Algorithm Improvement
I'm sure you're getting a lot of complaints about how one-sided your algorithm is not being impartial and often times screwing over players with land draws that should not be happening in a purely random sample - so my complaint can be added to that pile.
But, an idea for changing the algorithm to improve randomization would be having the program assign a number to each card remaining in a deck and pile shuffling the cards into X amount of piles (let's say 6). It can repeat this process Y amount of times then take the middle of the pile and put those cards on top. A better template would be from the card shuffler for poker sets from stores.
PuppetSoul#10794 commented
Woops. that one was where I had only missed two lands drops, not five.
PuppetSoul#10794 commented
Next game. Same exact scenario.
PuppetSoul#10794 commented
Start with two lands. Cool.
Don't draw a land for six turns, instead drawing every 4+ drop in the deck. Very cool game.
Chops#89003 commented
i have been playing mtg since 1996.
i really thought MTG arena would be a great addition to the game.
it was at first and i remember a commentator saying "its a great game and the only people who can destroy it are WOTC themselves"
well it appears that has happened.
i have herd much about the algorithm deciding the outcome of matches by land flooding players.
and now it has happened to me. 6 lands in a row which put me in an unwinnable position.
So thanks for sabotaging my game.if you are determined to make people lose a certain percentage of games perhaps you could do me the courtesy of putting an icon on the screen for me to notify me that you are throwing the game on my behalf so i don't have to waste my time playing in a contest you are rigging against me.
Being that you sell access to this game and rig the outcomes of the game should be contacting the gaming regulator in your state?
just wondering.
PhantomPeppers#76163 commented
I believe they have a matchmaking system that tries to approximate players' win rate to 50%. I have recently spoken with a Magic Arena customer support employee about my concerns regarding a possible matchmaking system that is rigged (not random). I explained to him that during these past Holidays, I have played around 75 BO1 matches with my Mono-Brown Ramp Karn deck during multiple Historic Events. I was consistently facing the same three decks and sometimes some rogue decks. These decks were very aggressive and consistent. I was constantly tweaking my deck so as to adjust to what I thought was the clear "meta". Well after being of going 3-3 on average, I decided to build a jank deck that was built to hose on aggro decks. I played three events with this new deck and oddly enough that "meta" become much much much less pronounced. I started facing many Azorius Control decks and even bad jank decks (I was playing one myself). I know the sample size is small, but I became very suspicious and decided to express my concerns and confront the Arena staff.
The customer support guy actually never denied or eased my concerns. He only said that the matchmaking system is not rigged and it was "working as intended".
I don't know man... It just feels odd sometimes.
Sam Gin#13044 commented
less an idea than an observation: takes, most often hours to draw a hand that allows a deck to play competitively, and sometimes not even after six or seven. Often decks opposing created decks, after hours of losses, then play other decks, exactly constituted with your decks cards, continue that certainty, insultingly, with deck draws, only providing land, or creatures, or spells in far fewer than successfully competitive quantities both out of balance and far after one's opponent has tactically already won. it's a bit like having a crippled and injured brother whom the surgeons informed you that a single jar to his head might end his life trying to provoke you into fist fights with him.
GreedsWrath#52207 commented
At least to more games that these two got assistance from mtg arena. So glad that after I stopped paying cuz you know life happens I get **** on this company!!!!!!
GreedsWrath#52207 commented
I don’t want to discredit that these guys have great decks but to have everything to shut me down right off the bat. And to add the are you have fun at the end of them. Come on guys you trolling PoS?!!!!
GreedsWrath#52207 commented
You I’ve tired being civil by reporting it and all I get is “OuR dRaW sYsTeM iS wOrKiNg FiNe.” No it not, I can pin point where my losses are coming from and it’s from lack of drawing land. Every time I play I draw 2 land most times even after mulligans then when it comes to get some of the spells I need to come in clutch it never happens and yet every single one of my opponents have everything. They are the most synergistic decks I’ve ever seen. Some how they have the right board wipe they that that clutch counter spell or kill on spot spell. But I can’t quite get that synergy going…….. come on guys…….. this is getting really stupid……..
Karnaud#91972 commented
That's insane.
On draft whiel playing 2 colors: hand 1; 3manas of color 1. Hand 2; 3 manas of color 2. Hand 3 stuck at 2 manas.
Repeat that on 3 games in a row. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!!!!!! -
K.night#36797 commented
The odds of getting behind are too high.
About once a week the day when the first attack exceeds 50%. -
Craznar#31463 commented
Since ONE was released, around 80% of my opening hands have only had 1 mana. Before today this might have occurred once out of every 30+ deals (with >30% mana).
Today - I'm getting 1 mana openings almost every hand, and twice I got 1 mana on opening hand and one mana on first mulligan.
Something seems to have changed.
Haystack#90070 commented
42 lands in my historic brawl deck. I e played 22 games today. In 20 of them, I was still searching for my fourth land on turn 8. I run opt and brainstorm etc and in ten of those games I made it to 23 cards deep in my deck before I found my fourth land. In literally ONE of those games my opponent missed flawless curve. ******** Wizards. I hope 2023 delivers you nothing but financial ruin.
Dameon Geppetto#78715 commented
Call it what it is: cheating. Any product that is manipulating results to provide more money spent on said product is a con. This is not a game of skill, it is a rigged slot machine. Random does not exist in computer code, it is all patterns. The matchmaker is CLEARLY shading wins & losses towards specific players in almost every match. The only question left is how many factors contribute towards the manipulation of outcomes (money spent, win/loss streak, cards in deck, etc).
Don't spend money on Arena and #boycottHasbro. Stop buying their products.
Slap Daddy#21818 commented
It's almost like the game is designed to give you bad hands/pulls. I have spoke to several other people and they experience the same thing.
Every match I've played for the last few days has either given me all lands or almost no lands, and if I play with a 3 color deck(having the same amount of each mana color) I will not pull a third color mana. I will however get a bunch of cards in the mana type that I'm not able to use.
So essentially every game I've played lately gives me dead hands/pulls. I have tried editing my decks but still have the same issue. -
Yourdeath#15281 commented
I'm writing from my personal experience and reflects my POV only: I wonder how software engineers that work in this company sleep at night? this is what you do with your programming skills? instead of building an app to help humanity, you're building a 100% scripted game by a rigged matchmaker to take advantage of human weaknesses to make them become frustrated enough to spend more money on cards? is that the purpose of your life? I hope Wotc and Hasbro will go bankrupt soon, to whoever is considering playing this game, know that it will just cause you to spend money and have negative feelings constantly as this game is scripted, nothing is random, its sole purpose is to make you spend as much money as possible by any means possible
NIBOSHI#50407 commented
I believe that a more uniform distribution of cards in the library is needed to play games without discomfort.
NIBOSHI#50407 commented
I have played this game for the past several months. I feel very uncomfortable with the shuffling algorithm of this game. To help you understand my discomfort, I attached some screenshots of first hands.
Playing this game is uncomfortable for me. I want to play this game with fun because I love MTG. Could you please modify the shuffle algorithm to that cards are more uniformly distributed in the library?
Steponmyfoot#31893 commented
Not almosth every game Andre#34832 it's all the games actually counting on your losses/wins... It's completly rigged! And the worst thing is that it's so obvious that the game will scratch that in your face like the game is saying "I won't let you win and you know it and there is nothing you can doo about it!"
And IsaPuppy#02661 i completly agree that " did you enjoy the game" bs is anoying af... 90% of the time that question only shows up when i loose so what is the purpose of that? And no i don't enjoy rigged games so even if i win all you get from me is a no like ever was and ever will be! Stop that stupid question because there is no use for it anyway...
I rank up to mythic every month since the last 7 months or so, even with the mosth hilarious decks that would never ever work in real life, like a 10 lands deck... yes i rank up to mythic with a 10 lands deck... Since the starting hand will mosth likely have 2 lands on it why not right? So i made a 10 lands white deck with 60 cards and only cards that cost 1 and 2 manas and then i just put +1+1 counters on them, i only have creatures, a few enchants and one or 2 artifact/enchant destroyers, nothing else. And already got me to mythic some times........ the fun fact is that i even draw lands when i need them and even multiple land draws in a row... rarely i loose from mana ***** but the matches i loose is due to the game giving me cards that i don't need at that right moment but it's a rare event... i remember winning like 10 games in a row or so without a single loss in between wich is hilarious because irl that would mosth likely not happen... and then i have a well structured nicol bolas themed deck that took me to mythic the other times. All my other 60/80 decks are also very well structured but can barrely win a game because the game insists in matching me agains't counter decks and always ***** up my draws or due to lack on mana color or due to mana ***** or simply by giving my empty handed oponents the right cards to ***** me up or just by only giving me useless stuff that i cannot use against that oponent like giving me mass creature destroyers when my opponent only play's enchants or others of the kind... with that nicol bolas deck i reached on tutor a 79% win rate in a streak of more than 20 or so matches, to the next day i loose an equal ammount of matches in a row without a single win in between... It's interesting that when you are about to rank up all of a sudden you downgrade to the beginning of that rank level... like the game want's you to spend more time with it and or maybe some money on it due to the frustration and leading you to think that what you really need is better cards cause your deck is still too weak? What about those 25/50 remaining golds needed to buy one more last booster of the day (if this is your case) and you can't because you keep loosing to stupid draws? I would spend hundreds of hours more playing this game if this wasn't rigged. But instead all i want is to finish my quests as fast as i can, buy my fckn stuff and leave!
Anyway on my cost you don't get rich for sure... i play since the start and never did and never will spend a penie on that fully scripted game ever.
I wonder how much more players could be playing this garbage if it was a legit random fair game like it is on paper... -
Andre#34832 commented
Guys, playing this game is crazy. You can understand how the game works from the second turn. And guess what?! Guessing is hundred percent correct. Almost every game is bloody scripted, your implementation with the emoticon is useless without a comment session underneath. If you check your Log files you can understand how frustrating it is. Change your beta testers or be more clear about how your game is play-to-win