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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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564 results found

  1. Bought the wrong items in store

    Hi guys, I accidentaly purchased the wrong items in the store. I purchased 10 Outlaws of Thunder Junction Alchemy boosters instead of Outlaws of Thunder Junction Mythic boosters. Is there any way I can have this transaction reversed please??

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  2. Decks not in store

    When I tried to buy a deck in the store (the preconstructed ones available since the 13th) none of the decks showed in my client

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  3. Waiting for server when clicking Shop on Android

    Can't use the Shop on Android. It loops in "waiting for server". Also I can play one game on Android and after the match same issue. Only fix for playing is restarting the app.

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  4. Problema con estilo de carta adquirido recientemente

    He comprado el estilo de carta de putrinvocadora de vallis y no me aparece com oadquirido, sin embargo, he perdido las 300 gemas. Lo hice a traves de la tablet (iOS)

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  5. Sorin Markov

    I used my 2 orbs for Bloom in Mastery to get the playset for Sorin Markov, it then said Store Error, Didn't use my orbs and its gone from the ability to get them anymore and I didn't get the cards. What gives!

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  6. Bloomburrow emotes broken ios

    I paid 7000 gold for bloomburrow emotes and they dont work on mobile, where I play. The messages are cut off by the edges of the screen :( this was previously a problem for thunder junction emotes but was eventually fixed.

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  7. Steam: Windows: Store does not work for money.

    I can click on items in the store, and it makes the coin sound but I do not get directed to checkout.

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  8. booster

    I play on PC and for the opening of bloomburrow, I entered a code from a prerelease to get my 6 boosters which I didn't open right away. However, when I logged back in 3 days later, the boosters had disappeared. And obviously the code doesn't work anymore because it considers that I've already got the rewards that I haven't opened.

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  9. missing

    I play on PC and for the opening of bloomburrow, I entered a code from a prerelease to get my 6 boosters which I didn't open right away. However, when I logged back in 3 days later, the boosters had disappeared. And obviously the code doesn't work anymore because it considers that I've already got the rewards that I haven't opened.

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  10. Unable to make purchases

    Unable to make any purchases as my store displays in Euros rather than £. I live in the UK and my partner, who lives in the same house, has his store in £, but Wizards seem unable or unwilling to change it. Fine, I'll just spend my money elsewhere

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. bundle planeswaker

    Bonjour, je cherche à acheter le bundle de planeswaker et le bundle d'étincelles mais impossible : lorsque je valide le paiement grâce à mon application portable, le jeu ne répond plus au moment de me rediriger vers "le site marchand" et je dois fermer l'application MTGA. Le paiement est donc validé par mon application mais n'est pas prise en compte par la boutique. J'ai validé ce paiement plusieurs fois sans avoir les bundles et (jusqu'à présent) sans avoir été débité.

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  13. Bug

    Not able to spend tickets in Hideaway. Every time I click on an item it flashes red and does nothing.

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  14. Pack selection in store has everything pre-bloomburrow in the “historic” section

    Pack selection in store has everything pre-bloomburrow in the “historic” section

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  15. BUG - The orb has disappeared


    I got a bug when I tried to buy a card style on the mastery store. The orb has just disappeared but I didn't receive it.
    Could someone help me please ?


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  16. Gold pack progress not made when buying 7 packs

    I bought 7 packs, my progress was at 7. I already had a golden pack. Progress didn't move after buying 7 more packs

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  17. OTJ Mythic packs don't give Big Score mythics when 100% OTJ complete

    I am 100% rare and mythic complete on OTJ, with MANY Big Score cards left to get. However, when I buy mythic packs (spending even MORE gems to buy 4 MORE packs as shown in an attached screenshot) I almost always get a pittance of gems in return instead of any of the multiple Big Score mythics that I still don't own. Is this intended? If so, that's absolutely miserable - if not, it really needs to get fixed, I cant imagine the sheer number of gems wasted due to this.

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  18. Euros(€) instead of Pounds(£) on Steam

    For some reason Arena has the store locked in Euros for me on Steam instead of GPB even though I am a British citizen.

    At first I just figured we were waiting for Pounds to be added the same way Japanese Yen was recently so put up with foreign currency charges but recently I looked in the store on mobile and noticed it was indeed in Pounds.

    This then begs the question why I'm stuck using Euros on Steam instead of Pounds like on mobile and if this bug can be fixed.

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  19. Error 1093

    No puedo realizar compras en la arena. Me da error 1093 y me dice que debo aprobar al banco emisor de mi tarjeta. Yo no tengo ningun inconviente con mi tarjeta de crédito ni mi banco. Es en el primer lugar que me da este mensaje al comprar. Agradezco información para solucionarlo

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  20. 報告しようとしたらマイページの編集画面に飛ばされて報告できません


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