Algorithm Improvement
I'm sure you're getting a lot of complaints about how one-sided your algorithm is not being impartial and often times screwing over players with land draws that should not be happening in a purely random sample - so my complaint can be added to that pile.
But, an idea for changing the algorithm to improve randomization would be having the program assign a number to each card remaining in a deck and pile shuffling the cards into X amount of piles (let's say 6). It can repeat this process Y amount of times then take the middle of the pile and put those cards on top. A better template would be from the card shuffler for poker sets from stores.
IsaPuppy#02661 commented
I hate playing against a different meta depending on my deck choice. Every time I adjust to what seems to be the meta, I'm fed a totally different set of opponents. I'd love to test my janky upsetter decks against the most common decks, but as soon as I do, those opponents are never seen again. I would prefer an FNM standard tournament experience, not some heavily manipulated fight rigging. Pit people against each other based on rank, sure, but not based on card choice. It's unfun. And quit asking if I enjoyed a game. It's not about one game it's about the total experience. I'm ready to quit.
MessyMitch#00492 commented
Ever notice this cheap *** game changes who you play against based on your deck... I do... Cheap *** programming. Well to be fair pay to win guess tech companies will real it in come this next recession... better learn to grow and not code!
resound#47941 commented
How is it conceivable that my opponent played three Wedding Announcements in a row from a deck with one hundred card?
He had three lands and an endless supply of increasingly powerful token creatures. One might think the shuffler is broken.
STFD_BOWSER#10381 commented
have draw random at all times . im getting so tired of this smoothing BS that cheats me out of games just so yall can make us 50% win rate . 9 out 10 games is the same BS opening hand 2 lands and 2 lands however many times i mull and then never anymore lands for next 6-8 turns and i litterly play a deck that is 80% 2-3 drop with so much draw and nothing . quite funny all though my pro magic time i held an 85% win rate in all types of play but on here nope and yall wonder why your losing money
non-inflammable#06016 commented
opponent goes first almost every time. i just played about 12 games and went first twice. also, i didn't win a single game. who am i playing against. i hate this game.
W'olfa Nunh#03251 commented
The reason for quitting your game is because as a fairly new player i am pinned up against veteran players against my will and forced to eat a loss every time. It is NOT fun using a common /uncommon deck against people who are using 30+ rare cards in their decks.
It's unfair and the algorithm based on what i can see is absolute ****. Like i said, i've only been playing for a few months but during this time i can see a huge disparity between getting lands and not. Majority of times i get 1 land. Now you can say that i didn't set my deck up properly to where i would say that you are wrong because WotC set this deck up personally and i haven't fiddled with it at all. It's a starter deck they give you to get started. There may be a rare or something in the starter deck but still, it's mainly commons and uncommons.
At least when i play irl i know who im playing against and what decks they are using and i can shuffle my deck better than your ai, which btw should be impossible since all you have to do is set numbers.
Why can't everyone start off with at least 2 lands in their hand and random everything else. Going 20 cards deep into a deck and finding one land is stupid and tells me that your algorithm is fubar.
That's why im quitting and i don't recommend people play your game unless they got way to much money invested to quit.
max#66712 commented
Support non existent.
Mana non existent .
I win one game and the game after no mana at all for alll the three matches ,it’s seems to be by a choice to balance win and loss ..not real ability game ,just statistics game .
U win some
U must lose the same amount ,
U have the worst support ever ,u say u read all comments and ur ridicolous false ,u never make any correction of a problem, only words -
FOREXPRO#44026 commented
Algo va muy mal en MTG cuando puedo saber exactamente durante centenas de veces y partidas diferentes que es lo que va a robar mi contrincante y que es lo que voy a robar yo. Juego totalmente amañado o bugeado. No es posible que haya ciertos jugadores que reciban las cartas de forma mecánica de tal forma que es inposible jugar pues hacen partidas 100% perfectas. El juego te hace robar durante turnos interminables maná o te da dos manás a lo largo de todo el juego. También las cartas de costes muy altos 5 y 6 salen siempre al principio de la partida, muchas veces hasta 4 copias de la misma carta, por ejemplo cuando lanzas o robas 1 invocar a la desesperación, siempre robas otro justo al momento, o cuando llevas una carta de coste 5 que te hace mucha falta para equilibrar la partida, te atascas en el cuarto maná y no lo robas hasta mucho tiempo después. También cada vez que exilias una carta al contrincante automáticamente se la vuelve a robar, también cuando te ponen una gran cantidad de fichas en juego, automáticamente te robas un removal masivo, también cuando no deja de darte maná hasta que el contrincante no te saca una o dos criaturas fuertes al juego no te robas otra cosas que no sea maná. Esto pasa mucho con los mazos azules, muchas veces son ayudados para ralentizar la partida. Por no hablar que cuando no pagas, solo empiezas 1 o 2 veces de cada 10 partidas y cada vez que juegas contra mono-red empieza el 90% de las veces mono-red a jugar. Es un engaño y espero que lo solucioneis pronto, pues esto es solo un ejemplo de los muchos patrones que tiene el juego. Pienso demostrar todo esto a través de vídeos y publicarlo en decenas de canales y webs si hace falta para desenmascarar esta farsa.
flamingoforever#03173 commented
FIX THE F***ING RNG concerning the draw !
I CANNOT PLAY YOUR GAME : Half of the games are either floods or mana deaths !! I don't mind losing against nice opponents/decks, but I do when I lose because I cannot play cards !!!
quick example 2 games in a row : I drew 10 lands out of 16 cards !
and last time I played few days ago the exact opposite, stuck on 3 lands for 7/8 turns for several games (playing 17 lands for a 40 cards deck in draft)how am I supposed to keep an interesting W/L ratio in draft if I can't play half of the games ?? even more for events you need to pay for (here, draft events), it's basically just giving you money without being able to play afterwards ....
Keygun#54771 commented
Either you are rigging the games because I'm not spending money, or someone hacked my account and is causing me to get mana screwed every single game.
I'm guessing you're just a greedy company that gives an unfair advantage to those that spend money.
I spent money once and got to mythic rank in one day, but now the same deck won't let me get out of platinum.
Either your game is monetarily rigged, or my account is hacked. -
DreadNORD#39037 commented
This does not make any sense. Fix your broken shuffler. Why in MTGA every 2nd day I have situations that in paper Magic happen to me once in 5 years????
cutbreak9#84534 commented
Wizards of the ****
Seraph#92197 commented
Dude, don’t give them a dime. You don’t pay somebody to fix something that shouldn’t be there in the first place.
W'olfa Nunh#03251 commented
It doesn't make any sense at all for new players with starter decks to go up against people with hundreds of dollars into their accounts. Why does 15 wins take 15+ hours for me to complete? Why can't we just play bot matches for 20 wins or something. It doesn't make sense why this win count is so dag gone high. Literally spending 3 hours for a single win is NOT FUN and doesn't make me want to spend money to make a deck at all when the money spent to make a deck that'll yield better win rates will cost me some astronomical figure for an RNG chance of getting something useable.
I really wish that the game would put people up against players of their caliber, instead of me sitting with a starter deck fighting against people playing Ulmog and Bolas or drawing a fight out with life gain for 30+ minutes because they like seeing big health numbers. Literally have no way of stopping any of that other than conceding (which i have to do so as to not waste anymore of my time).
Does anyone else have this problem? I mean ive only been playing for 4-5months and it's so glaring that out of 100 fights i only win 5 or 6. Are the dailies wins not really supposed to be dailies?
Anyways, the barrier to "fun" on this game costs a lil more than i think my plebian wallet can support. I have had some good matches where i lost (but it could've gone either way), just have more one sided matches with starter decks and the only decks i can find are all about brothers war and a few expansions below that, all of which i can't make because i dont have the cards.
Tocs Redle#81388 commented
Please review your algorithm that shuffles (randomizes) the deck. I consistently either draw no lands or only draw lands. Many times I have had matches where I drew 10 land in a row, only having 5 spells the entire match. My deck ratio of lands is 1:3. I should be drawing a land every third card, not 10 lands in a row, or conversely, no lands in 10 or 11 turns.
cutbreak9#84534 commented
Hasbro is run by a bunch of posterior orifices.
wintergreywolf#67718 commented
you have to fix this bug, i lose a lot of game couse the game crash and the random system is so bad, in a deck balanced with 60 card 23 land 37 spell it's impossible play more than 3 game on 5 with no land or all land in my hand, it's not a real random condition, this fact ruin the game a lot.
Zazajiji#26823 commented
I have said it time and time again. And i see a LOT of complains about arena and it seems to me they just ignore them.
- Shuffler is absolutly broken. (No lands, all lands, collor *****, tapped check lands in openers 1 or 2 off lands always in opening hands)
- The pairing algorithm. According to their vague discription you should be paired against your equal balanced opponent. Well... that doesn't work once. I lost to mono red on the draw more times i can count. Played 4 times in a row on the draw with my own version of red. As soon as i switch from deck that would be a better mu for me i NEVER see mono red again.
-Events are a complete joke. Ive tried the Explorer decatlon event. I tried twice played 4 matches. Got absolute demolished by a bot no doubt in my mind. He played 2 excactly the same games with mono green devotion. Impossible draws no chance. Really good way to take gems from everyone. Because we can't prove anything
- Pack cracking. Ive opened about 100 dominaria packs and still haven't gotten some uncs or rares. But got complete playsets of the "draft" filler rares.The rares you get from quests are also 9 out of 10 times not worth the hassle
- App stability. It doesn't matter where i play on what device and on what connection. Some games the app just freezes,keeps loading or shuts down. If you are in the middle of a game it just crashes and by the time u get back ( very very slow startup) your turn has passed and you can basicly scoop.-last point. Content creators seem to have little to no problems at all and that says someting about visibility. They keep everything in the front running smoothly and fix visible problems quickly but anything else just gets ignored.
Probably this whole message will be either deleted or ignored but i gues it was worth a try
Zazajiji#26823 commented
Its really sad they just ignore anything that doesn't bother them or makes them money. I talk with a lot of people and they normally would run 19-21 lands but play with 17-18 because of the shuffler. Im not seeing the point in EVER running for ranked its so obviously rigged. Ive played over 40 games 1 day a couple weeks ago nearing 100 mythic. Running multiple high ranked decks with the right cards. But calculated my winrate at about 37%. They only care about money always do always will. The app crashes,is full off buggs, rigged and they completely ignore all complaints as long as people are still playing
braves1101#28955 commented
Please please PLEASE fix the shuffler. It's ridiculous at this point. I just ran through a stretch where I had six consecutive draws with 2 or fewer lands. In the games I actually attempted to play, I had 5 consecutive games where I opened with 5 straight non-land draws. All with the standard 40% land decks. A stretch like that goes beyond the point of coincidence, it's nearly statistically impossible. You have a 1% chance (literally) of drawing 5 straight non-lands in a 40% land deck. Doing that FIVE TIMES IN a ROW? That's a .00000001% chance. It makes the game literally unplayable. I'm just sitting there drawing non-land after non-land, knowing there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. There are literally thousands of websites on the internet where you can play blackjack, that have all figured out randomized shufflers. Why is it so hard for WOTC? I just want to play the game and *have a chance*