MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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1174 results found
Mithril Chainmail
Just opened a bunch of LOTR Packages and found the Mithril Chainmail in it. Costs 3 colorless is undistructable and gets attached to a creature once it enters the game. thing is it just works on legendary creatuers while the card text implies it works with all. normaly the word legendary is part of the card text in such cases. so for the sake of making me sleep easier again fix the card text or its mechanics.
5 votes -
XP points missing on daily quests
it is the 3rd time that i complete my daily quests, in something like a week, and do not recieve any xp points for the completion, im trying my best to keep up with the gme to get the levels going and get my rewards until the end of the collection pass, but missing those points is not helping at all... how do i proceed to get the missing points? otherwise i'll miss my time and the gems that i spend to to get the rewards of the season... please help me with this issue...
8 votes -
wastes invalid in historic brawl
Historic brawl decks with wastes in them are being declared invalid. This must be a bug as the waste is not clearly marked as the invalid card in the deckbuilder, but removing the waste makes the deck valid again. Tested with multiple decks: brawl decks with colored commanders are declared invalid when a wastes is added. This contradicts the official commander ruling on wastes.
13 votes -
Uncommon card rewards after 80lvl
Good day! Mastery pass levels above 80 are not yielding the Uncommon card rewards. Please fix.
18 votes -
White Sideboard Menu
Sideboard Menu is white, cant read numbers and land card names
12 votes -
Theros starfield lands not available to select for preferred printings
The five starfield lands printed in theros beyond death are the only lands in my entire collection that can't be marked as my preferred printings which is deeply annoying because they ARE my preferred printings
12 votes -
Deck Contains Cards Not in Your Collection - BUG
Getting error "Deck contains cards not in your collection."
This is incorrect, I have thoroughly verified that I own all cards in the deck that I've constructed.
47 votes -
Unable to submit deck in Decatlon Sealed
Unable to submit Decatlon Sealed Deck. Tried three times and just does not work.
20 votes -
No experience gained from wins
I'm not receiving experience from dailies nor weekly wins
9 votes -
Firja, Judge of Valor artwork issue
The Firja, Judge of Valor artwork from its original set is no longer showing. Instead, the new artwork from the Multiverse Legends is showing for both the new cards and the original set.
5 votes -
aetherflux reservoir
Atherflux Reservoir does not let you pay 50 life when you have have less than 50 life. that is wrong. when i have pact weapon on or similar, i could still win. please correct that.
7 votes -
The problem with Exquisite Blood
Hello Wizards team,
I play a lot of historic and I've run into players who use the Exquisite Blood Enchantment. This card seems like it was written in a short sighted way. There are several vampires that create an infinite loop with this card which turns into an extremely easy/lazy win condition. By playing this 3 mama cost card, a 3 mama cost vampire, and gaining a single life you can win the game. It feels out of place with your usually well thought out card writing. Seems like the kind of card that could use a ban to maintain…
11 votes -
Crafted Cards Uncrafted
I crafted a large number of cards for a new deck two days ago (before the update), and today when I logged back on, the cards were saying they weren't crafted but the wildcards I had saved up were used. For context, I had crafted all but 3 Rares, and all but 4 Mythics. Everything else had been crafted as well.
5 votes -
18 votes
fix the vault
6 votes -
Mythic pack opening
I just opened a Dominaria united Mythic pack and instead of receiving a mythic card I received a rare wildcard as my top prize, not a mythic card or even a mythic wildcard
30 votes -
Scurry oak timer
My “idea” i that scurry oak life gain combo should NOT activate my “Resolve”AT ALL the idea that I am playing a game of mechanics and not cards is ludicrous I am no longer having fun with this game.. I skip all fun surveys because between this and ALL the other infinite combos this game has now I just don’t have fun game to game. I would rather have a turn 1 teferi, hero game or turn 2 ugin, spirit than ever see one of these games load up on my broken tablet where I just punched it again playing…
10 votes -
Missing card text and numbers
PC bug- after updating, uninstalling, and reinstalling, card names are missing, along with card types, creature power and toughness, and amount of gold rewarded for completing quests.
32 votes -
Opening packs, receiving repeats instead of wildcards
While opening packs one at a time from Phyrexia AWBO alchemy packs, got several Skull piercer gnats, which I have had 4 of nearly since release. There was no wildcards added for already having 4. Noticed several other cards doing the same thing, up to rare.
6 votes -
mythic reward card mastery pass missing
Hello, I just bought the mastery pass for this season and I should of had 2 mythic card from buying the mastery pass( im currently level 15) and i didnt receive the mythic card reward for level 8 and level 11.
Please help
27 votes
- Don't see your idea?