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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

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3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

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6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1348 results found

  1. Quick Draft wins are not being awarded

    Won a match in Quick Draft but the result only counted towards daily win and not Quick Draft event.

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  2. Why is there not brawl tournaments

    I think I speak for a lot of players in this game. When are we going to get ranked brawl and brawl events? The game has been around a long time and we have seen new formats created for this game and still haven't gotten ranked brawl and brawl tournaments

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  3. Arena Cube Draft - Unexpected Disconnects & Entry Fee Request

    Dear MTG Arena Support,

    On February 6, 2025, between 00:00 and 00:40, I participated in an Arena Cube Draft. During my first match, at game 3, I received the notification "Reconnecting to the server." After about 10 seconds, I was sent back to the main menu, but my draft still showed three games remaining.

    A few minutes later, I started another match. However, after five minutes, I received the "Reconnecting to the server" message again. This time, my draft showed only two games remaining despite not finishing the match.

    I attempted to start another match, but within five seconds, I…

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  4. Draft Tokens Disappeared

    I had draft tokens and jump-in tokens that one day just weren't there anymore. I think they disappeared after the first Aetherdrift update, but I'm not entirely sure. What I do know is that customer service provide me an outline of premier drafts I had completed and I hadn't completed any after the last time I had draft tokens.

    I took a screenshot of a quick draft to send a friend on January 23 and this shows that I had tokens at this time. There's no record of me using and yet they are no longer there.

    I was saving…

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  5. You are criminals

    WATC are all criminals. Thieves that have no shame!

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  6. match loss by arena reseting the match

    While in drafth the game terminate the second match and send me back to the lobby of the drafth.. not count the second game has a win or loss, then, afhter game 3 arena count the game it therminates has a loss and clossing the event for me.

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  7. Chromatic cube crashing on ipad

    Chromatic cube running very slowly on iPad. Eventually froze and when I restarted recorded match loss despite having two time outs in hand and nothing holding priority.

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  8. Mastery pass rewards misaligned in webpage version for the free path

    If you visit:

    And scroll down to the mastery section, you'll notice that the "Set Mastery" items, in other words the free rewards, are offset by a tier.

    FDN Booster is listed at level 3 on the webpage, but is level 2 in-game, and so on.

    Tangentially, would be nice to add an ID tag to the table (much like how the Golden Packs section has the golden-packs id) so it would be possible to directly navigate to the table via URL.

    Going further, a general improvement would be to make all headings (at least top-level ones) addressable via…

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  9. jump in

    Jump in event is still only rerouting me to the home page.

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  10. Draft

    I just played my first match of the Chromatic Cube and after I won, the game is showing one win but also one loss. It doesnt make sense since I just played one match and won. I restarted the game but it is still showing the loss

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  11. Game crashed while opponent ragequitted

    I was playing a best of one Chromatic Cube Draft on my PC. My opponent was dead on board but looks like they ragequitted, so I was waiting for their time to end. After a while "an error has occurred", I tried to restart the game but cannot reconnect for some minutes. I tried 3-4 times and then I rejoined and the game was ended with a loss.

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  12. Congelamento do DRAFT CUBO Cromatico

    Hoje pela manhã meu jogo estava jogando meu cubo cromatico e a partida parou e não conseguia conectar ao servidor, outro dia estava produzindo meu deck e acabou saindo minhas wildcards e elas não foram criadas, determino tempo e dinheiro a muitos anos ao magic, para simplismente todo meu trabalho ser desconsiderado, queria fazer stremar a plataforma mas, acabo desistindo devido a falta de suporte, tendo diversos prejuizos, como da primeira reclamação que fiz e simplismente falaram que eu não estava jogando um evento e não resolveram meu problema, preciso do meu reembolso das partidas perdidas e minhas 19 cards…

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  13. Game crashes after finding an opponent

    Dear MTGA Support,

    I am experiencing an issue where the app crashes immediately after finding an opponent for a match. Upon reopening the app, the game attempts to relaunch the match but crashes again. The same issue persists even after restarting my iPad Mini. This problem has happened before, but it typically resolves itself after some time.

    What concerns me is that these crashes are resulting in losses being counted during events where I’ve invested Gold or Gems. This is unfair, as I’m not able to complete the matches and I’m losing rewards because of these technical issues.

    Device: iPad…

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  14. MTG Brawl

    Why hasn't MTG arena brought out brawl tournaments yet? And why hasn't wizard's installed a form of commander into the game yet?

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  15. Client crashed during OTJ Premier Draft

    During OTJ Premier Draft, today Feb. 1st approx 15:40 Italy Time, during the 2nd booster draft, the client crashed. Restarting it immediately reported a bug.
    I could only reconnect through phone, but after missing almost entirely the 2nd pack and resulting in a random draft
    Since client crashed, can't get a log
    Wish for a refund of the draft cost

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  16. MTGアリーナ アリーナオープンの参加者配布アバター(参加するだけで貰えるやつ)


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  17. Life link haven't increased my life pointa

    I have attacked my opponent with a creature with life links, but I haven't got my life points increased by the inflict damage. That lead me to lose the game on the following opponent turn.

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  18. Forgefire Automaton did not trigger Ravenous Chupacabra

    I returned a Ravenous Chupakabra from my graveyard to the battefield, and its capacity did not trigger (resulting in a loss in my draft which is frustrating), even though it litteraly says it "entered" the battlefield this turn. Either there is a rule I'm not aware of (and in this case, the information displayed is wrong), or it's a bug.

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  19. Game disconnected mid game - Played another Game - Won said game - Got a loss (Wilds of Eldraine Quick Draft)

    So, I'm currently doing a couple of runs in premier draft of the wilds of Eldraine set. I think the game before my last game I got disconnected in the middle of the game and get returned back to the page where I can start a new game, I was like - okay then... no biggie I'll just play another game. I end up winning the match (I'm certain of that, I dealt lethal damage to my opponent). I come back to my quick draft page I see that I got 3 losses... (which should be impossible as I won…

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  20. Can't put land back in my deck

    During the building of my deck I put all lands aside, but now I can't put Xander's Lounge back in. When I click it the game offers me to buy a alternate art which I don't want and dragging it in doesn't do anything.

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