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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

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2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

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5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1869 results found

  1. During Brother's war PRemier Draft client keeps crashing

    Can you please majke a refund. It's not possible to play the event.
    Thanks for your support

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  2. missing text

    After the scheduled maintenance today for The Brother's War release, I logged in to MTGA to find that all cards in my Collection and in the Store are missing the text for Card Name, Card Type, Power/Toughness.

    I'll log in later on to see if the problem still exists, but that's a bit of a bummer for a new set release to drop and I can't even play.

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  3. Text missing from cards and life total

    I've just updated the game, and although most seem to work just fine, some text has disappeared from the cards (name, types and stats). I played a game to see if it worked and it did, but also the life totals were blank

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  4. Fresh install stuck on Initializing Location Database (Windows 11)

    Could not access the game because it was "initializing localization database" indefinitely. Windows 11, brand new build.

    Uninstalled the game using a 3rd party uninstaller (Revo) to purge PC of all files related to the game, in addition to manually deleting the Wizards\MTG Arena folder in Program Files. This was done per the instructions of an Arena support rep.

    Tried a fresh install and the same problem persisted. After speaking with a rep, they suggested I uninstall again and "Download the latest .msi file by following this link:". After a the full uninstall and the setup for the…

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  5. Audio

    The magic app on IPhone used to let me play music overtop of the app, it no longer does since updating today. Please fix this as I like to listen to other music/podcasts/audio while playing magic.

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  6. Audio can’t be properly disabled on iOS anymore

    Audio can’t be properly disabled on iOS anymore. It’s no longer possible to listen to a podcast while playing.

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  7. Currently can't login

    Currently can't login - it is saying Authentication failed for boomerangkevin

    Not sure if it is just my account or not, as I know other people are logged in.

    I have the correct password as I'm able to login to my wizards account here on the wizards forum.

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  8. Exquisite Blood combo removes settings wheel

    I play mtga on the PC interface. When playing against people who use the life gain life loss combo with the Exquisite Blood card, the settings wheel disappears, leaving no way to exit the game let alone concede the match. This makes it especially frustrating when you are playing a life gain deck that put you in hundreds if not thousands of life and you have to wait 20 plus minutes just to die so you can start a new game. Its super demoralizing and is an almost instant rage quit for me and my friends. This has led to…

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  9. Cosmetic shock lands with the space theme appears on edit deck screen but not in-game

    My cosmetic shock lands with the space theme appears on edit deck screen but not in-game. Why do you sell a product that isn't tested? I feel ripped off

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    This is two ideas, but this combined with the price of your real world cards and the constant rotating of formats. It’s enough to make me wish I hated your game. (Auto alchemy play refers to the fact that the default for decks is play alchemy. If I have no alchemy cards in my deck: I DO NOT WANT TO PLAY ALCHEMY. Periodt.

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  11. Suggestion: Make it more clear what is blocked!

    I just lost a match because it was very unclear which creatures I was actually blocking. On cluttered board states it becomes very visually confusing how Arena represents this. The lines used to indicate this tend to overlap, and like creatures such as tokens are clustered together in ways that make it visually unclear if they are actually blocked even after attempting multiple times to block them.

    I would suggest that blocking creatures should be moved around so that they're placed in front of what they are blocking as directly as possible, as players would do in paper Magic, so…

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. Anointed Peacekeeper Making Deck Unplayable

    Every time I play Anointed Peacekeeper my client crashes, I climbed to mythic last season using mono white with Anointed Peacekeeper and now I can't play the deck because the card crashes my client without fail.

    Verified files already,
    All drivers up to date,
    Intel i5-8400
    GTX 1070 Ti
    16 gb DDR4 RAM

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  14. Targeting Indicators Not Displayed For Spells on the Stack

    When attempting to review the targets of spells/abilities on the stack there is no UI indicator to display the current target of each spell or ability. While there is a line of text giving the name of the target, it is hidden away where most players would never see it. Worse, that text is completely useless if there are multiple permanents or spells with the same name.

    1. Steps to reproduce: Cast a targeted spell or activate a targeted ability while there are one or more spells or abilities on the stack.

    2. Platform: Android Mobile.

    3. Actual Results: Selecting a spell or…

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  15. Carregamento infinito

    Quando inicio o jogo fica no carregamento infinito com "Verificando partidas ativas" não conseguindo jogar.

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  16. Quotation mark bug

    Bug on Android
    Unclosed quotes on numerous cards within collection.
    Closed quotes on "Glimpse the Unthinkable".
    Glimpse the Unthinkable is from original Ravnica, and there's no way to acquire Ravnica packs.

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  17. 2 votes

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  18. Direct match put me in ranked queue

    What happened:
    I had been playing Historic ranked for a bit when one of my friends came online and asked if we could play a few games. After a few rounds with 60 card decks he asked if we could play Brawl so I sent him a challenge. I had to select a deck in order to send the challenge since the deck I had used in our previous game was not a brawl deck. After he accepted the challenge, I clicked the "Play" button since I had already selected the deck I wanted to use. Apparently, this also added…

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  19. Blank screen instead of the initial screen (sometimes with ambient sound on)

    I am getting a blank screen instead of the initial screen. (sometimes with ambient sound on) --Sometimes an error message is displayed. (see the attached screenshot) -- I am having this problem on Windows 10 and on Android 11.

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  20. Packs Icon shows that I have packs to open, but I only have my Pre-order items that I can't use yet

    The top menu Icon for "Packs"shows that I have packs to open, however in truthm only have my Pre-order items that I can't use yet. This seems to be a bug as there is now no way to tell now (from that icon) when I have packs/items I can open, and/or packs/items I can't.

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