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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1979 results found

  1. 1 vote

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  2. Using Tokens, Meld, and transformed Images for Deck box's.

    I would like to use the Artwork for Deck boxes base on the token creature or even Meld options, really anything that transforms would be and could be and option, the Artworks there and it would be cool to access it for theme the deck better.

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  3. Unable to Spend Mastery Orbs

    Despite the Mastery page stating that orbs from one set can be spent until the next set's Mastery is complete, users are unable to spend any orbs from the last set during the most recent set.

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  4. Vault not progressing


    Vault seem to be stucked in my account at 33%, i´ve tried to open and craft cards i don´t own both with my own money and game rewards opening packs and crafting with wildcards but nothing seem to work.

    Thanks in advance.

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  5. too many copies of a card

    The new perfered printing lets you select muitiple printing of a card in singleton formats, flaging the deck as illegal.

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  6. Decks dropdown lists Historic Brawl under Standard Brawl

    In the Decks dropdown list, there is no selection for Historic Brawl decks (as of version 2023.24.00) -- instead your Historic Brawl decks are listed under Standard Brawl.

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  7. collection bug

    Getting an error after i crafted all cards from a deck saying "Deck contains cards not in your collection". But I have them all and the missing ones i crafted seconds before.

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  8. Wastes is Playable in Standard

    You can currently build decks with the basic lands Wastes in standard, and nothing stops you from saving the deck and playing in standard matchmaking.

    Wastes are added to your deck automatically by having land suggestion on and adding only colorless cards to you deck. This should not happen in standard as Wastes is not standard legal.

    I was able to play a deck in standard matchmaking that was just 60 Wastes.

    I looked for related bugs in the forums, and several posts indicate that players are having issues playing Wastes in other formats where it should be legal (Explorer…

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  9. Tagging cards

    I have some categories of cards outside of normal search. Could it be possible to tag certain cards? Like "Favorite", "want to craft", "Simic ramp" or "YEAY!!"

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  10. Feature request: merging decks

    To be able to merge decks. Allowing an easier way to retain cards from previous decks to a new one under the making.

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  11. Akoum Elemental Pet

    PC. When assigning pets to my deck, Akoum Elemental Pet won't appear in-game and will be replaced with an Ondu Elemental Pet. This happened when assigning the Akoum Elemental Pet to my Bruenor Battlehammer Historic Brawl deck using the Nahiri sleeves depicting her charging with arm blades. In deck editing, this appears as assigned, but is being replaced in-game. This does not reassign Akoum Elemental in deck editing, only in-game.

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  12. Carte gagnée mais absente de ma collection

    J'ai ouvert un booster dans lequel se trouvait la carte Euiol de l'esprit or elle n'a pas été ajoutée dans ma liste de cartes. Voir copie d'écran. Povez vous me dire ce qui s'est passé ?

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  13. Can't remove card from deck

    I can't remove an the original Cosmos Elixir from a deck after Alchemy altered it. 2021.12.10.3971.904583

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  14. draft token

    About 10 ten ago I have reached 15 level in mastery pass and received draft token, for a week I haven't lauched mtg arena - and today, when i wanted to play it - I have just realized - that somehow draft token is missing. And - just want to get it back!!!

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  15. モバイル版でデッキインポートが使えない


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  16. MWM All access

    Unable to create decks with unowned cards for all access event.

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  17. A suggestion

    Me gusto mucho la idea de poder elegir la versión de las cartas que preferimos. En general esta muy bien, pero en las tierras estaría interesante si pudiéramos poner que salgan en orden aleatorio y no tener una sola o la más reciente.

    I really liked the idea of being able to choose the version of the cards that we prefer. In general it is very good, but in the lands it would be interesting if we could put them in a random order and not have only one or the most recent.

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  18. Phyrexia All Will Be One Packs bugged

    I believe that Phyrexia All Will Be One Packs are bugged. I received 1 of every card from the Decathalon event and opened quite a few packs. I am now receiving the gems from opening all the rares but I'm still missing 3 copies of Serum Sovreign, Kinzu of the Bleak Coven, and Rhuk, Hexgold Nabber. I only have a single copy of each which came with the Decathalon reward meaning that I never opened a single copy of any of them which is super weird. I have all the rares otherwise. I'm wondering if you can even open any…

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  19. Hallo, alle meine Kreaturen werden ohne Namen und Werte der Kreatur angezeigt. Da ist nur ein leeres Feld.

    Meine3 Kreaturen werden ohne Namen und Stärke und Wiederstandskraft dargestellt. Da ist nur ein weißes Feld.

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  20. surge

    Surge engine does not appear under options for deckbuilding when selecting Jakob Hauken, Inspector as one's commander in Brawl format (surge engine is a colorless artifact with blue ability costs).

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