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14579 results found

  1. Helm of the Host now copying "Legendary" supertype despite explicitly saying that it doesn't

    Helm of the Host created a Legendary token copy of my Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, forcing me to choose one to keep. Worked right less than 24 hours ago; now is broken after Modern Horizons 3 update.

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  2. Kambal Profiteering Mayor and Vraska the Silencer

    Platform: Steam

    What happened:

    I had a Kambal Profiteering Mayor on the battlefield and my opponent had a Vraska the Silencer. He then killed my Kambal and returned it to his side using Vraska's ability.

    He then gained one life from this and I lost a life from Kambal's effect.

    What I believe should happen:

    As my opponent now is the controller of Kambal, Kambal should not trigger when a token enters on my opponents side of the battlefield.

    As this caused me a significant disadvantage in my most recent draft match I would like to apply for a reimbursement…

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  3. Journey to Nowhere

    My journey to no where couldn't target token creatures

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  4. Plan The Heist

    The spell Plan the Heist had me draw 3 cards against Sheoldred even though i had 1 land card in my hand. It also skipped me surveiling, going straight to card draw. I'm not sure if the bug is the fact that my land doesn't register a as a card, or, that sheoldred was on the field, or that the card was plotted, but it was a ranked match and veey annoying to draw 3 lands i didn't need and also take 6 damage and lose over this bug

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  5. Trick Shot not letting me choose a target for 2 damage

    Trick Shot can target one creature for 6 damage but when I want to choose another creature for the 2 damage it is not letting choose any target. This happened in Quick Draft twice.

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  6. Sparky stuck on Color Challenge and Starter Deck duel

    I have completed BOTH the 'Color Challenge' and the 'Starter Deck Duels' but sparky is stuck in an endless loop of "Wow, you've beaten all of the color challenges". This is my HOME page and will not allow me to participate in any other events that may show on home screen...PLEASE fix this issue. I cant participate in any in-game events that I can see showing on my friends game but not mine (and we have accomplished the same stuff in game). Very frustrating here. Ive seen forums with 30-40 people with this same issue that dates back to August.…

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  7. Color Challenge Network Error

    Can’t complete color challenge. I keep getting network error for trying to complete last challenge which is the pvp.

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  8. Protection from black skips declare blockers

    Opp has a prototyped 3/3 Phyrexian fleshgorger they declare it as attacking I have an untapped colorless 1/1 gnome with no abilities and sword of once and future equipped. The game skips the declare blockers despite me having a creature that could be declared as blocker. As far as I am aware protection from black does not prevent a creature from blocking a black creature.

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  9. Plainscycle bug

    When playing a draft for CoI, drafted 2 of the plainscyclers, played them maindeck, needed plains, couldn't cycle and lost the game. chalked it up to user error, 2nd game same thing, couldn't cycle, lost the game again. Give me my money back.

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  10. have we gave up on how the game is rigged or they support there know players

    to keep know players in the spot light on here they just manipulate the game so you don't have a real chance? guess i was numb but i decided to play an event after 6 months and guess what i win till a know player gets matched to me then i draw 6 mountains out of mine deck in the top 15 cards and none of my 11 swamps. and yes for the keyboard warriors the hand was keep-able as i has 3 land to start and 3 play spells

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  11. Match making and the shuffler

    I like mtga but I feel that the program is rigging matches. Im tired of drawing 2 lands every game. My hands are either mana flooded or mana screwed. I don't even try using a mulligan anymore because I either get screwed harder or flooded. For some reason I get flooded or screwed hard against mono red. I noticed that most of my lost games have been because of this. I understand that no hand is perfect but I NEVER had an issue this consistent in paper magic. Please stop rigging our ranked matches. Or please fix your shuffler. Mtga…

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  12. Vito

    Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose not countered by Valkmira, Protector's Shield

    I see Valkmira's effect trigger on the stack. Opponent is tapped out. Opponent does not pay. They're still able to target me with Vito and I lose life.

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  13. Fed continuous lands yet again - takes away from the game -is this a player copout ?

    Fed continuous lands yet again - takes away from the game -is this a player copout ?

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  14. Grenzo bug

    another simmilar Grenzo bug focing me to loose the game. Scenario: emrakul opponent with them having a grenzo out = loose

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  15. RNG of deck draws.

    Can someone take a look at the RNG of this game. I have a deck with an average of 2.6 CMC and most of the cards are 3 CMC or lower. Why in multiple games back to back do I get the only 3-7 cards in the deck that are 4 or more? and then i'm land/mana screwed the entire game.

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  16. Single creature block 2 creatures without the ability to do it

    A single creature of my opponent has blocked 2 of my creature with no ability or other condition on the board tha can allow it. I think was a bug, you can verify the condition on the vod of my live stream on twitch or in the screen shot atached.

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  17. Omen Hawker tapping to cast Cityscape Leveler from hand, not to activate an ability

    In an Explorer match, my opponent was able to use the two mana produced from an Omen Hawker to cast a Cityscape Leveler from their hand, not activating Unearth. The Omen Hawker should only be able to tap for abilities.

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  18. Three Steps Ahead Spell Bug

    On my last game I encountered again another bug, this time I played the spell three steps ahead choosing the 2 following options :
    - copy an artifact or creature
    - draw 2 cards and discard 1
    I had enough mana and the spell resolved but It just didnt draw any card, it only copied the artifact, forcing me to forfeit the game (second time Im forced to forfeit a ladder game today because of a bug)

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  19. Unleash the Inferno on Planeswalker

    Casting Unleash the Inferno that was stolen by Gonti, Lord of Luxury on a Tamiyo, Field Researcher on 6 loyalty does not allow me to destroy an artifact, leading to a loss

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  20. Plot bug with Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot

    I'm not sure this is a big issue, but I found a bug plotting cards with Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot while playing my Riku of Many Paths brawl deck. I was playing on PC, and unfortunately I don't have any screenshots/videos documenting this but I'll detail the steps as best I can.

    First, I had Riku and Lilah on the battlefield, and played a Quandrix Command during my turn. I was then able to cast it again for free during the same turn, and during my opponent's turn at instant speed. I had a similar experience playing Winterflame in a prior…

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