MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
1347 results found
Game crashed while opponent ragequitted
I was playing a best of one Chromatic Cube Draft on my PC. My opponent was dead on board but looks like they ragequitted, so I was waiting for their time to end. After a while "an error has occurred", I tried to restart the game but cannot reconnect for some minutes. I tried 3-4 times and then I rejoined and the game was ended with a loss.2 votes -
Not recibe experience
I am not receibing experience fron quest and daily wins since yesterday
16 votes -
Client stops working when trying to log into any kind of draft. Specifically stops working when I try and start. Premier Remix Draft: Artifacts. Would just like my 10,000 gold back as it seems like it will leave the que soon. But would also like this fixed soon as I really like to draft and I just cannot draft.
13 votes -
Quest not progressing
My daily quests have simply stopped progressing when I was almost done with them. Please Wizards, I would really like this extra gold since it's the last day before the new set.
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286 votes -
Sluggish/unusable client and blacked out drafting menu.
I entered a Foundations premium draft and immediately lost visuals after everyone chose Ready. I could hear all the normal audio queues but had no visuals. Restarting the client brought me back into the main UI but everything was extremely sluggish and it took 5 minutes to rejoin the draft. After rejoining, visuals blacked out again and I only had audio. I had to give up on the draft and it auto picked my whole deck.
1 vote -
Starter Deck Duel
Despite winning 3 games in Starter Deck Duel mode with the Black and White deck it did not show up in my Starter Decks.
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326 votes -
Jump in mission
There is a mission where you have to complete jump in 3 times, I did it once yesterday but after some time it went back to 0, the tokens are 1000g a piece I would very much like to finish the mission, thank you
54 votes -
jump in event stuck
jump in event button "play" became 'home' for a long time, but no fix and replay, click home will turn to main home page, plz fix it!
15 votes -
crash with "artifact remix Draft"
the system crashes every time i try to start the draft.
11 votes -
Kicked out of premier draft game causing loss
Randomly Kicked from Duskmorn premier draft game and given a loss.
During the match I was randomly kicked from the game (sudden black screen, no loading or "waiting for server") and was returned to the draft screen. I had no loss at first but after checking the deck when I returned to the screen I had 1 loss. It happened so suddenly I wasn't able to capture any footage or screenshot. First time I've had this issue7 votes -
Please hire qa. With active Jump In deck, bought Foundations Jumpstart deck. Event matches all GreDraw; loading deck hangs
This morning I saw the new Foundations Jumpstart arena event. I had an active gw deck in the Jump In event and maybe that was a problem. I purchased a deck in the Foundations Jumpstart event (ended up with Stoked Ninjas, a R-U packet pair), but I haven’t seen it. When I went to start games, I get a popup error message saying the match would be a draw. Even before seeing opponent information, every match in this event is a draw. Also, when I click on the deck to look at it, the Waiting for Server spinner animation appears……
5 votes -
midweek into the future
Why is there this event on my first account but not on the second one, I just entered the game and didn't know there was an event going on. I played on one account everything was fine, I enter the second account and there is no such event there ???
2 votes -
Foundations draft vanished
I started a draft of the new foundations set. After completing the full draft and playing one game I called it a night. The next night I logged back in and the draft was gone. Not just the draft I was currently in but the entire draft option for the set had vanished. I have reset my computer and magic and it's still gone.
6 votes -
Client crashes when trying to play Premier Draft
- Trying to play Premier Draft
- Mac
- When I clicked Premier Draft, I got stuck on "Waiting for server". After a while, the client crashes, and my Mac restarts. When I went back, the gold had left my account, and I could click to resume the draft. However, the same thing happens when I try to start the draft.
- Normal draft
- N/A
- N/A
9 votes -
Cannot sideboard between games 2 and 3 in the best of three standard event.
I cannot sideboard between games 2 and 3 during the best of three standard events. It shows my sideboard but does not add the cards to my deck when I select them. This issue is occurring on iOS and happens every time I have tried in multiple events, even when restarting the app during the bugged sideboarding time.
14 votes -
Jump in
Since Bloomburrow I have not been able to restart the Jump in event. I was hoping that with the update of this new set the problem would be solved but I can't use my Jump in tokens.
7 votes -
Arena Hangs trying to join draft
Trying to join a Duskmourn Premier draft using a draft token. First time it came up with me as only person in the queue, then hung. After a minute or so, I clicked out of and back into Arena - showed the Microsoft "Not Responding" error message. So I selected Close the program. Re-booted and tried again. Application starts fine, click on Duskmourn Limited - I see that there is a Resume option for Premier draft. Click on it, then click Start Draft, and the program just hangs "Waiting for the Server". Have to force quit (tried multiple times now).…
6 votes -
missing qualifier token
Clicked "claim" for the top250 qualifier token, didn't receive. The claim button is now greyed out.
5 votes -
extra loss in a premire draft
I should be 3-2 after a loss in a premire draft. But I got an extra loss. It beacme 3-3.
7 votes -
Sire of Seven Deaths Card Style
I won a cosmetic for one of my favorite cards in the Midweek Magic event. I couldn't believe it. Sire of Seven Deaths! Such luck. But... Instead of the alternative look, I got the exact same one. Please fix it :-(((((((((((((
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?