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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1002 results found

  1. Include info about card formats when viewing a card.

    When viewing a card, please list which formats it is playable in. It's very annoying seeing an exciting card when opening a pack, but then finding out I can't play it in my Standard deck once I get to the deck builder.

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  2. Bug

    Je ne peux plus me connecter depuis ce matin. J’ai renouvelé mon mot de passe. J’ai supprimé puis reinstallé l’app. Rien ne fonctionne.
    Plate-forme iOS

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  3. ストアの接続が一度途切れたようす


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  4. issues with Gigantosaurus and Demilich versus Ai in historic timeless format

    Gigantosaurus and Demilich (and possibly other cards) can be played versus Ai only in Timeless format, it should be historic. Decks can be played in Historic format versus humans.

    I suspect it has to do with these cards being either added by starter decks or having doubles in Alchemy format.

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  5. Not unlocking starter deck

    I have won more than 3 games with charging ahead starter deck on starter deck mode and it isn’t unlocking the deck to play in ranked mode. It isn’t easy to do when I seem to be playing against loaded decks and no prize of getting the deck is very frustrating.

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  6. Waiting for the server

    It's impossible to enter to the Deck buildings, because the Server seems frozed! Giving a waiting for the server indefinitely!

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  7. Sideboard including non-owned cards in first 7 causes crashes

    If a deck is imported or created and includes cards which are not owned among the first 7 of a full 15-card sideboard, the game hangs when trying to open that deck for editing.
    The same deck with the sideboard ordered to have the non-owned cards in the second half is fine.

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  8. いつになったら「白日のもとに」来るんだ? When will it come "Bring to Light"?





    When will you come to MTG Arena in Bring to Light?

    It's fine to print ``simply strong power cards that idiots came up with'' like the Elite Archers wanting to stand out or Big Score, but please also think about the players who will have to play those cards without the main parts of their decks. .

    Breaking news cards and Mystical Archives may have a role in following up on omissions, but I want you to notice that cards for environmental decks are not implemented every year.

    It doesn't matter if it's an Explorer Anthology…

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  9. Old-Growth Troll bug

    When enchanting a forest with two trolls, Arena doesn't allow it to be tapped with the extra mana-adding ability the troll allows

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  10. Can't Edit my Decks

    Every time I try to edit my existing decks, it won't move away from the "Waiting for the Server," Loading screen.

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  11. opening a deck cause a disconnection from the server

    Selecting "MONO G" deck in deckbuilder causes "waiting for the server" ad infinitum

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  12. Impossible d’accéder au deck

    Je n’arrive plus à accéder à mon deck blanc vert aura compagnon Lurrus.
    Je peux y jouer mais pas y accéder pour modification.
    Je joue sur iPad mais sur téléphone ça ne marche pas non plus le jeux se bloque je dois relancer.


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  13. Waiting for Server Error

    When I edit the sideboard of a deck I have already made and is sitting in my "deck" pile, after playing or not, I am suddenly unable to edit my deck or sideboard. And then the next action I take I get a never ending "waiting for server" message. This seems to happen when editing the deck now every time, I can't/won't play the game if I get "locked out" by an error message each time I try to edit a standard deck. This has never happened before, at least not EVERY SINGLE TIME I am editing a deck, maybe…

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  14. loading

    When trying to access the top deck on the deck editing screen, it does not finish loading.

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  15. Modifica mazzo non possibile

    Salve, da ieri sera non riesco più a modificare un mazzo del mio client, né da PC né da smartphone. Potreste aiutarmi?


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  16. Corrupted Deck Stuck Loading

    So yesterday I was playing a token deck, black and white. I went to go change the cards in the deck and then I was stuck on a loading screen. Whenever I restarted my game and tried again, every time I click on the deck it does the same thing again. However, I can create new decks or do anything else. Until I click on the deck and it happens again. Then, I remade the deck and was just going to avoid it, but then today it started doing the same thing again with the new deck! What is going…

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  17. bug/opening imported desk

    try to openig this deck in my library after import , no way after 30 minutes

    1 Jegantha, the Wellspring

    3 Fatal Push
    1 Island
    1 Swamp
    2 Blood Crypt
    2 Steam Vents
    3 Thoughtseize
    4 Darkslick Shores
    4 Blackcleave Cliffs
    2 Spell Pierce
    2 Mana Confluence
    3 Spirebluff Canal
    4 Drown in the Loch
    4 Thieves' Guild Enforcer
    4 Merfolk Windrobber
    4 Soaring Thought-Thief
    4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker
    2 Reckoner Bankbuster
    1 Otawara, Soaring City
    2 Xander's Lounge
    2 Three Steps Ahead
    3 Tinybones, the Pickpocket
    3 Marchesa, Dealer of Death

    1 Fatal Push

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  18. Unable to access deck for editing

    I have a deck in my collection which has become inaccessible when attempting to edit it.

    When I open the deck collection and try to open the deck for editing, the game hangs on the "Waiting For Server" screen.

    I'm able to play with the deck without issues. Clones of the deck produce the exact same error.

    The deck is on my account at Deck is titled Grixis Obeka Tempo

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  19. Incomplete deck edit won't view

    I am going through my decks that I have edited or imported, and I can't open a couple of them. What will happen to them is I click is loading bar will come up and never open the deck.
    Names of decks having issues:
    "Imported deck(3)" (never got to open and view deck after import.)
    Grixus Scam (Haven't edited it in a while. and all cards in deck are in my collection.)
    "Juggle heist" (opened it made edits than had to close cause it bugged and now can't open) Main thing I edited was format, to Timeless traditional.

    Many of…

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  20. Favorite copy not working after latest update

    As of the October 10th 2023 update, my favorite set/ art isn't saving. I have Dracula lands and they have been marked as favorites since it became a thing. They aren't maked anymore. I go through and add them as favorite. As soon as leave the game and come back they are back to default. Other cards aren't saving either( Thalia). Pictures are all favorites selected, relaod game and not selected again.

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