MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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1168 results found
Sideboard won't list all the cards in the sideboard
213 votes -
Foundations Decks have missing cards
I just updated the game today and got the New Player Decks on my Inbox, but I didn't get all the copies of the cards on the decks and as such some have missing cards. For example the Path of Power deck is missing Temple of Abandon
28 votes -
Chromatic Cube - Can't Use a Card without Card Style
I can’t use a card I drafted without paying gems for the art style
114 votes -
xp points
XP points are not added to my mastery
63 votes -
Cannot edit deck
- Go to decks
- Select deck to edit (Angels).
- click edit deck
it just goes to wafting for the server message and loading
57 votes -
Mastery Pass Rewards not working
From level 33 to 41 today I have not received any of my Mastery Pass premium rewards, only the top row of rewards.
24 votes -
FDN Starter Decks Incomplete
The starter decks given to us on FDN's launch are missing names and even their respective Temples.
I got my Temple of Triumph and Temple of Abandon, but the other 8 FDN Temples are missing from my starter decks. Additionally, half of them are unnamed in the Decks menu, and restarting the client doesn't change anything. I've also heard this issue raised by other Arena players, so I know it's not unique to me.
Please restore these decks for us. Thank you.
16 votes -
[Bug] Deck image doesn't change in Bloomburrow
- Start the game
- Chose "Decks" menu above
- Push "big PLUS" to create new deck
- Add one card to the deck
- Add another card to the deck
- Take second added card and drag it to deck image
Expecting result: Deck image changes to your second card image
Actual result: Deck image doesn't changeWindows 11, Steam
29 votes -
Deck builder and sideboard won't allow you to add cards to your deck
32 votes -
Make standard 60 card capped.
Will wizards ever stop placing 60 card decks against decks with 100 to 250 cards? its a BS advantage in a game where everyone gets 2 free mulligans with the hand smoothing algorithm. Yes I know there is standard brawl but that also limits you to one of each card and a commander which is just dumb, fix the format laziness is sad hasbro.
4 votes -
Trash for Treasure and Blinkmoth nexus are banned in Historic and Brawl.
Trash for Treasure and Blinkmoth nexus are banned in Historic and Brawl.
Both cards are from the 2XM collection.
There seems to be a problem with the Historic and Bror legal sets.
Timeless has no problems.20 votes -
Receiving gems for packs when rares are still available (Foundations)
Receiving gems for packs when rares are still available (Foundations)
9 votes -
MH2 Fetchlands Style Bug
It appears that the MH2 fetchlands were finally given their parallax styles, because there's now an arrow in the collection to view alternate styles.
However there appears to be an array index error or something, when you expand the styles the alternate style is just the same as the regular style13 votes -
Mastery Pass didnt give all rewards
From lvl 33 up to current 39 i didnt recieve all rewards from Masterpass, i didnt track gold/mythics/orbs but 400 gems, 2 cards styles and Bloomburrow pack is surely dont appear
ID #82264
12 votes -
FDN Collection Count Incorrect
the Foundation count is completely crap. I had 23 commons that I was missing (i.e. that I didn't have any single copy of), even though my collection count told me that I had collected at least 1 of every common in the set. Crafting 1x of those missing commons didn't change my count at all, so obviously those commons that I crafted didn't exist in the set.....
So - my request is that you get the count correct for the FOUNDATION set collection. Given that that set seems to be much bigger than the other sets I guess that the…10 votes -
Mastery pass reward not received
I did not received a few of my last rewards of the mastery pass. Coming to my mind are 2000 gold, mythic duskmourn and draft token...
12 votes -
Packs not giving rares
MTG Foundations packs are missing half the cards for me. Started giving me gems after 200 or so packs, I still havent gotten a single copy of 61 rares and 17 mythics... Ive seen a couple cards that had to be crafted in previous sets, but i cant get half the set from packs? this is ridiculous
9 votes -
Starter Deck missing cards
Hello, with the new set we got alot of new cards.
but theres a bug that when you own some of the cards from another set, it doesnt give you the card so literally 100% of all starter decks have 1-2 rare missing for me.
i cant replace them easy by the old set card but i would like the matching art and it being all from the same set so maybe you can check that and give the players the missing cards ?11 votes -
"Your New Player Decks" error
I clicked on the "Your New Player Decks" to receive the reward, however some decks formed with no name and cards are missing from each deck. I have attached a screenshot of my collection and the log.
I'm not really sure how that could have happened, but I'm looking forward to a solution.
11 votes -
Blinkmoth Nexus is no longer legal in Historic or Historic Brawl.
Blinkmoth Nexus is no longer legal in Historic or Historic Brawl.
15 votes
- Don't see your idea?