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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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2508 results found

  1. Remove Alchemy from non-alchemy constructed events

    How and why is it possible to use Alchemy cards in Artisan events that grant access to RARE and MYTHIC cards from random alchemy cards spellbooks? How is this in any way fun or fair in an Artisan event?

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  2. Client server down and back showing opponent tapped

    The server went down, when I comeback my opponent was completely tapped out, no mana available on screen, but somehow cast the spell. The screen bugged with 2 creatures there were not supposed to exist on screen, and I was going to win the game. After he was tapped on my screen he cast a 5 mana creature.

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  3. explorer bo3 traditional event - game suddenly went to sideboarding and gave me a game loss right as I was about to win

    Playing God-Pharaoh's Gift, vs a Yorion deck in Explorer Traditional Event. I was about to win a match 2-0, but right as it went to combat and the trigger hit the stack, it suddenly went to sideboarding and gave me a game loss. I didn't have any timeouts the entire match so it shouldn't have been a timing thing.

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  4. 3 votes

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  5. Coerced to kill summon sickness

    Ho perso l'ultimo match del 3-2 draft Manor perché la creatura che ho rubato con Coerced to Kill che non aveva debolezza di evocazione, una volta rubata ha preso debolezza di evocazione e non ha potuto attaccare.

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  6. Cannot Join Game

    I received a message indicating the game was in maintenance status mid-match. There was no forewarning, which is what usually happens. After the match, the home screen worked fine, but I was unable to start a new match, receiving the message "Network error, try again later" (or similar). This all occurred at approximately 1430 UTC time. I checked the maintenance status webpage, and it said maintenance would occur between 1530 and 1830 UTC time. So, either someone doesn't know what time it is, or the game is bugged.

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  7. durante evento in piena partita il gioco si spegne e non mi permette di rientrare e quindi con la conseguenza di perdita della partita in co

    durante evento in piena partita il gioco si spegne e non mi permette di rientrare e quindi con la conseguenza di perdita della partita in corso ore 19:13 del giorno 18.02.24

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  8. Server disconnect during match - Android

    During a Khans of Tarkir draft match, the server disconnected. It seemed to reconnect, but no play actions could be taken by me. It seemed like the opponent was waiting to go, but the timer never went off. When I restarted the game, I had a game loss.
    This type of issue is especially concerning during events, as my resources are being wasted by software malfunctions.

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  9. Bug in Sealed event deck building

    Can’t search for lands when building deck for MOM sealed event. Clicking the lands filter only brings up battles. Playing on iPhone.

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  10. draft premium

    Premium Draft is gone.

    I entered a Premium Draft on 09/24/2023 using a draft form.

    Today, 09/25/2023, I can't play and the premium draft disappeared from MTG

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  11. Guys, today during the premium draft game, I had the same recurring problem with server instability, making it impossible for me to finish m

    Guys, today during the premium draft game, I had the same recurring problem with server instability, making it impossible for me to finish my game. The match was taking place normally at around 01:30 am (BRAZIL), when this black screen appeared like I reported in the image and I lost my connection to the match

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  12. Just had a couple crashes during a draft (1500 diamonds) which i believe led me to loosing games and gems. Can i get a refund 1500 gems plea

    Just had a couple crashes during a draft (1500 diamonds) which i believe led me to loosing games and gems. Can i get a refund 1500 gems plea

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  13. timeout issue in draft

    timed out in khans draft while playing normally. Appeared that the opponent had disconnected, but after the normal timer went down and I would expect the client to award me a win the game state just froze (opponent had priority on combat step) and I couldn't do anything. Restarted client and I had been awarded a loss

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  14. Extra Draft Tokens

    I received additional awards that I had previously claimed because I claimed them on Mobile and when I later logged in on the same account on PC I had the rewards still and claimed them again and received them twice. I am reporting this because I'm pretty sure I was only supposed to receive them once.

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  15. Bug/infinite reward

    Seems that every time I log on my account on my Mac ,rewards in my mailbox seems to reappear.

    I claimed them once, they reappeared, I didn't know I thought maybe they were different I claimed them again and it was the same rewards. And when I logged again they reappeared.

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  16. Double anniversary reward

    I have received daily anniversary prizes and emails twice. What happened was that I logged into steam and received a prize, and then at night when I was going to sleep I logged into my cell phone and received prizes again but I didn't pay much attention to the description and I thought it was probably twice a day when they gave prizes, but now I have started on my cell phone and I have received compensation from the "goblins" which is 2 thousand experience and a draft token! So now I see that there is definitely a bug! Please…

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  17. Starter Deck Dual and Formats- Bug

    I have completed all the deck challenges in the MTG ARENA Starter Deck Duel, but after the recent update this tutorial is stuck in the "resume" status on my home screen. There is nothing to resume, because the whole challenge is completed (already have all 10 decks), and therefore this flag will not clear.
    In addition, I am not being able to access the others events and/or formats to play, like historic, draft, etc.

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  18. No Brothers War Quickdraft 7/11

    Where is the Brothers War Quickdraft that is supposed to start on 7/11. It is no in game.

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  19. draft

    Couldn't submit requests for this page. I just typed a long paragraph reporting a bug. But after clicking "POST IDEA", it only showed"Sorry we couldn't submit your request". After I refreshed the page, everything is gone.

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  20. マスタリーのEXPを入手したのにレベルが上がらない


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