Ban all cards that enable five or fewer turn wins from all formats
MTG should be a game. It really makes one question whether or not you're actually playing a game when it's over in five or fewer turn just due to some aggro deck getting lucky with their opening hand.
Longhair#84059 commented
Just play blue denial. Any blue denial deck is going 10+ turns over the course of a half hour unless the opponent dies of boredom. But seriously, if you banned everything that could win turn 5 or earlier on the perfect draw, you would ban most cards. It also depends on matchups. One deck I play can win turn 3 if I have the right 5 cards and no interference. If I lose one of them, I might lose turn 15. I do however agree with doing away with the cards that combo off of the deck design instead of another card. Such as Charbelcher or Thassa.
DAC169#34537 commented
Problem is that many of those cards by themselves aren't problems, it's the combos. Banning those cards wrongly punish people that use them individually but not the combos of them.
bonsai#70698 commented
MTG has, historically, had a few "blind" instant-win combos (e.g. Splinter Twin), but in modern (not "Modern") Standard, there should be absolutely NONE of them. Nor should "turn 2 wins" even be possible.
Unfortunately, OTJ broke with that blind combo tradition and Duskmourn has only increased it with the Manifest Dread mechanic and Leyline of Resonance.
Standard Magic (atm), I not what I consider "good Magic" and I've stopped playing it competitively.
It's not fun when the "peak meta" (atm) are two aggro decks bashing past each other with route-memory plays and the winner being decided, essentially, by a coin-flip.