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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1314 results found

  1. Ban Paradox Engine, opponent turns take way too long, it's boring

    I just got blew up by my time outs being used in opponent's turn even though i was spamming space bar to pass priority, they were using Paradox Engine to go through every artefact in their library. Not a fun game but I was willing to wait as they were probably going to mill themselves however the game timer killed me. Just ban it, if it's not legal in commander it shouldn't be legal in historic brawl

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  2. Did not advance mastery level when gained 1000 xp

    Got 1000 xp from a daily quest (750) and first win of the day (250) and my mastery level did no go up. Not sure if got any experience at all...

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  3. Black screen with cursor.

    Black screen with cursor.

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  4. XP not awarded after completing daily challenges.

    Issue percieved today. Stuck at level 79, did not recieved any XP from the daily wins.

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  5. Servers are down.

    The servers are down. Your official site says they are up. Right a script that has a dummy account log in every 5 minutes. When it fails to log in, have it ping someone to discover the problem. Alternatively, get servers that aren’t literal potatoes.

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  6. Blocking players

    Please make it to where we can block recent players some people are sore losers and just exit the game when they realize they can't win. Then you have to wait for all of their time outs to expire before winning this has happened to me numerous times even with the same players I just want to Block them so I never have to play them again.

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  7. Cant post a bug report.

    I keep getting "Sorry, we couldn't submit your request." So i cant even submit my bug report.

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  8. "Friend Challenge Exists" problem

    Cannot issue a Friends Challenge due to erroneous "Friends Challenge Exists". Have tried exiting Arena and restarting it, have also flushed dns per the instructions here. Both me and my friend are getting the same "Friends Challenge Exists" screen, which cancels the new challenge.
    Also tried issuing a Direct Challenge, but my friend never received the Challenge, and likewise his Direct Challenge to me was never received.

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  9. my friend list is not working

    i see my friendlist dissapeared and also my name on the friendlist says username#12345 when i log out and then login my username corrects and says my id without the number... but if i close arena and reopen it it returns with the username#12345 name. and without my friends in any case

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  10. Friend list

    Cannot connect to friend list. Updated today across all devices.

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  11. Graphical Error Spontaneous Resizing of Game Window in Fullscreen

    Spontaneous Resizing of Client Window in Fullscreen Mode
    when playing the game occasional the game will freeze/ experience a lag spike before resizing the game window. objects in the window remain full sized and crowd the screen. a workaround for this is to open the graphics menu which causes the graphics to reset to normal however the game will continue to lag and even repeat the action sometimes crashing or forcing me out of the game as the round timer timeouts before the lag stops or graphics are displayed properly again.

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  12. Please fix your matchmaking

    Your matchmaker is constantly making me play a mirror match. Nine games out of ten will have at least one card in common with my deck. This makes for stale matches, especially when playing a control deck. Please make the match maker random!

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  13. Consistent lag with good connectivity

    Consistent lag despite solid internet connection. Makes the game unplayable and unenjoyable. Logged in for first time in a month or two and the lag isn't getting better

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  14. 48 votes

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  15. 21 votes

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  16. Block function

    Sometimes, players display conduct that makes me just not want to play against them any more. I'd like the ability to block players so that the matching algorithm won't put me against them.

    I understand that ranked play can't really accommodate that, but I can't think of any reason this shouldn't be allowed in the unranked queue. (Looking at you, opponents who stall with every last second.)

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  17. IOS friend request/challenge bugged

    I’ve tried to friend request a buddy from work we wanted to challenge each other but couldn’t friend each other we’re both on IOS I have an iPhone 11 he has a iPhone 12. When we couldn’t friend each other via display name we tried email and nothing worked. That when we tried challenging each other and still that was bugged too. So I’m reaching out to support to help us.

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  18. Rank not leveling.

    While playing there is no Rank Tier that is visible before or after matches. When I visit my profile it shows that I am Bronze Tier 4 even though I have won enough to level higher. After wins there is no progression or indication in rank tiers, so this affects my seasonal rewards.

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  19. Connection Lost

    I am trying to log in to Arena and it just gives me this error of Connection Lost: You have lost your connection to the server

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  20. Please allow users to save their preferred online status.

    MTG Arena previously allowed users to choose their default status (online, offline, busy) and saved the setting for future use. Now when you log in, the status defaults to "Online" even if you change the status to "Offline" prior to closing. I liked the ability to control whether others saw me as online or not. Can we please get this back?

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