LOTR prerelease boosters lost after update
I redeemed LOTR prerelease boosters code last weekend. Six boosters was shown locked in the Packs section. After todays update boosters had disappeared and now the store says the code has been used.

jls55#71960 commented
seer_vision#77540 commented
I was able to get the packs back to my account & I opened them now, no problem. Anyone else still having issues?
NDevil22#98612 commented
same for me...
Alvarovisky#97127 commented
cubik#16566 commented
Same here : also missing the two starter decks, which I could got in pre-release from my local store… This update looks a bit spooky.
Dragon#84232 commented
I entered the code I got from the pre-release event and I was given packs in Arena. After the update today, all of my pre-release packs are missing.
KBeta#61822 commented
I too had my purchased packs erased by the update.
Djall#60555 commented
One more
Hyunkel#80467 commented
Same for me
Mr.T#42995 commented
Dante commented
Same thing here
TragicEraser#14786 commented
TragicEraser#14786 commented
TragicEraser#14786 commented
TragicEraser#14786 commented
I have the same issue
EphraimWaite#49885 commented
Same for me too!
Minihub#55147 commented
6x LTR packs from Prerelease code disappeared after update - code was redeemed last week, packs were to be openable from June 20th, but they disappeared from my profile after the update.
Carrollje#07705 commented
Yep! Same here.
I_N_E_R_T_I_A#91409 commented
I_N_E_R_T_I_A#91409 commented