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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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3460 results found

  1. Survey After Games

    Let us submit choices of emotions after games actively.

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  2. Product Suggestion

    Could we please do away with MIRROR MATCHES! Or at least have an opportunity to hit "play" ( without being in ranked or anything ) and select an archetype or list of archetypes you wish NOT to play against. It is so frustrating to build new decks and only ever see 3 decks to compete against. Those being:

    Dimir Rogues
    Mono White
    Emergent Ultimatum

    I have no way of truly measuring where my deck stands, because the meta is swarmed with so much bs from people only playing the meta. Let them play them, but do so separately from everyone…

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  3. reduced time choice at end of drat

    I just like to suggest that there is no concrete reason to reduce timing choice when pool of cards get reduced at the end of a pack. At least it shouldn't be reduced so much. This doesn't exist in real drafts and have no reason to be. The choiice can be as hard and sometime more than at oppening !!!

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  4. Client should check game status before updating

    The client should check to make sure you're not in the middle of a game before updating. I had to close the client because of a connection issue, and when I restarted the client, it had to download a 50 MB update before letting me back in, which of course meant I wasn't able to get back to my game in time, and lost a game in a Quick Draft I paid for.

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  5. Quandric Command

    When I play quandrix command without a creature or planswalker to return to the opponents hand, it does not let me select anything else. I can not add cards from my graveyard to my library even though that is one of the options. It just freezes and I am forced to close the game and reopen it and when i do, my quandrix command card is not there. Happened three times in one game.

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  6. Speed up Mill Effect

    Milling decks have become a very unpleasant experience to play against. The games become long and drag on.

    If there was an option to speed up the Mill Effect, it might make the experience better.

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  7. Card Sleeves for Purchase

    Can the card sleeves that were limited time options be added to the store for purchase? There are some really neat sleeves that I didn't get a chance to get that I would be willing to spend coins/gems on.

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  8. Mtg Arena on iOS

    Can you make MTG Arena on iOS available in South East Asia region so that it is available for download.

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  9. Pixel 3a XL support, please

    I just really, really want to play this game with my friends.

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  10. Graphical glitches on iMac 2020

    I'm experiencing graphical glitches while playing matches on my iMac 2020. The glitches will eventually freeze the whole system so I have to reboot my Mac physically. I jusg got my Mac today, everything else runs totally normal.

    iMac 2020
    3,8 GHz 8core i7
    16GB Ram

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  11. An ideas for MTG arena

    As we knew that the historic format is unstable and hard to balance even with the ban system.

    I would like to suggest WOTC make the new feature to the game like
    VIP member, that allows players to name the card that they don't want to face in the opponent's deck in the matchmaking. Also, by doing that WOTC may charge the payment per month to those VIP member features.
    It's might be the event testing before officially released.

    The player can have a new experience and WOTC can gain more income to help develop the future of magic.

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  12. No emotes in the season pass = extreme dissapointment

    I have no idea why there wasn't any this season, I hope they fix it next season.

    I think including 3 emotes instead of card-styles would improve customer satisfaction immensely.

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  13. Alt art that i would love to purchase

    I would love to purchase the alt art for the godzilla themed mtg arena cards such as mecha-godzilla and mothra for example. please bring this back to the in game store so i and many others can enjoy the wonders of godzilla and all his buddies, please and thank you! also power rangers alt art would be really cool as well and i would also buy that (as would any other adult in there 20s and 30s that watch power rangers on kids wb channel 39 saturday mornings)

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  14. Black is glitching hard

    I’ve been playing Mono black (IOs on an Ipad) and neither Clockwork Servant nor Inscription of Ruin are triggering correctly. Clockwork Servant won’t display nor allow Adamant and Inscription of Ruin won’t let one do anything except “Opponent discards two cards.” I tried to use it to destroy a creature of 3 mana and that wasn’t an option.

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  15. Creatures changing places

    My opponent had two 2 toughness creatures in play, one tapped and one untapped. I attacked with my 1/1 Dreadhorde Butcher. My opponent blocked with their untapped creature. As my Butcher died, I was hovering my mouse over the creature with one damage on it, ready to click it as the target for my trigger. As soon as the trigger resolved, the creatures switched places, and I clicked on the undamaged creature. My suggestion is not to have creatures switch places for absolutely no reason.

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  16. 10+ opponent open hand

    I was playing the quick draft of kaldheim and my opponent start with 10+ open hand.

    At the begining, the server disconnect for no reason. After I reconnect in few second, the game shows me my opponent start with about 10 cards (I lost my count).
    I don't know it just display problem or he/she played with 10+ card. Please check the log!


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  17. Mastery Reward

    Improve the reward after the mastery levels finish. Just a uncommon card its a very small reward for a player that spend a lot of time in the game to reach that level. After you reach the level 130, you almost have no will to play the game anymore, until the next set release.

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  18. product suggestion

    Though I deeply appreciate the the challenge of playing against real players, often I find myself getting extraordinarily upset and frustrated when the following happens:

    I begin playing a deck against someone who's totally owning me in the early game, just to finally gain the board advantage and they scoop immediately there after. Or even worse... they rage quite without conceding and force me to sit there while time runs out.

    It ruins my experience. It ruins my taste for the game and its players.

    Should there be increasingly more severe penalties for scooping? OR how about a queue for…

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  19. 1 vote

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  20. The following cards are horrible and making the game no fun.

    FYNN THE FANGBEARER. Common guys, a cost of 2 and 2 poison counters!! All you see are low cost deathtouch decks. Not fun at all. Maybe one Poison counter and a summon cost of 5. RAINDANE GOD OF THE WORTHY cost of three is ridiculous. RIGHTOUS VALKRIE this card should be banned outright everytime see it and its alot. I just leave the computer and make my opponent wait until all the timers are gone for putting this incredibly overpowered cheesy card in their decks. YOU guys can do better. please ban, fix, up the cost, or make them multicolored…

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