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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1869 results found

  1. MAC - InGame Menus/options are blank

    When quality level is high or ultra, mac version's menu options are all blank consistently. Sometimes restart helps but after starting a game, go to options there are sometimes blank again.

    Spec: Mac M1 with Venura 13.4

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  2. Decklist is Glitched white

    There appears to be a problem with the Deck List. It appears to be white and does not show the number of copies of the card in my deck. This is occurring in both deck builder and in traditional ranked play when sideboarding cards. Anyone else experiencing similar issues?

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  3. A visual bug on "fisrt" copy of a card when open boosters

    I'm just reporting a small visual bug, several cards that I already had in my collection through the draft, when I opened LCI boosters they appeared as if it were my first copy

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  4. Abyssal gorestalker not triggering stack

    Went to play abyssal gorestalker and etb the sacrifice trigger did not produce a stack for me. I had fungal fortitude in had to flash in on the stack so I could basically wipe the board with another round of sacrifice two. I did not get a stack which means I lost the game because of this.

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  5. Enable to login server time out

    Enable to login server time out

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  7. Boite de réception

    Ca fait trois jours que je reçois ce message :

    "oups, pardon pour les gobelins!"

    Et la récompense 2000XP et un jeton de draft.

    Ce n'est pas normal.

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  8. Lag causes fake cards to appear.

    After a random lag spike during drafts, the game acted as if I had a regal bunnicorn with summoning sickness still on my board, despite the Assistant saying I only have one in the deck and the real copy having been exiled with my opponent's glass casket. (Screenshot included)

    This made calculation difficult and resulted in some mistakes I wouldn't have otherwise made, making the match incredibly frustrating. This isn't the first time this has happened after a lag spike.

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  9. sunset revelry

    UI Bug: Sunset Revelry's preview showing the three conditions does not correctly understand what it means when an opponent's creature is phased out. The exact instance I encountered just now was:

    I had no creatures and my opponent had one phased out creature, a Djinn, from Slip Out. It incorrectly said that I had less creatures, displaying a tick.

    The actual resolution works correctly and does not generate the tokens.

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  10. Searching Library

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Build a deck with, for example, five Forest, four Terramorphic Expanse, and 8 Swamp.
    2. During a game, sacrifice a Terramorphic Expanse.
    3. Five Forest will appear on the right. The Swamps will appear off to the left. If you hover your cursor over the Swamp, it's not selectable. You have to scroll using the arrows below the library to get to the Swamps.

    Actual behaviour: when you hover the cursor over a card in the library, it's not selectable if it's towards the left of the dialog.

    Expected behaviour: when you hover the cursor over…

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  11. Customer Support and Player play history

    You should have a customer support group that people can really contact. Even an email address would be good.
    I am looking to access my play history. I have recieved emails about my history but they are hit or miss. I would like to get them resent or be able to access it through my account.

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  12. Login screen not autofilling email addresses on iOS 17.1.1

    IOS 16 allows autofilling on the Arena login page using contact information we have set up on “My Card”. Every time I try to autofill since updating iOS, nothing happens. I select the email address from “My Card” and the email and password fields on the Arena login page remain blank. It’s tedious to type my full email address every time I want to switch accounts. Apple says the Arena code needs to be updated to allow autofilling with iOS 17.

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  13. Wrong rewards from letters

    My letters refresh after 24 and I get additional rewards. I had already additional about 4 tokens draft.

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  14. Reclamar recompensa por mantenimiento

    La recompensa por el mantenimiento después de reclamarla sigue apareciendo cuando se vuelve a iniciar sesión después de un tiempo

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  15. Unable to Connect, Login, etc. Authentication failed: Timeout.

    Unable to Connect, Login, etc. Authentication failed: Timeout. Waiting for server. There's a white box spinning. Game has been working all day. Took a break and now it's not working.

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  16. Slow performance on Android

    The gameplay gets very slow on game (not so much on the main menu) while palying on Android. The selection of cards is very slow, the animations runs slow on frames and my turns take forever to be played as the interface is so laggy

    I played a lot in mobile while Kamigawa where the latest and a little bit while New Cappena but since I didn't played until this last weeks of New Pyrexia and now is almost unplayable.

    I used to play in a Poco F3 and now I'm using a Xiaomi 12T Pro

    Both phones have a…

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  17. Retrieving asset manifest

    I want to play the game, but I am constantly getting “Retrieving asset manifest” on the load screen and nothing else
    This is an issue with YOUR app, not my phone, not my network. Don’t try to tell me otherwise, that is a lie.
    Fixe it or want a refund from the last purchase I made, which was just before this issue with the app started happening
    And you who work at wizards, do not say I put this in the wrong place, just contact the people whose job it is to fix it and get it fixed. Pretty much,…

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  18. When opening Arena it gets stuck on "Checking for active matches"

    I have to hit Escape, log out, and log back in otherwise it just sits there "checking for active matches"

    Started after the WOE update

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  19. Match loading screen displays “Description description description…”

    See attached screenshot. This placeholder text is often displayed for a couple of seconds (i.e. it’s asynchronously replaced with the proper text while the match is loading).

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  20. Bug.

    The combination of gain life when creature enters battlefield and horn of Gondor just had so many stacks that when my opponent triggered the combo, it had 70+ effects in the stack, but forced me to use all of my time outs and then they were able to attack without me choosing any defenders or being able to do anything. It's a **** exploit and needs to be fixed. How did I get charged timeouts for waiting for their stack to complete? How do I just lose the game because they have so many effects triggered I can't even play?…

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