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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1780 results found

  1. Draft-cards not on my collection after premier-draft "brother's war"

    None of my Cards from "brother's war" premium-draft show up in my collection, and the deck I saved is nowhere. I hope I didn't waste my draft-token..

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  2. Retro Artifact Distribution Improvement

    The Brothers War packs may include a "Retro Artifact" in place of one of the commons. This is an expected mechanic per this wizards article:

    The way I see it Retro Artifacts should be in addition to, not in place of, an existing card. Getting an additional card feels great even if I never expect to use it. Instead the system at present will rip a card I desire out of my pack (a Brothers War common which will work in my standard decks), and replaces it with a card that can only be played in a mode I…

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  3. Code Packs would not Open

    I redeemed the code to get packs after the Brothers War prerelease at my lgs, but right now after the set has released on magic arena it is still not allowing me to open the packs, even after closing the game or buying another pack

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  4. bug

    Salve, i miei punti ESP dell'ultimo livello della maestria continuano a resettarsi (ieri erano 600 o più) non permettendomi di ricevere l'ultima ricompensa

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  5. Played against Illegal legacy deck in historic


    I just played against an illegal deck in historic. It contained every single atrocious legacy cards like Mox Sapphire, Black Lotus and Ancestral Recall.

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  6. Game is skipping turns on too many tokens

    Hello, I just played a ranked game against an enemy using extreme amounts of tokens 300+.

    And because the tokens took so long to be played (even with auto-accept) it counted down my time and skipped my turn!

    Is that a wanted strategy by you developers?


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  7. Bug with ZNR Elementals, M21 Dogs, and Ikoria Cats Saved Pets

    I have seen this issue mentioned on Reddit and another post on here but it's been months and I'm still having the issue.

    My decks with pets from the ZNR, M21, Ikoria set mastery passes don't display properly in game. The pet loads with the first in the set instead of the pet I selected for that deck (e.g., I have the Peace Dog saved but the Timber Wolf shows up in the match). I have to scroll through my pets in game to get the one I want, which is annoying and probably distracting for my opponent. I've been…

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  8. Errors in the "Set collection" reports with Baldur's Gate and Dominaria United

    There are errors in the reports of the Set Collection with Baldur's Gate and Dominaria United.
    Baldur's Gate has 84 Mythics (21x4). I have 55 of the 84 mythics, but the set collection reports that I have 20/21. Those are my singles. I have 20 unique mythics of 21 (see "Set collection errors 1.jpg and Set collection 3.jpg)
    The same problem occurs with Dominaria United, but then with the uncommons. I have 304 of the 320 uncommons, but the set collection reports that I have 79 out of 80 cards. Again: these are my singles (79/80) (see "Set collection errors…

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  9. fongepied, transplant thallidé


    Il y a une erreur sur le texte de la carte, il est marqué que la carte réagis avec les terrains île et forêt alors que c'est marais et forêt.

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  10. Decks missing after 10/27 update

    Users reporting decks missing after 10/27 update. This includes precon/starter decks. These will not show with no filters selected.

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  11. Missing cards

    Hi I am writing to you because I realized some really strange things I start from the first which is the most important. I am missing cards on the game that I am quite sure I have drafted or I often have wild cards to play them, it is not possible that one devotes so much time and money to make a collection and then find that the cards disappear please solve. There are constant bugs from the phone you can't play well I have an iphon 13 I don't think it's a good phone ... Then in the drafts…

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  12. 多勢の兜の日本語テキスト






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  13. Make the Collection Tracker actually show the extent of the collection

    Right now, if a set is missing some cards, the collection tracker is only tracking the completion of singletons in the category of cards within the set. This is not helpful at all. Why do I have to have all cards in a category just to see how many are 4-ofs? I'd rather know how many cards overall in that category I'm missing, or how far the completion in that category has come.

    An overlay bar of 0 copies (black), 1 copy (blue), 2 copies (silver), 3 copies (gold), 4 copies (orange) would be far more informative. Or maybe make…

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  14. Can't add more than 3 copies of Young Pyromancer

    My deck says I only have 3 copies of Young Pyromancer, but it won't let me add the 4th copy. The card has 4 lights over it, indicating there are 4 copies in the deck. But below, in the actual deck, it says there are only 3 and clicking the card will not let me use the plus button. I have a screenshot but can't attach it because you don't let jpgs or pngs attach.

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  15. Mobile

    Some MONTHS ago who are playing in mobile can see how many cards we side in or side out, because we can see de amount of card ar in the deck during the side

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  16. Issue when building deck

    When I was adding Goldspan dragon to my Explorer deck, the deck building took said that I had two that I could add. I added both, and nothing prompted me to craft anything. I tried to save the deck and it told me that the deck contained cards that weren’t in my collection. Once I backed out and tried to edit the deck again, it asked me if I wanted to use one mythic wildcard to complete the deck. I did but now it shows that I have three Goldspan dragons. It seems there’s a bug somewhere in the coding.…

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  17. Blood Artist card style

    Blood Artist doesn't have an alternate card style. It does have one with the alternate Sanguine brushstroke though. Is there a way it could be applied?

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  18. Squee, Dubious Monarch stained glass card style doesn't show up in game

    Despite unlocking and selecting the stained glass art style of the card 'Squee, Dubious Monarch' in my decklist, it doesn't show the right art style during Standard Play matches. Seems like a repeating issue with art styles in the history of Magic Arena, that gets no responses on this forum.

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  19. Meathook ban

    I think this is curtains call for me and mtg, the quality of mtg cards effects have been deteriorating over the years, and it just feels like every year they're scrambling to find balance by banning the same tools they print, with the meathook massacre ban now black is left without its most important tool to fight off other decks, the card isn't even good vs control, this is just too much for me to continue to support mtg, I don't want to keep playing in incomplete standard formats. Where the colors have thir good cards taken away every banlist.

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  20. Error importing Esika's Chariot

    Trying to import a deck containing the card Esika's Chariot results in the following error (also see attached screenshot):

    Error Importing Deck
    Deck import failed with the following message:The following card is not valid in the deck: Esika's Chariot

    Examples of decks experiencing this problem:

    1 Esika's Chariot (KHM) 169
    39 Forest
    1 Esika's Chariot
    39 Forest

    Expected behaviour: Successfully importing the decks, containing one Esika's Chariot and 39 basic Forests.

    Note: Trying to import "A-Esika's Chariot" is successful and imports the non-rebalanced card (which doesn't exist any more, I guess?). This leads me to believe the bug is…

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