Mythic Rare Wildcard from Mastery Pass Reward not being added to user account
- Reach level 65 of Crimson Vow Mastery
- PC
- Not getting a Mythic Rare Wildcard
- Getting a Mythic Rare Wildcard
This happened not only once.
It seems rather suspicious, that somehow out of all the Mastery Pass Rewards, only the Mythic Rare Wildcards don't drop as a reward in the Crimson Vow Mastery Pass.
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GreyFox81#84013 commented
Same here , i didn't get my mythic card reward level 14 murders at karlov manor mastery
[Deleted User] commented
Are you checking in your Collection to verify that Arena just isn't showing the reward when you level up?
Invested-Cremling#04764 commented
I am also experiencing this
Friarpud#78939 commented
Have not received any of the reward cards for leveling the Wild of Eldraine mastery pass beyond level 70.
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'General Questions'.
thisisess#21281 commented
This just happened to me at level 62 for the MotM Mastery pass. No Mythic.
shoopla#96392 commented
Not receiving wild card reward from the mastery pass. Specifically i haven't gotten the mythic card reward for at least the last 2 mythic card unlocks even though i do not have all the mythics from MOM.
never3nding#14518 commented
This just happened to me. Im reporting it to wizards
SkyLarDam#12516 commented
Same here as well, received no mythic carsd rewards for the paid for mastery levels that should grant the mythic cards. Please fix this asap.
venom69#84487 commented
Mythic card reward missing after earning experience (Mastery Pass) current mastery lvl 63, Please fix and reimburse what was not given. People pay good money to not be shorted on rewards coming to them. Missing rewards from 59 and 62.
DonTankMO#50922 commented
mastery's mythic card reward not received
Dakron15#50518 commented
Yeah I just leveled up and got the booster pack at level 40 but I never saw a mythic card appear. If it did give it to me, even my new cards in my collection never showed a mythic card and this is the second time since I purchased the mastery pass. All for one when I purchased at the end seemed to give me the mythic cards but I have yet to see one earned this time around. Please fix this! Considering the long list of unresolved comments on this I'm not getting a good feeling that I will receive help for this.
Kóbor Darján commented
4 cards at Mastery level 10 and 4 cards at Mastery level 35, can not find them anywhere.
Can you help me please why I do not see them in my collection?
Thank you -
Leunam#13982 commented
I have reached lvl 34 in the mastery pass and I didn't get the mythic card reward, this makes me wonder if I got the previous ones, is there a way for you to know if I really got them? Mythic cards are super hard to get and this reward is very important to any player, please check this issue asap. Thanks
XinXyder#26894 commented
Did not receive card from Mastery pack
Digs#58823 commented
Mythic card reward not received for achieving the mastery pass milestone.
Already checked my inventory and when the level was reached nothing popped up on my screen -
Yourdeath#15281 commented
Didn't get the mythic rare card reward while reaching lv 72 in All Will be One Mastery, Arena just couldn't care about its customers less than it already does. In every Mastery pass, this happens with the Mythic card reward, but that's nothing compared to the garbage this company pulls with the non-random matchmaker to destroy the game of magic that has been around for almost 30 years
snmaer#76343 commented
No mythic rare card while reaching lv 66 in the current mastery.
IT is kindly annoying investing time and gems and getting no reward
JJGemstone#85172 commented
I hear you I haven't received all cards from Mastery Unlcocks either, specifically the Red Dominus and a couple of others...
acidbuurn#00716 commented
I also have not received my mythic cards for all for one mastery pass. When I first bought at level 50, it showed me mythic cards awarded but check my library there is none. Now should have received another but nothing.