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14656 results found

  1. Grenzo bug

    another simmilar Grenzo bug focing me to loose the game. Scenario: emrakul opponent with them having a grenzo out = loose

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  2. RNG of deck draws.

    Can someone take a look at the RNG of this game. I have a deck with an average of 2.6 CMC and most of the cards are 3 CMC or lower. Why in multiple games back to back do I get the only 3-7 cards in the deck that are 4 or more? and then i'm land/mana screwed the entire game.

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  3. Single creature block 2 creatures without the ability to do it

    A single creature of my opponent has blocked 2 of my creature with no ability or other condition on the board tha can allow it. I think was a bug, you can verify the condition on the vod of my live stream on twitch or in the screen shot atached.

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  4. Omen Hawker tapping to cast Cityscape Leveler from hand, not to activate an ability

    In an Explorer match, my opponent was able to use the two mana produced from an Omen Hawker to cast a Cityscape Leveler from their hand, not activating Unearth. The Omen Hawker should only be able to tap for abilities.

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  5. Three Steps Ahead Spell Bug

    On my last game I encountered again another bug, this time I played the spell three steps ahead choosing the 2 following options :
    - copy an artifact or creature
    - draw 2 cards and discard 1
    I had enough mana and the spell resolved but It just didnt draw any card, it only copied the artifact, forcing me to forfeit the game (second time Im forced to forfeit a ladder game today because of a bug)

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  6. Unleash the Inferno on Planeswalker

    Casting Unleash the Inferno that was stolen by Gonti, Lord of Luxury on a Tamiyo, Field Researcher on 6 loyalty does not allow me to destroy an artifact, leading to a loss

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  7. Plot bug with Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot

    I'm not sure this is a big issue, but I found a bug plotting cards with Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot while playing my Riku of Many Paths brawl deck. I was playing on PC, and unfortunately I don't have any screenshots/videos documenting this but I'll detail the steps as best I can.

    First, I had Riku and Lilah on the battlefield, and played a Quandrix Command during my turn. I was then able to cast it again for free during the same turn, and during my opponent's turn at instant speed. I had a similar experience playing Winterflame in a prior…

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  8. Defiler of Vigor and Hide in plain sight bug

    When you place Defiler of Vigor into the battlefield with Hide in Plain Sight you are unable to cast any green spells. Because the client thinks you can pay phyrexian mana when you can't since Defiler is face down. When you flip Deflier face up this bug persists.

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  9. Invasion of Alara and Bramble Familiar

    Casting Invasion of Alara into a <5 cmc adventure card should not let you play the >4 cmc adventure portion of the spell. I thought this was already determined with Cascade rules. On Arena, people are using Invasion of Alara to hit Bramble Familiar, but instead of playing the creature, they play the 7 cost adventure attached.

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  10. Paths of tuinvale

    Game does not appear to differentiate between cards, I own and cards I control.
    I cast the reality chip in play,
    Opponent played thieving skydiver and took my reality chip
    I tried to cast paths of tuinvale targeting my creature and the reality chip that my opponent stole, but it would not allow me to target.

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  11. Treasure cruise won't resolve, had to restart client to avoid getting timed out

    I'm on PC playing arena.
    This happened to me 3 times already, I'm not sure how to replicate the bug so as far as I can tell delve spells seems to hang the client.
    Restarting the client seems to resolve the issue but I'm not sure what It looks like from the other side of the table.

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  12. Betrayal at the vault

    I was playing best of 3 draft OTJ and my opponent cast throw from the saddle when I had betrayal at the vault in my hand and the mana to cast it. I wanted to play betrayal in response but I didn't even get priority and when I did get priority after Throw from the Saddle resolved it wouldn't let me cast betrayal at the vault as if it was a sorcery. I have attached at screenshot showing me not being able to cast betrayal at the vault and my log. This changed the outcome of the game because my…

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  13. Aura token copies lock you out of your turn

    Duplicating the Aura "Mesmerizing Dose" (MD) with "Three Blind Mice" (3BM) triggers is causing you to be locked out of your turn.

    It's very reproducible, and I'd like to send a video, but it looks like your upload tool isn't working here.

    Repeatable Steps:

    Initial board state: Creatures on both sides of battlefield.

    • Create a token copy of Three Blind Mice (with Lore Counter)
    • Create a token copy of Mesmerizing Dose
    • Use proliferate trigger to first copy MD
    • Attach new MD token copy to a creature - this one will probably work.
    • Trigger proliferate on all sagas
    • Process will repeat
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  14. Ban Etali, Primal Conqueror

    Etali, Primal Conqueror has no place in standard

    There should be no reason that one card is so powerful, that it can win the game in one turn, literally instantly! Playing against someone who can go from an empty board to casting through their entire deck and mine, flooding their board with copies is broken. There is no reason this card should be in standard. Turn seven they went from an empty board to a full board and I lost, not because they swung with their now full board of creatures, but because all the copies of they made of…

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  15. Three blind mice

    Was able to get a photo of this bugg

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  16. Bug with Rakdos Joins Up and Abuelo's Awakening

    Playing on PC. I was playing against a deck that had Rakdos Joins Up in their graveyard. They played Abduelo's Awakening on it and returned it to play as a 1/1 creature. The issue is that they later played a Hulking Metamorph and copied the Rakdos Joins up creature. This then caused the legendary rule to apply and the metamorph was sent to the graveyard. They proceeded to infinitely loop this process. The issue is that the legend rule is a state based action and no creature dies, so this should not cause the dying trigger on Rakdos Joins Up!…

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  17. Narset, Enlightened Exile Ability did not trigger

    Main issue with Narset --- The ability that I made my deck around triggered and then stopped triggering, it made me lose the game -- this is the description Narset, Enlightened Exile attacks, exile target noncreature, nonland card with mana value less than Narset's power from a graveyard and copy -- when attacking nothing happens, I screenshotted my graveyard to show a few items that could've been casted at that moment Rending flame was the Instant spell that should have worked.

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  18. shuffler broken

    when are you going to stop directly interfering with games. Some of us do not have the time to play best of 3 and I would really like to play without hand smoothing. It is the absolute worse thing MTG has ever done and having been with MTG since the beginning , I do know what I am talking about. Add the fact that I have been tracking my games since before hand smoothing I can honestly tell you mana *****/flood was less of an issue with the old shuffler. So either your development dept has no clue what they…

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  19. 試合時間カウントダウンのあとカウントアップしはじめた


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  20. Smoldering Egg token issue

    My opponent made a token copy of Smoldering Egg with Sublime Epiphany. Their Smoldering Egg was initially conjured by Vesuvan Mist. When it hit 7 ember counters, it transformed into Ashmouth Dragon, despite being a token explicitly of the front half only.

    This contradicts rule 706.8: 706.8 When copying a double-faced permanent, a face-up meld card, or a melded permanent, only the copiable values of the face that’s currently up are copied. (See rule 711, “Double-Faced Cards.” and rule 712, “Meld Cards.”)

    Please look into why this has occurred and fix it. Perhaps it ran into the issue because it…

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