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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

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6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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564 results found

  1. crashing problems with the shop

    Everytime I try to go to the shop the game crashes.

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  2. store

    store error unknown error keeps popping up when I'm trying to
    buy wild cards

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  3. cant buy gems or change my payment method

    cant buy gems or change payment method when i do either of them i get a error message

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  4. Unhinged lands

    Please put the Unhinged Lands back in the arena store! I missed out on the forest so long ago and completing my set has bugged me ever since! PS. Thanks for taking mine (and probably many others) suggestion of nerfing Fragmented Reality

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  5. OTJ Mythic packs don't give Big Score mythics when 100% OTJ complete

    I am 100% rare and mythic complete on OTJ, with MANY Big Score cards left to get. However, when I buy mythic packs (spending even MORE gems to buy 4 MORE packs as shown in an attached screenshot) I almost always get a pittance of gems in return instead of any of the multiple Big Score mythics that I still don't own. Is this intended? If so, that's absolutely miserable - if not, it really needs to get fixed, I cant imagine the sheer number of gems wasted due to this.

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  6. Euros(€) instead of Pounds(£) on Steam

    For some reason Arena has the store locked in Euros for me on Steam instead of GPB even though I am a British citizen.

    At first I just figured we were waiting for Pounds to be added the same way Japanese Yen was recently so put up with foreign currency charges but recently I looked in the store on mobile and noticed it was indeed in Pounds.

    This then begs the question why I'm stuck using Euros on Steam instead of Pounds like on mobile and if this bug can be fixed.

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  7. Store Daily Deals disappear before the posted expiration time (<24 hours)

    Daily Deals in the Store disappear before the 24 window of opportunity has elapsed. This is not the first time this has happened, as I also missed out on 200 gems becase that deal disappeared 30 minutes after it became available. Technically this is fraud. Also, I know buying packs that don;t count towards the Golden Pack are not a good deal, but I can't help it.

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  8. Standard rotation contradiction in MTGA

    In the store, there is a warning on buying packs for Phrexia All in One, and looks like also for March of the Machine and Brother's War that these sets will be rotated out for Standard July 30th, however I received an announcement email today which said the only sets that are being rotated out are Crimson Vow, Midnight Hunt, Kamigawa and Streets of New Capena, so which one is right? I am confused.

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  9. mastery pass

    In the mastery pass, you could previously see which locked rewards you would unlock (because of your current mastery pass level) if you purchased the mastery pass right now. This is no longer shown for me, only the level 0 rewards are shown. I see no reason why this would be removed.

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  10. Error 1093

    No puedo realizar compras en la arena. Me da error 1093 y me dice que debo aprobar al banco emisor de mi tarjeta. Yo no tengo ningun inconviente con mi tarjeta de crédito ni mi banco. Es en el primer lugar que me da este mensaje al comprar. Agradezco información para solucionarlo

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  11. 報告しようとしたらマイページの編集画面に飛ばされて報告できません


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  12. Empty code deck

    I claimed a code of 2 decks but for some reason one of them is empty, and i dont have de cards from that deck in my lybrary neither.

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  13. Store not working

    The MTG arena store will not let me purchase gems. I am trying to either purchase the $20 or $50 gems option to participate in the Decathlon pauper event. When I click on the button to bring me to payment, the store just gets stuck on the loading screen.

    My username is f3_kf2#92968 and I am playing on the Mac app.

    Since I cannot play the event during the work week, I would like to be either given the token for the event or a significant discount on the store if this issue is not resolved today.

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  14. all of the cards say their the first copy ive gotten but its not

    all the cards I open say their my first copy, even when their not

    I open a pack and get a uncommon creature and it says its my first copy but then I open another pack get the same uncommon and it says its my first even though its clearly not

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  15. MTGA PC client doesn't let me buy gems in the store

    Your store has been bugged for MONTHS. The ability to buy literally anything on the PC client is bugged. PLEASE FIX

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  16. Golden boosters lost

    I bought boosters from the new extension and received 5 golden boosters. They disappeared from the boosters section after the update. Can you give me back these boosters please?

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  17. euro

    Euro prices for Latin America players?

    I don't get why the store prices are in Euro if I am a Latin American player living in Latin America

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  18. Orcish Bowmaster refund


    I'd like to uncraft / get my wildcards back for Orcish Bowmaster. You nerfed it the day after the tournament when I crafted it because it looked cool on Twitch in the finale. This is totally unacceptable. You're ripping me of more than 10$ and now my whole deck is unplayable in Historic because of this.

    I don't care about Alchemy however I do care about Historic and you screwed my deck over within less than 24 hours.

    Thank you for getting my precious wildcards back or uncraft the card in my account please or refund me with Gem…

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  19. 6 votes

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  20. daily deals

    If it's something to do with we operate an online only game where we bait fans of our franchise into enjoying digital decks to secure shelf life in the physical ones they may own. In doing this we'll have fans born in the 70's feeling entitled to being sponsored players on the fact alone money spent on franchise. creating a conundrum they do not care to police as hacking would ensure transcendence of thieves tools, duress, and extract the truth. in digital online way degrading the integrity of the digital game and what it was trying to accomplish. Need I…

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