MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
7899 results found
307 votes
xp not rewarded for quest completion bloomburrow
Completed a daily quest for after buying mastery pass for bloomburrow. Only 250 Xp rewarded, not the 500 Xp. Mac platform.
330 votes -
19 votes -
Friend Match and Direct Match are doesnt work after update
Friend Match and Direct Match are doesnt work after update
1,172 votes -
- Playing Bo3 standard ranked
- iOS 3.Actual: Unable to sideboard between games. Cards cannot leave sideboard to main. When minusing/pulsing copies of cards in main to sideboard and submit, arena says invalid deck submission.
- Expected: Able to sideboard freely without issues.
- No screenshots.
- No workaround.
186 votes -
Bestow Bug on Mobile
I have played Modern Horizons 3 draft and bestowed both the x hydra and landfall Glyph creature onto other creatures. When they fall off, they do not act like creatures as they should. With the hydra, the Hydra just seemed to dissappear.
The Glyph fell off as a tiny icon that hit behind one of my other creatures. I thought it disappeared entirely until it still helped me kill my opponent when I hit attack all that turn. Couldn't have clicked on it individually though.
In the Screenshot, you can just barely see it hiding under the Molten Gatekeeper in…225 votes -
Can’t sideboard
I’ve been playing bo3 Timeless matches on iPad and I am unable to sideboard at all between games after the latest patch. I click on cards in my sideboard to add them and it doesn’t add them. After game 1 I am sometimes able to sideboard normally, but never after game 2. Sometimes I’m able to remove cards from the deck but I’m unable to add any back in, even the ones I’d just removed. When this happens all I can do is restart MTGA, which doesn’t fix the problem but it at least resets my deck to 60 cards…
111 votes -
Unable to interact/view sideboard bug
Hi, since the update, i experience a problem in all drafts, i cant scroll, close view, and sideboard cards only until deck build these cause me big problems and had lost matches and gems. I am top 50 limited ranked (was 20 before). Please solve it and a kind of compensation would be rational, since the system problem cause losses
126 votes -
Unable to use Mazemind Tome Artstyle despite owning the same set of card
Today's daily deal had the Parallax "Foundations" version of card Mazemind Tome.
I have the regular Foundations version of the card so I purchased the parallax version and went to my collection to apply it and it is not available. I have included a screen shot of the store showing it was purchased and no longer available. And another screen shot showing my collection with the regular Foundations card but not the parallax version I just purchased.42 votes -
Game Crashes when selecting (Store, Events, Opening Boosters etc.) after update.
When I use something other than playing a regular game, (like an event, shop, or changing a daily challenge), the game freezes and only a reboot is effective to get back into the game... This is since the last update...
Hello, it's sad but the bug persists.
Point 1 - DONE, (Enable detailed logs in the game client → gear icon → Account → check the detailed logs box)
Point 2 - I can't copy the problem since the game freezes as soon as I do what I told you in the previous message, but I'm sending you my latest…70 votes -
Sparky stuck in "Hmmm."-ing out turn - Need a way to force Sparky's play
Bug: As of 9/7/23 Sparky is stuck in "Hmmm."-ing on their turn to play. Is Sparky teaching roping as a valid strategy now?
Situation: Sparky has any number of cards or even no cards in hand. It is Sparky's first main phase. I am in a winning position just playing cards to try to get to test a new card in my 100-card singleton deck. Sparky Hmmms for ~ 17 minutes, then I get the victory screen. Sparky doesn't even say "You got me!", such a sore loser! This happened today against Sparky's Blue, Black, Red, White, and Green decks.
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570 votes -
Calamity, Galloping Inferno creates two tokens instead of one.
Calamity, Galloping Inferno (OTJ 0116) created two tapped and attacking creature tokens when I think it should only be making it once. on my main phase, I saddled it with one other creature. When I declared attackers, two tokens were created. This happened 4 times over three matches.
130 votes -
When playing standard ranked best-of-three, I am unable to sideboard after game 2. I select the cards from my sideboard but they do not move to my main deck. I am playing 60 cards main, 15 side. I can sideboard after game 1 with no issues. If I select a card to remove from my deck after game 2, it does move it to my sideboard, but I still cannot add cards to my maindeck.
75 votes -
Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student ability bug
Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student (planeswalker) +2 ability says "Until your next turn", but each activation stacks until you are attacked the next time, regardless of how many turns has passed. See attachment or imgur link. votes -
Soaring Sandwing plainscycling
I am unable to plaincycle soaring sandwing. the card as written has plainscycling, however when I hover over the creature, the reminder text does not show. Other land cycling creatures have the reminder text show for their cycling or land cycling ability.
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205 votes -
Unable to Click in Mac Client after KTK Update
Even after fully uninstalling, manually deleting all MTGA files off my hard drive, and doing a fresh reinstall, no mouse clicks are registered in the game client. It loads fine, the Home Screen displays, and I can move the mouse cursor, but there are no hover animations -- i.e., hovering is not recognized -- and no clicks are recognized either. The game is totally unplayable.
193 votes -
Awaken Bug with Clutch of Currents
Awaken Bugged with card, Clutch of Currents is bugged, that awaken cast mode always causes auto tapper to tap the land you target to get counters and become a creature, even with full control. Resulted in a loss at 6-2
26 votes -
missing mastery pass rewards
The mastery pass rewards do not pay out anymore
The mastery pass winnings do not pay out. The normal bonus mastery track pays out normally but the mastery pass does not. I should have received a number of rewards for lvl's 38 and up but got none, not cardpacks, no orbs and not the merry beasty.
please fix this.
34 votes -
Unable to sideboard in game 3 on mobile
In a ranked Bo3 match, between games 1 & 2, I was able to access my sideboard and make changes to my deck. In between games 2 & 3 however, when viewing my deck and sideboard, I could not add cards from my sideboard into my deck by tapping them; I was able to remove (or add additional copies) cards from my deck by using the + and - buttons, but could not replace them with cards that were in the sideboard and not the maindeck- obviously though, I could not register fewer cards than legal, so I was unable…
48 votes -
Viewing graveyard
I've noticed since the bloomburrow release when I click on any player's graveyard to view the cards there, it will take an extremely long time for the window to pop up if it does at all. I have not had any internet issues or any other slow downs in game. I have had this issue across devices and networks.
54 votes
- Don't see your idea?