frustrated.
NateSnell#25863 commented
Yeah, same issue. It went to 1/3 when I win a match, but as soon as I start a new deck in Jump In it goes back to 0. Really not enjoying this game type, spent way too much gold trying to figure this out.
Rptro#15389 commented
1. Steps to reproduce:
Enter Jump In! event. Play until first win. Resign. Without playing another game mode enter the Jump In! event again. Repeat this until three wins.
2. Platform: PC (the second time I tried this process), Android (the first time I tried this process)
3. Actual results:
After the first completed Jump In! event the counter of the quest goes to 1/3 as expected. After the second completed Jump In! event the counter of the quest goes to 2/3 as expected. After the third completed Jump In! event the counter of the quest is at 1/3 and no Jump In! token was awarded.I did experience this once on Android and once on PC. There was no daily reset during the attempts.
On a side note I did experience that the quest progress did reset to 0/3 when playing another game mode in between so the two cases above were each three Jump In! events back to back without another game mode in between.
4. Expected result of the feature:
The counter of the quest should increase by one each time the first win in a Jump In! event is reached. So that the quest is finished after at least one win in three different Jump In! events. When this is achieved the promised Jump In! token should be awarded.I think the progress of the quest shouldn't reset when playing another game mode in between though that might not be part of the bug.
I hope that this gets at least recognized as a bug. I saw that there are posts from at least January and it's still not in the known issues. I hope this was detailed enough to get recognized and reproduced.
Have a nice day
Rptro -
Cyciil#56128 commented
I meet the same issue and had done Jump-In almost for 10 times, but my quest still stuck at 0/3.
Nat#55608 commented
I have the same problem. I have used up all my Jump In tickets as well as paid for entry with in-game gold. Would love a refund, but even more so, a solution to the problem!
Solomarc#59567 commented
Same issue for me. Can’t complete the quest
desiremusic#53989 commented
Some problem for the last 2 months. Still WOTC didn't even recognize this as a bug. It is not in Known Issues lists. Spent about 10k golds for jump ins for this quest but no luck.
desiremusic#53989 commented
Can't believe this has happened for about a month now. Spent at least 10K gold for Jump-ins to complete this. It resets after 2 wins every time.
Askewwy#41035 commented
I was playing the jump in event and completed the quest to receive another jump in token however the quest completed and did not payout the reward.
Prior to this occurring I had 'completed' (by this I mean won) a match and it did not count towards the quest requirement. I've been robbed twice by this quest...
Thanks for looking into this matter.
FrankTanksToo#64098 commented
Same problem....my tracker was stuck on 1/3, I've spent gold entering several times and now it has reset to 0/3.
FrankTanksToo#64098 commented
Same problem....my tracker was stuck on 1/3, I've spent gold entering several times and now it has reset to 0/3.
FrankTanksToo#64098 commented
Same problem....my tracker was stuck on 1/3, I've spent gold entering several times and now it has reset to 0/3.
Yaeden#88097 commented
I have the same issue, I don't even care about the refund, I want the quest gone/completed
Doofenward#81201 commented
This same thing has been happening to me the last 2 weeks. I have bought 2 jump in tokens and used 2 free ones and I am at 0/3 still! I think that a refund for the entries that I bought or to bump the quest as complete would be nice.
Loi2lajungle#57360 commented
Same here
Loi2lajungle#57360 commented
I did lot of events « jump’in » with tokens and gold but the quest is still active and because I can’t finish this quest, I cannot do the next one and get rewards.
santoscamara#03278 commented
I've been trying to complete the Jump In quest but everytime I complete the first jump in and proceed to finish the quest the tracker resets. I wanna a solution or the devolution of the gold I used to buy the entry.
Deray#16333 commented
I play on Android and ive been trying to finish the "Complete 3 Jump In!" tasks for about 5 days now and I've won about 6 matches and it never counted more than 1.win. And even when it does, it goes away if I do anything else. Whether it be closing the app, playing a different mode, or just visiting the shop. Is there a way to bypass this so I can finish more quests and get more rewards? I'm still kind of new to MTG and would like to progress further.
Deray#16333 commented
Same thing with me. Used 2 tokens and spent 6000 on new entries and never seen it go over 1 win out of 3. I want thus one to be completed so I can get more stuff. I'm still kind of new to Magic in general and want to continue.