MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
1379 results found
Cards changing during drafts
During my first SNC draft, I picked a Psychic Pickpocket P1P4. However, what showed up in my pool was a Brokers Veteran. I figured I had just misclicked.
However, after completing the draft and building my deck, I encountered a server error and had to build my deck again. This time, the Psychic Pickpocket was in my pool, and the Brokers Veretan was not.
Parsing my logs with (attached), I see two separate draft pools. This was pretty bizarre, it may have affected my picks but I'm mostly concerned about the integrity of the draft format.
p3p15.jpeg 66 KB -
no_memory.jpeg 132 KB -
Log20220526_193408.log 4326 KB -
Untitled.png 2224 KB -
Log20220526_183045.log 33280 KB -
Log20220526_182750.log 4654 KB -
Log20220526_000524.log 31 KB -
mtga bug.jpg 796 KB -
Screenshot_20220525-144120_Magic.jpg 983 KB -
photo_2022-05-24_12-15-25.jpg 112 KB -
photo_2022-05-24_12-15-46.jpg 106 KB -
Log20220523_140106.log 27 KB -
1E4443C5-F9F6-478F-AE32-AB4D9FB74077.jpeg 3983 KB -
Log20220517_111103.log 5 KB -
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Log20220513_230759.log 36870 KB -
Log20220513_215324.log 1635 KB -
Log20220511_210944.log 48742 KB -
Log20220511_210944.log 48742 KB -
draft bug 2.png 4076 KB -
draft bug 1.png 3070 KB -
Jackhammer exchanged for cabaretti land.log 61 KB -
Cabaretti land changed back to jackhammer.log 67 KB -
Log20220504_231653.log 28327 KB -
Log20220501_232218.log 5 KB -
QQ图片20220501233247.png 2561 KB -
QQ图片20220501233242.png 2633 KB -
屏幕截图 2022-05-01 233331.png 1515 KB -
Log20220501_185417.log 1212 KB -
Log20220501_114008.log 8 KB -
Log20220501_115417.log 20 KB -
Player.log 9637 KB -
Log20220428_201625.log 9636 KB
1,867 votes -
Can't Edit Draft/Sealed Decks
I there is no button to edit my deck in my AFR quick draft.
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Screenshot_20210930-020739_Magic.jpg 1492 KB -
Log20210926_010416.log 16363 KB -
Log20210926_010445.log 16363 KB -
Log20210925_131554.log 15408 KB -
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Log20210924_164131.log 8 KB -
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5142B3E5-D02A-4723-835E-FE32BD32F1EC.jpeg 621 KB -
received_250215133780744.jpeg 252 KB -
Screenshot_20210923-084715_Magic.jpg 1510 KB -
MTGA_2.jpg 461 KB -
Screenshot_20210921_102220_com.wizards.mtga.jpg 1543 KB -
Log20210923_172637.log 105 KB -
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2021-09-23_17h21_30.png 3937 KB -
2021-09-23_17h20_17.png 2284 KB -
1.png 485 KB -
Log20210922_222103.log 7949 KB -
Screenshot_20210922-113643_Magic.jpg 1516 KB -
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Screenshot_20210922-113643_Magic.jpg 1516 KB -
MTGA bug.jpg 220 KB -
Magic the Gathering Arena 2021.09.17 - 1482 KB -
Log20210922_192737.log 6987 KB -
Log20210922_192737.log 6987 KB -
Log20210922_192737.log 6987 KB -
Log20210922_192737.log 6987 KB -
Captura de Tela 2021-09-21 às 22.05.09.png 3893 KB -
Captura de Tela 2021-09-21 às 22.05.09.png 3893 KB -
Captura de Tela 2021-09-21 às 22.05.09.png 3893 KB -
Captura de Tela 2021-09-21 às 22.05.09.png 3893 KB -
image.jpg 3612 KB -
Captura de Tela 2021-09-21 às 22.05.09.png 3893 KB -
UTC_Log - 09-22-2021 02.05.10.log 1839 KB -
midsealednoeditbug.png 2493 KB -
Log20210921_194234.log 8 KB -
Log20210921_173939.log 10 KB -
Log20210921_173939.log 10 KB -
Sealed Can't Edit.png 6751 KB -
Log20210921_224707.log 1238 KB -
Magic The Gathering Arena Screenshot 2021.09.21 - 3781 KB -
Magic The Gathering Arena Screenshot 2021.09.21 - 3781 KB -
Cannot Edit Sealed Deck.png 2911 KB -
Cannot Edit Sealed Deck.png 2911 KB -
MTG.gif 659 KB -
MTG.gif 659 KB -
MTG.gif 659 KB -
MTG.gif 659 KB -
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スクリーンショット (6).png 1707 KB -
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スクリーンショット (6).png 1707 KB -
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スクリーンショット (6).png 1707 KB -
Midnight Hunt Sealed.jpg 719 KB -
Midnight Hunt Sealed.jpg 719 KB -
Midnight Hunt Sealed.jpg 719 KB -
screenshot20210921.png 2877 KB -
Log20210921_190757.log 8466 KB -
BUG.png 3954 KB -
Log20210921_190757.log 8466 KB -
buggeddraft.png 4129 KB -
mmexport1632223009354.png 3938 KB -
BUG.png 3954 KB -
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BUG.png 3954 KB -
BUG.png 3954 KB -
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Log20210921_190757.log 8466 KB -
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Képernyőfelvétel (45).jpg 504 KB -
Képernyőfelvétel (45).jpg 504 KB -
Képernyőfelvétel (45).jpg 504 KB -
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Screenshot_20210918-212644.png 3987 KB -
Screenshot_20210920-183320.png 2572 KB -
Log20210921_064840.log 5372 KB -
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Log20210921_064840.log 5372 KB -
Log20210921_064840.log 5372 KB -
trouble.png 4632 KB -
trouble.png 4632 KB -
Immagine 2021-09-20 110509.png 2961 KB -
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bug.png 3983 KB -
Log20210920_102009.log 81 KB -
bug.png 3983 KB -
Log20210920_102009.log 81 KB -
bug.png 3983 KB -
Log20210920_102009.log 81 KB -
bug.png 3983 KB -
Log20210920_192029.log 7056 KB -
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Log20210920_121655.log 10 KB -
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IMG_20210917_143917.jpg 2988 KB -
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BUG.gif 240 KB -
BUG.gif 827 KB -
BUG.png 2539 KB -
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Screenshot_20210919-190827_Magic.jpg 1487 KB -
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Log20210919_154401.log 1423 KB -
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Log20210918_130909.log 1189 KB -
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Log20210918_130909.log 1189 KB -
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bug-arena.jpg 451 KB -
Log20210918_185829.log 18881 KB -
Log20210918_165028.log 7 KB -
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Log20210918_204554.log 9898 KB -
Log20210918_153434.log 7 KB -
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Log20210918_172941.log 27768 KB -
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noEdit.jpg 2361 KB -
Screenshot_20210918-150143.jpg 1526 KB -
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Innis_Midnighthunt_sealedPC.png 3769 KB -
Innis_Midnighthunt_sealedPC.png 3769 KB -
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MTGA 18_9_2021 4_33_15 PM.jpg 831 KB -
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MTGA 18_9_2021 4_33_15 PM.jpg 831 KB -
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UTC_Log - 09-17-2021 08.15.18.log 65 KB -
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Screenshot 2021-09-18 125449.png 3226 KB -
mtg arena glitch.png 521 KB -
MTGA 18_9_2021 4_33_15 PM.jpg 831 KB -
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MTGA 18_9_2021 4_33_15 PM.jpg 831 KB -
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MTGA 18_9_2021 4_33_15 PM.jpg 831 KB -
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MTGA 18_9_2021 4_33_15 PM.jpg 831 KB -
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MTGA 18_9_2021 4_33_15 PM.jpg 831 KB -
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UTC_Log - 09-18-2021 08.18.40.log 30 KB -
MTGA 18_9_2021 4_33_15 PM.png 7148 KB -
Log20210918_030842.log 1532 KB -
Premier Draft Missing Edit 9-17-21.png 3767 KB -
Premier Draft Missing Edit 9-17-21.png 3767 KB -
Log20210918_122735.log 23555 KB -
Log20210918_113244.log 7530 KB -
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Log20210917_204750.log 1238 KB -
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Bug.png 3359 KB -
Bug.png 3359 KB -
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Untitled.png 3773 KB -
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11C13A7D-0134-4A42-B207-DB5C358AFE40.png 10968 KB -
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Log20210917_183501.log 9 KB -
1.jpg 626 KB -
Log20210917_161443.log 5334 KB -
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スクリーンショット 2021-09-17 140332.png 3251 KB -
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Screenshot (2).png 3244 KB -
Screenshot (2).png 3244 KB -
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スクリーンショット (84).png 1492 KB -
Log20210917_111649.log 1226 KB -
MTGA 9_16_2021 3_25_20 PM.png 7341 KB -
MTGA 9_16_2021 3_25_20 PM.png 7341 KB -
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MTGA 10_09_2021 16_10_04.png 4234 KB -
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MTGA 10_09_2021 16_10_04.png 4234 KB -
Tinker Draft SS #2.png 2931 KB -
Tinker Draft SS #1.png 2959 KB -
Screenshot (30).png 3833 KB -
Screenshot (30).png 3833 KB -
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5CECDE06-03FB-4010-B7E7-8353C23B0E43.png 3416 KB -
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UTC_Log - 09-08-2021 20.28.43.log 166 KB -
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No Deck Editor.png 4059 KB -
No Deck Editor.png 4059 KB -
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No Deck Editor.png 4059 KB -
Screenshot_2021-09-08-15-56-52-575_com.wizards.mtga.jpg 1088 KB -
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2021-09-05 (3).png 4037 KB -
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Captura de tela 2021-09-05 235426.jpg 395 KB -
Log20210905_235034.log 1301 KB -
Captura de tela 2021-09-05 235426.jpg 395 KB -
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Screenshot 2021-08-27 235118.jpg 724 KB -
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1,431 votes -
Couldn't see picks during Draft
In my draft, I couldn't pick a card because I couldn't see them. I was auto-chosen a card and I had no choice in the matter.
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798 votes -
Draft loss bug
Twice I have experienced a bug where I was given a loss during a draft when I should not have. First during a premier draft I lost a match and it gave me two losses instead of just one. Second during a quick draft I was given a loss after winning a match. Very frustrating as it cut both those drafts short for me which is a loss of valuable resources as a player
456 votes -
Unable to sideboard or rejoin game
I tried to concede from game 1 from the Std Metagame Challenge, and when I tried to click settings I missed and closed the window, closing the client. When I reloaded the client, the game was still active and so I conceded the game as normal. However, I was unable to see my deck (only my sideboard), or confirm any deck configuration, instead seeing the screen as shown in my file. I couldn't rejoin the game after multiple attempts, and could only concede from the settings.
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Game where sideboarded out shock and dragonfire.PNG 3918 KB -
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375 votes -
Starter Deck Duel
Despite winning 3 games in Starter Deck Duel mode with the Black and White deck it did not show up in my Starter Decks.
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326 votes -
Daily Wins Didn't Reset
The daily wins didn't reset for the day. I previously had 7 completed Daily Wins and it gave me a new daily quest though it didn't reset the Daily Wins.
321 votes -
Unable to choose second pack: Jumpstart: Jump In!
I played a few games of the jumpstart event, Jump In!. On my third deck choice, I was able to choose my first packet, but not my second.
On the packet selection screen, it showed that I had chosen the "Warriors" packet as "Packet 1" and the "Rock and Roll" pack as "Packet 2" but still requested I choose a packet. I tried choosing again, and it showed "Packet 3" over "Elves", and again I selected the other packet, "Roiling", and it showed "Packet 4". No resolution would get me out of the screen and into games, so I exited.
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291 votes -
Quest not progressing
My daily quests have simply stopped progressing when I was almost done with them. Please Wizards, I would really like this extra gold since it's the last day before the new set.
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286 votes -
win registered as loss
In a premier draft of WOE my opponent conceded but Arena registered it as my third loss of the draft
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254 votes -
frozen draft
Client frozen during ranked draft.
Hopefully a refund for myself and all of my draft partners. forced to leave draft and unable to drop from premier drafting because of the frozen draft state.
242 votes -
alchemy historic changes
This change for historic is outrageous. Why should the historic card pool be nerfed for this fancy new separate standard mode?
This change is just plain stupid and kills mtga for me.
No new changes to the client for years, no introduction of existing table top modes. The client crashes at random times since 2 or 3 patches ago.It would be far better to clean up your mess before expanding onto it and dragging the only worthwhile thing for me down with it.
I' am currently considering dropping mtga all together when alchemy goes live
220 votes -
game crash
the game crash and impossible to join the battle after, the game crash systematicaly and i loose the game.... In a draft game
181 votes -
MTG Arena crashing on Mac
First time playing on a Mac, the client crashes after every match I complete, then crashes on the next restart.
129 votes -
draft deck missing
In a Premier Ikoria draft the draft deck went missing after the deck building. Where the deck usually is, there is nothing at all and the choice of "edit deck" is not available, just the "play" choice so it's impossible to rebuild the deck or make any changes what so ever. This has happened once before but I've played several drafts in between without this problem occurring.
123 votes -
Extra loss during Draft
Went 1-2 in a MOM premier draft, but got an extra loss after game 2 I think. After playing my third game the draft ended at 1-3. 17 lands screenshot is attached.
113 votes -
Quick Draft Quest No Progression
I decided to spend some of my gold to do the Quick Draft Quest (the blue one) and started a WOE Quick Draft event. After playing 3 matches I went to check on my quest progression, since I didn't get the reward prompt, only to find out that it's still at 0/3. Immensely disappointed as I won't have enough gold this month to do another draft and get the Halloween pet, so I'd have to wait a whole other month to attempt to do this quest again.
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106 votes -
Unable to Select Card in Premium Draft
I would like to request a refund on my draft due to a bug in the client that caused me to lose out on a key card.
- Give us the steps to reproduce the bug:
- enter premium draft
- select cards normally until pack 1 pick 6
- drag vampire interloper towards my deck, but then put it back
vampire interloper visually disappears and is unable to be selected or dragged into the deck.
Note which platform you’re using (PC, Mac, Android, or iOS)
PC - Version 2021.9.0.3880.888241
Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
as a result i was unable to pick…
102 votes -
Midweek Magic Card Reward Display Bug
After winning the event: Midweek Magic: Phantom Sealed Faceoff - Midnight Hunt for the first time I should receive a card. The reward however is not displayed and it takes multiple clicks on the "Claim" button to proceed. I can't even confirm whether I have gotten a reward at all.
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99 votes -
Color Challenge
I have completed all my quest at Color Challenge, but I dont have some cards and cannot advance. ¿What should I do?