lunar convocation
Lunar convocation is not always giving a 1/1 bat end of turn.
Purpledragon1#66326 commented
I built my deck around this card with monolith and other life gaining effects but unless I activate the lunar card I do not get the bat trigger which is not the way the card is written I should be getting bats from the monolith trigger as well as when I attack with my bat
Taylor_azul#26327 commented
Não está funcionando conforme descrição do card, causando prejuízos a quem joga, outro dia suspenderam minha conta, pois afirmaram que eu reagi usando a comunicação do jogo, coisa do próprio jogo, mtg arena deixando a desejar cada dia mais
Davok#22793 commented
The Card 'Lunar Convocation' does not produce any bat tokens if you use it to draw a card. Which sucks, as I basically built my entire draft deck around that card. Might as well just forfeit that premium draft. Great use of gems!
Entrails219#14607 commented
Also had Sinister Monolith in play and did not get any bats, causing a game loss.
raffibomb#54730 commented
Literally never getting a bat complete waste of gems
CacklingSage#50967 commented
This happened to me just now. In a draft game I had Sinister Monolith already in play and I played Lunar Convocation on my first main phase. Monolith triggered when I went to combat. At EOT the first trigger of Convocation was put on the stack and did go off but it skipped the second trigger entirely.
Rezzahan#77802 commented
And did you gain AND lose life during the turn, BEFORE the end step began?