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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1869 results found

  1. Basic lands, changed artworked/bugged artworked

    There are plenty of art problems with full art Basic lands in Arena.
    Let me show an example of how they look into Arena and how they look on Paper. You will see the difference.

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  2. Visual bug with stars in extra time

    When the oppenent burns through their extra time, the stars underneath move incorrectly when a star is removed. It seems like you are offsetting the group of stars by the width of a star, it should only be half a star, or else you get the snapping visuals you currently have.

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  3. Frame of copied effects on the stack has a black erronous border at the bottom

    Frame of effects that enter the stack copied (e.g. with Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines ability) have two redundant black corners added to their border.
    I believe it occurs with copied effects overall, but might be isolated to Elesh Norn specifically.

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  4. Elish Norn, Mot5her of Machines does not stop Defiler of vigors triggered ability from activating.,

    Elish Norn, Mot5her of Machines does not stop Defiler of vigors triggered ability from activating.,

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  5. Eaten Alive

    I've been playing a lot of the "Starter Deck Duel" event and its a lot of fun, you do come up against a lot of newer players though it doesn't tend to matter because of the power level of the decks, and everyone having access to all the same cards.

    That being said, i've played against a lot of newer players that are using the Golgari deck and without fail, every single time they try to use "Eaten Alive" they end up sacing their creature and trying to exile the same creature they just saced. Theres something about the way…

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  6. No daily quests

    Daily quests just arent there, since ive started the game and finished color challenge. It also says "resume" color challenge even though ive finished it. And for the question mark thing, it still has a glowy part indicating theres something unread evem though i read it all.
    Its been like this for a week or more, i havent seen a daily quest ever.

    I dont know how to get log files on mobile.

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  7. UI Random Auto-switching Playmodes after deck edits IOS

    I’m generally playing Play Standard format with applicable decks, but when I tweak my deck and go back to play what I was just playing, the UI has selected Alchemy or sometimes Historic on its own. I enter matches matches not prepared. And lose or have to waste time playing matches in a format I wasn’t making decks for. Please fix this nonsense. I feel it has also occurred in Ranked Standard as well.

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  8. Sound plays when all sounds are muted

    Sounds set to mute but some sound still play.

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  9. bug

    En una partida de draft me ha dado un error que me ha hecho perder la partida.

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  10. Champion of Lambholt

    There is a bug with the tooltip description of the "Can't block" ability granted by Champion of Lambholt. The ability description on affected creatures is self referencing rather than referencing Champion of Lambhold.

    For Example, on an affected Elvish Mystic, the ability tooltip on this creature reads as "Creatures with power less than Elvish Mystic can't block"

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  11. iPhone client not starting

    Client code midgame on iPhone after reinstalling the client still refuses to restart. Stuck at dark grey skin preceding the black screen before the title page.

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  12. Howlpack Wolf attacking while not controlling another wolf or werewolf

    I was being attacked by a Howlpack Wolf while my opponent controlled no wolves or werewolves.

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  13. Blue text on light blue background is illegible

    Blue text on light blue background is illegible - e.g. on Hypnotic pattern's first line of text, as seen in the screenshot.

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  14. Avatar is stuck at The Wanderer

    I was using The Wanderer as an Avatar and then unlocked Elesh Norn. I have switched to her but no matter which Avatar I pick I am stuck using The Wanderer. No other Avatar shows up :(

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  15. Game plays cards even if finger still holds down mouse button when dragging card up to read and doesn't show options .

    I pulled out a Takenuma, Abandoned Mire, never releasing my mouse, and had not played a land that turn, and Arena tapped 4 of my lands and CHANNELED TAKENUMA. Game never even put up the 2 options, to play or channel, it just channeled it.
    Has happened with several cards.
    Seems to be when dragging to the right side only, but not sure.

    (Game plays cards even if finger still holds down mouse button when dragging card up to read and doesn't show options)

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  16. I used 4 mythic rare tokens for time warps and then it did it but gave me no warning that it wasn’t legal in any formats

    I wish that either they would remove banned cars from the game or it wouldn’t let you craft them. Why would it give me no warning that I’m crafting a card with 0 purpose because it’s banned. I’ve spent months getting wild cards only to waste them. Wizards please fix this and I’d love my wild cards back

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  17. Wrong Numbers on card

    The reward screen showing the "Security Rhox" creature has the wrong toughness on one of the cards.

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  18. Account

    Ho installato ed iniziato a giocare oggi, eppure al momento della creazione dell'account mi diceva che ne esisteva già uno con la mia email e sono stato costretto ad entrare in esso, con un nickname non deciso da me.
    L'account era ancora al tutorial quindi non usato, ma vorrei poter mettere il nickname che io volevo, o dovrei rifare tutto da capo!
    Ora mi chiamo "Racanyo", non so perché, ma io volevo "Poldaravo"!

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  19. Memory leak - Memory corruption

    After playing for a long time create a memory leak / memory corruption. When switich between apps the buttons left/right of deck builder screen show wrong.

    Window Server 2019
    32GB RAM

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  20. MTG arena

    It would be nice to have a little clock for the time in the left or right hand conner of the UI

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