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14685 results found

  1. matchmaker

    Matchmaker is completely BROKEN, and it's making this game unplayable. Back to back to back matches against rogues. If it's not rogues, its another deck. All I want to do is have fun, and play random decks. Why am I constantly facing the same decks? Where's the variety? This makes the game extremely boring seeing the same thing over and over again. MAKE THE MATCHMAKING RANDOM. Programming win rates and deck contents and all this **** is ruining the experience.

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  2. Losing connection to server

    I am having regular issues with the game freezing, and connection being lost to the server.

    Sometimes the connection is regained and the game continues, other times the game recognises that connection has been lost and disconnects me from the game (can be real great when I'm losing, but real frustrating when I'm winning), other times the game stays frozen, and I often have to restart arena and lose the game.

    I've tried troubleshooting the network on my end, and there don't seem to be any issues. I have a strong connection with good speeds.

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  3. overwhelming splendor timestamp issues with equipment and not stopping equip

    My opponent had a creature equipped with Embercleave and Maul of the Skyclaves. I played Overwhelming Splendor on my opponent and all their creatures should lose all their abilities. Both the equipment giving the abilities and them losing those abilities happen in layer 6 and would then activate in timestamp order. This would follow that the creature gains trample, double strike, flying, and first strike and then it loses all abilities. Instead, the card lost it's inherent abilities, but retained the ones from the equipment. This would only happen if the creature was equipped again (or gained abilities somehow through…

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  4. Sudden defeat

    I was playing THEROS Beyond Death Ranked Draft and both players had enough life, but when I clicked "My Turn", the Defeat message suddenly appeared. Since it was the third defeat in the draft, my draft ended there.
    Can I get the gem back?

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  5. Checking Sideboard while Searching Library bug

    I was casting Primal Command in Strixhaven sealed limited on PC, I choose to gain 7 and tutor for a creature. While searching my library I realized I wanted to check my sideboard for lessons, I "minimized" the library search browser, clicked my library and selected view sideboard; I checked my sideboard cards, then minimized that browser and couldn't navigate back to the original library tutor browser. In trying to get back I opened the library browser again, such that eventually I had to click "done" in 2 library browsers, then finally the original search popped up, I could tell…

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  6. Matchmaking

    Another point that doesn't make any sense.

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  7. Problem with activated ability of Goblin Trashmaster

    Playing on PC, I had Goblin Trashmaster whose activated ability says "Sacrifice a Goblin: destroy target artifact". My opponent had out 5 artifacts. However, the turn my goblin came into play, and the next turn, I was unable to select him to activate his ability to destroy the artifacts, which were all my opponent had. They may have noticed this and understood there was a problem, as they soon after surrendered, even though they were at a large advantage with their shrines, so I don't know if the problem would have persisted past two turns.

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  8. Valakut Exploration + Roiling Regrowth

    Second landfall bug I've discovered today. Geez.

    Valakut Exploration is basically unplayable. And it has cost me a game, which NEVER feels good.

    So, apparantly, due to the way that priority passes work, if you play your last card in hand, if it creates a landfall trigger for Valakut Exploration, you will NOT be able to play the card it exiles. Ever.

    Happened twice to me. First time was a Roiling Regrowth that would have won the game off my Brushfire Elemental. Played a land, got that exiled, but then it auto-skipped even though I had the mana for it.

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  9. Merfolk wind robber sacrifice cause shatter skull smashing to fizzel

    Opponent had a "merfolk windrobber" and "Thieves Guild enforcer" on the battlefield, I had more than 8 cards in the graveyards.
    I casted a "Shatherskull smashing" with x=3, with this spell on the stack, my opponent sacrifice the windrober . my spell resolved, bud didn't allowed to target and as result the spell went to my graveyard without choosing and damaging any target.

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  10. The Prismatic Bridge

    When The Prismatic Bridge was exiled it returned as Esika, god of the Tree.

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  11. color challenge

    the fire character for the black color challenge stops working at some random point in the match and it only works again when you forfeit

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  12. hand smoothing system

    what is wrong with arena after updating i can't seem to draw anything but land?? i lost 2 games because of it. the picture below is from my 2nd game since i thought the 1st time maybe it's just bad luck but 2 games in a row?? there's gotta be something wrong with it. all of the nonland cards in my hand is from my initial hand, 3 lands & 4 spells. after that, i drew what? 6 lands in a row??!! can u guys check the hand smoothing system? & it's if it's possible can i get some compensation…

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  13. hand smoothing system

    what is wrong with arena after updating i can't seem to draw anything but land?? i lost 2 games because of it. the picture below is from my 2nd game since i thought the 1st time maybe it's just bad luck but 2 games in a row?? there's gotta be something wrong with it. all of the nonland cards in my hand is from my initial hand, 3 lands & 4 spells. after that, i drew what? 6 lands in a row??!! can u guys check the hand smoothing system? & it's if it's possible can i get some compensation…

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  14. The system auto-passed my turn

    After using "light up the stage" and with one mana open, the game passed my turn when I had a spell available to play. This error caused me to lose the match. "Light up the stage" hit "wizards lightning" and "skewer the critics." My one land was "ramunap ruins" and I had a wizard, "ghitu lavarunner," on the battlefield. I should have been able to cast "wizards lightning."

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  15. Constructed Rank not working

    In a standard ranked best of 3(Traditional standard play), I won the first match, and my opponent quit the game so we didn't play the other matches and the "Victory" word appeared, but no points where added to my constructed Rank. I was at platinum 4 with zero bars out of six, and after the game was still zero. I think that in this case, if the opponent quit, and the victory was displayed the bars should be filled, such as in "standard play" mode

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  16. Incorrect game loss

    I was facing a player in ranked historic. They played Approach of the second Sun and I countered it. When they played it again it won the game, the first cast should not have triggered as it was COUNTERED.

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  17. Kaya's Ghostform Counters not preventing Heartless Act destruction option.


    Creatures with a Ghostform Counter on them can still be destroyed by Heartless Act, despite Heartless act reading "destroy target creature with no Counters."

    Steps to replicate:

    Cast a creature spell, allow that creature to resolve
    Cast Kaya the Inexeroable
    Use Kaya's +1 ability to give the creature a Ghostform counter
    Cast Heartless act on the creature. Note that both options are selectable, despite the creature having a counter.

    I have seen another report in which someone reports that creatures that have the ghostform counter removed still have the ability to return to hand on death/exile and spawn a…

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  18. pause on defeat screen in best of 3

    I was in Ranked Best of 3 queue for standard. When I conceded game 1 to go to side board. I was taken to the "defeat screen". I was unable to proceed from there and had to close the client.

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  19. timer

    My Nissa of Shadowed thoughts bugged when targeting a land. It wouldn't allow me to target anything but did again after my timer ran out. After I successfully untapped a land the games times stopped working. It kept giving me priority when it shouldn't and my opponents timer wouldn't work. The game completely froze after playing a land off scale the heights. eventually my timer ran out.

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  20. Game just skipped through my turn

    The game just skipped through my turn, i had a mountain and dropped a forest, went to drag the wolfwillow to play and it just skips through the rest of my turn

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