MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
1594 results found
Not receiving XP
Not receiving XP from daily win or weekly win rewards. Log file not downloading also. IOS on iPad.
18 votes -
Crash while downloading update on Android
The menu loads as normal, until it asks if you would like to download an update. When you click download, the game closes, though the window remains open. It does not update while closed, and reinstalling the app did not fix the issue. This started happening after downloading an update from the playstore today.
14 votes -
Professional Academic Writing Help
I am struggling to manage my academic studies. I have no idea how to organise my assignments. I am looking for skilled experts with higher education. Anyone here who knows best company that offers high-quality and professional writing help. Thank you very much.
2 votes -
Chemistry AI tool for assignments
Yesterday, my teacher gave me a chemistry assignment that was really difficult. I find it hard to balance chemical equations and understand reactions, so I need a chemistry AI tool that makes this easier. Does anyone here who suggest me reliable chemistry AI tool?
2 votes -
shuffler Rigged
Plz fix your shuffler. Its not funny anymore. last month I was diamond 3. now I stuck in Platinum with the literally same deck. worse than that I lose 10 games in a row. Thats not normal. plz fix it. or open your algorithm to proof that your shuffler is fixed. but thank you. now i want to play neither alchemy nor draft or something else anymore. really really thank you.
7 votes -
Crashing after latest update
Got prompted to update today 12sep2024. After update when I click download for the 3.06 GB it closes and if it hapen multiple times my phone says that it keeps stopping. Phone is s23fe samsung
14 votes -
12th September 2024 android update crashing
Everything i enter the mtg app on android (Samsung s23) I tap the update. And the app immediately crashes.
14 votes -
Bloodthirsty Conqueror Combo should be weakened.
Bloodthirsty Conqueror Combo should be weakened.
Bloodthirsty Conqueror Combo has too simple combo parts.
A simple mono black deck with a ridiculous amount of removal and interference and a combo at the end is all it takes to make it.What's the fun in that? It should only be allowed in the lower environment.
I know Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, but releasing this along with removal-resistant cards like Enduring Tenacity and Starscape Cleric that are hard to deal with in a single card is a weird balance of power.
It's strange that all the cards in black these…8 votes -
Vault system overhaul
There should be a way to grind up bulk rares/mythics to turn them into wildcards. I've had my account for a couple years now and I often pull cards that I never use because they either don't fit in my decks or they just aren't that good, but it take a really long time to grind for wildcards to get the cards i want. I think that if you have 4 copies of a rare or mythic card you should be able to exchange them for 2 wildcards of the same rarity. Alternatively, if you pull 4 extra copies of…
2 votes -
Pay for Arena Open with Play-In Points
There should be an option to pay for MTG Arena Open entry with play-in points (e.g. for 25 play-in points).
Limited-Only players accumulate a lot of play-in points but have few options to use them. This would give them an additional outlet to use play-in points.
10 votes -
Window switch to windowed from fullscreen. Hundrets of Bug Reports on this site but no solution.
Window switch to windowed mode, out of fullscreen mode. Since the latest patch. When do you fix that, its annoying as ****.
6 votes -
Looking for quality pedicure scissors
Hi everyone!!!
I have recently started doing manicures and pedicures and am now actively looking for quality tools for the job. First and foremost, I need good non-rusting pedicure scissors.
If anyone has any advice on brands or specific models that have proven themselves, I would be very grateful! Also wondering where to buy them - are there any trusted online stores or stores in our city?1 vote -
Detailed log missing the Pack 1 Pick 1 entry
Platform: PC, Win11
Steps to reproduce:
1. Enable detailed logging in the Settings under Account > Detailed Logs (Plugin Support)
1. Join a Premiere Draft Event
2. Progress through the drafting process
3. Open the player log located at "C:\Users<Username>\AppData\LocalLow\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA"
4. Note that the "Draft.Notify" entry exists in the log for all draft picks except the first one.Actual: "Draft.Notify" entry is missing from the detailed log for pack 1 pick 1 of the draft.
Expected: "Draft.Notify" should be present in the detailed log for all packs and picks of the drafting process.
Workarounds: All complicated or…
26 votes -
Join Draft - Waiting for the server
Since 5 days (since update) I'm unable to join a draft. Everytime it hangs up with "waiting for the server".
I play on PC (Windows 10 home).
Matthias11 votes -
Norin, Swift Survivalist
While using this card in Arena, it doesn't tell you which trigger links to which creature. So you need to guess if you want to use it on some creatures but not all. Please incorporate arrows or name tags to the triggers please.
8 votes -
Not receiving any XP
I am not receiving any xp from daily or weekly win rewards. See log. I missed a large amount of xp, I expect around 2500 in total. I play on Windows PC client.
13 votes -
Mastery Pass dont give me reward
Mastery pass dont give me pack reward lvl 35 and gold lvl 33
9 votes -
lost a draft game that i never played (cancel bug)
Lost a premier draft game that i never played. i clicked cancel to edit my deck when queuing and it matched me into a game without me being able to play. when i clicked play it put me into a new game with a different opponent (my account still lost the other one) and so i lost the draft after winning my game. if there was a way to refund the loss with a quickdraft token at least that would be cool
8 votes -
The daily challenges are getting boring
Can there be some that require you to use different mechanics or play games in certain game modes for 750 to 1000 gold? It just takes way too long to grind packs and get new cards and the daily challenges are getting really old
4 votes -
Running out the clock
People should not be allowed to run out the clock repeatedly without consequence. A lot of unsportsmanlike players keep sitting idle and letting the timer run out when I'm about to win thus forcing me to sit there and wait. We shouldn't be punished by them for winning the game. It ruins gameplay for everyone else. I get that the clock was created so they could not force us to sit there indefinitely waiting to make a choice but when a player sits there intentionally doing nothing forcing me to sit there waiting too. I know I'm not the only…
5 votes
- Don't see your idea?