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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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1780 results found

  1. Decathlon 10 - On the edge

    I used a bunch of wildcards for the Decathlon 10 event on the Edge event for BRO, and they're showing as not legal.

    Not sure what to do? It states that BRO, DMU and SNC are the only sets legal for the event.

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  2. 1 vote

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  3. Abiding grace is in the game but I am unable to search it

    Unable to search for the card "Abiding Grace"

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  4. Inquisition of Kozilek does not appear in card search ever for any deckbuilding with any number of filters for not owned / owned, search etc

    IOK never appears for me after searching to add in deck building or collection. I can filter by 1 black pip and sorcery of kozilek or inquisition and it never appears with or without owned and not owned filter. People cast it against me all the time so I know it’s legal and on MTG Arena but I cannot access my copies or get a option to craft them so I can add to decks.

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  5. Wildcards not displaying properly

    My wildcards show that I have one rare wildcard, and no mythic rares. I actually have zero rare wildcards (trying to use one tells me I have none) and I know I should have one or two mythic rare wildcards.

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  6. Luminarch Aspirant in Historic not nerfed anymore?

    Just played against a humans deck in historic BO3 and saw they are using the un-nerfed Luminarch Aspirant instead of the nerfed version, was there an update that reverted the Luminarch Aspirant change from gaining +1+1 counters EOT to beginning of combat? Also the unnerfed version is there in my collections as well when I selected historic

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  7. mythic card reward

    My mythic card reward was an uncommon. is this normal?

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  8. Carte disparaît de la collection

    Lorsque j'ouvre un booster L'invasion des machines et qu'il y a une carte avec un design particulier, elle apparait dans ma collection une fois mais disparaît ensuite. C'est arrivé plusieurs fois mais je n'ai noté qu'hier lors que j'ai obtenu la carte "skwi, l'immortel", aujourd'hui elle n'est plus dans ma collection. Lorsque je parcours ma collection il n'y a aucune carte le l'édition l'invasion des machines avec l'illustration qui rempli la carte.

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  9. Bans

    Ban more cards. You haven't even touched the meta. Sheoldred is still omnipresent, Raffine is still WAYY too powerful and needs to go, and "mono red aggro" is literally less aggressive and slower than multi colored decks because of your ridiculous amount of multi lands.

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  10. "Finish Deck" Crafted Card Not Available

    When attempting to finish a Brawl deck, I attempted to craft 1x Mythic Rare. Selected "Finish Deck" and prompted that it could not be undone. Proceeded, and yet the card did NOT appear as crafted, and the deck was not completed. It's possible that it had 61 cards, but I can no longer confirm. I crafted TWO times as noted above before I exited, and then learned I had crafted the Mythic Rare TWICE, even though it did not appear as available when building the deck.

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  11. 5th Copy of a Card in a Booster

    I got a 5th copy of two cards that I already had. This is not the first time but this time it was from 2 cards in one pack

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  12. Cards not found in collection

    Hi, I spent several wildcards to build a deck to play the Baldurs Gate Constructed event, the cards are showing up as having 2 available of each, Earthquake dragon and Monster Manual, however when I try to build the deck I get an error message that the cards are not in my collection. I also spent wildcards for Miirym and Korlessa, but those cards seem to work fine? Hoping I can get my wildcards back, or the cards added to my collection. Thanks!

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  13. Annoying Wind Sound on Deck Building Screen

    When you enter the deck building screen a loud wind background noise starts playing and won't stop playing even going in a game.

    Can you please remove this sound effect or atleast move it to ambiance so i don't have to play matches on mute.

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  14. Supreme Phantom card style

    Just wondering if you could make some card styles for cards like Supreme phantom and remorseful cleric, M19 seems to have these styles but I'm not sure why these spirits don't. They are the last card styles i need for my spirits deck. It would be greatly appreciated if you could add them in.

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  15. Mastery missing reward at level 59

    Arrived at level 59 and didn't get a mythic from the MOM set.
    I keep a pretty detailed log of the number of cards i have left of each set to complete my collection so i'm pretty sure i missed a reward

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  16. Please ban Magistrate's Sceptor and/or Ichormoon Gauntlet in Historic

    Magistrate's Scepter, in conjunction with Proliferate effects and, in particular, Ichormoon Gauntlet, allows a player to completely lock the other player out of the game by taking infinite extra turns. This is RAPIDLY accelerated by The Magic Mirror, and any number of effects (such as dealing damage every time you draw a card) allows for an uncontested win.

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  17. omnath, locus of creation

    Unable to ply Omnath even though the deck has not invalid cards. It was working before this, and after this is not even letting me make a colorless deck

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  18. bug/ missing style

    I bought , in the recent offers, the 5 styles for the lands (full art inspired by Japan) but they are not present in my collection

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  19. Driven // Despair Makes Jegantha the Wellspring Illegal as a Companion

    Create a deck with Driven // Despair [AKR] and then choose Jegantha the Wellspring [IKO] as your companion. The deck will be marked as illegal for the companion requirements.

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  20. vault chest disappeared

    had over 100% vault chest but forgot to open last night. after opening the client today - only down to 12.3% again from 112% and no vault chest. i know it wasnt opened because last night i didn't have a mythic wild card, and I still don't have any now

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