Remove Digital-Only Cards from the Timeless Format
The timeless format is a big step forward and many players, including myself are excited to start playing it.
However, the constant pushing of digital only designs and pursuit of empty slogans such as "all cards on arena are legal" add nothing to the excitement and health of the format, many players would rather a true to paper experience with as little digital designs as possible.
Please consider removing alchemy from Timeless.

SenpaiGuyscemi#74816 commented
please remove it from brawl too i really dislike alchemy it just breaks the game
volt#18265 commented
After so many years since the introduction of alchemy they still didn't figured out (our want to..) people are here to have a realy true to papper experience.
I'm here to play MAGIC THE GATHERING, not fkn hearthsh1tone. People don't want diferent cards from real papper versions, nor rebalenced, nor new inventions, nor anything like that cr4pTo add insult to injury golden packs now contain bs lotr cards that are not valid in standard, when initially they said golden packs were to only feature standard cards. Golden packs were a blessing for people that didn't like drafting, and now they're losing value because of the inclusion of alch stuff in them.
People are here to play mtg and mtg alone. Not some coinflip-create-a-card inferior game. Stop trying to shove alchemy down our throats.
Or AT LEAST, if you want to keep doing that and adding alchesh1t stuff to the game, give as an equivalent free and non-alchemy format where everyone can play what they really want and be happy.
People are BEGGING for this since day1 alchemy when you fkd up historic. The only real formats mtga have are standard, standard-brawl and pioneer-lite explorer. Rest is just pure garbage for the majority of the playerbase.
Why don't you guys listen to the comunity? Your revenues keep going up year after year, yet it's just getting more and more difficult to play real-paper-mtg-version only.
meanwhile69#39500 commented
This client it's just completely dogshit lots of bug isn't optimized well on mobile and on PC even has a lot of stuttering, not even close to the hearthstone comparison. MTG was and it's the #1 TGC but oh boii their team sucks ***
Corazon#85112 commented
ElgenEinar#75153 commented
Please just remove alchemy altogether, it was a worthwhile experiment, but it has clearly failed. It is horrible, and makes me and everyone I know want to play the game much less.
ModernArtery#46073 commented
I'm strongly considering moving away from Arena altogether because of the lack of an eternal non-Alchemy format. All the cards I buy for Standard become useless to me after rotation. I guess I can play Explorer, but Explorer doesn't let me play fetch lands. I really dislike the decision by WotC to force Alchemy mechanics into so many formats on Arena. We're playing Arena because we love Magic. Magic is a great game. Magic doesn't have digital-only mechanics like "conjure a card" or "seek a card", and forcing stuff like that to coexist with real cards that we love feels insulting, and like the developers completely miss the point of what we like about the game.
gWhiz#20143 commented
It seems the Alchemy cards also take up too much memory both Locally and on the Server. Perhaps we should have an opt out of Digital Only and have a separate, streamlined Server for us?
gWhiz#20143 commented
Create a separate format: Timeless Unplugged!
spook1980#44456 commented
please do not do this, I want a format where everything is legal, digital cards are fun
Grijander#53193 commented
We need at least another eternal 100% paper format. Explorer is fine, but the metagame is pretty stale and basically all you see is Rakdos vampires, monoblack discard, green stompy and Amalia decks all the time.
Timeless was a good opportunity to add a "modern" format to MTG Arena but WotC wants to shovel Alchemy down our throats at the slightest opportunity. They don't care about veteran MTG players.
TF822#30939 commented
I hate the Alchemy cards. They are pushed and not part of MTG. There are enough regular cards that we don’t need you adding pushed fake cards into the mix. I often scoop out of games when I see them. Make Timeless Alchemy free. It’s wild enough as it is.
Blue#97749 commented
I actually quit MTG Arena altogether because they released Alchemy cards into Historic (a long time ago now, I know).
I would love there to be a format on Arena where you could play all REAL cards that exist in paper on Arena, but for some reason the Arena dev team are so dumb, they've never had that idea once Alchemy released.
As an engineer and long time fan of this game, I honestly think the product and management team running Arena should be completely sacked. Not sure they've even clued in (which is even more sad) at how much players hate Alchemy cards. They probably see Youtubers engaging in Alchemy and think they're succeeding when the average players are leaving the client and they're not piecing one and one together about why. I don't care if there is a population that enjoy Alchemy cards, the fact that they're pushing out other players is a cardinal sin in game design.
TheWamp#17907 commented
Agreed. I like timeless and play it almost as much as standard. That said, I have no desire to see or use any digital only cards. I don't even want to see the free ones I was given in some alchemy packs. I have not used any of them and won't. please give us a format that is alchemy free. Timeless should be the closest format to the old 1.5. Kitchen table Magic online.
Dransel#82589 commented
As a returning player who recently found out about Timeless, the inclusion of Alchemy cards in this format is going to push me further away from Arena. I have spent more money on MTG than I care to admit, but I just want to mimic my paper experience on a good digital client. Alchemy has its place, but please consider removing it from Timeless and limiting it to Alchemy/Historic formats only.
peace01#43097 commented
tis is arena whch means you domn't aave older cards unless they are released in digital or a new set. If you want a paper experince you should play MTGO where all the cads since 4th ed are n game and n most of the nonbbn banned are added. There is no need timess in MTGO have Freeform, legacy, and commander and the other format.
SCbred86#11850 commented
This is critical. Real MTG players do not enjoy alchemy.
sendel#61419 commented
I think this is an important issue. Alchemy cards are feelbad cards.
Alchemy and historic are a great match, because you seek to balance the format on the product site.
Historic wants to be curated.Timeless is the eternal no-ban, only restricted true to paper format, if changed. Which will help Arena immensly, if you want to bring strong unbalanced/cards into Arena Timeless is an haven always there.
Powerlevel are over the top for a reason. Timeless could even be a better vintage in Paper! Cost wise etc.
arthur#60167 commented
New player , I love Alchemy , balance
Nightmare215#84208 commented
please remove alchemy cards from the format, leave alchemy cards to historic.
jdurchen#07573 commented
100% Agree. Alchemy has ruined my non standard game play. It has basically rendered all my older cards useless because we are not given options of playing larger formats without Alchemy changes and it really does make me consider if I really want to keep investing in a platform that is diverging from the paper experience.