MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
14124 results found
direct challenge
cant direct challenge. We both entered each others details and set game up the same way. (best of one and coin flip) still would not connect.
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314 votes -
Failure to time time out
game is failing to time out opponent
54 votes -
Keeps crashing
Game keeps crashing and I can't even make a log.
42 votes -
daily quest timer reset but no new quest
My daily quest are not showing up when my timer hits 0 and then the timer starts over and there are still no quest available. Also it says I can have 3 daily quest active at once but I only get 1. Closed the game and restarted it thinking that might update my quests but they still were not there.
76 votes -
Second main phase was skipped during a ranked limited match
After combat my turn ended without a second main phase. Log attached.
11 votes -
Sudden defeat
I was playing THEROS Beyond Death Ranked Draft and both players had enough life, but when I clicked "My Turn", the Defeat message suddenly appeared. Since it was the third defeat in the draft, my draft ended there.
Can I get the gem back?67 votes -
inexistent mana
Opponent casted a 6 mana creature on turn 5 without any mana acceleration
20 votes -
twice in standard ranked he didn't give me the point to advance to platinum rank! (
50 votes -
Game just skipped through my turn
The game just skipped through my turn, i had a mountain and dropped a forest, went to drag the wolfwillow to play and it just skips through the rest of my turn
52 votes -
My Nissa of Shadowed thoughts bugged when targeting a land. It wouldn't allow me to target anything but did again after my timer ran out. After I successfully untapped a land the games times stopped working. It kept giving me priority when it shouldn't and my opponents timer wouldn't work. The game completely froze after playing a land off scale the heights. eventually my timer ran out.
11 votes -
Low graphical performance play mode
Hi there,
it would be amazing if there was an "low graphical performance" play mode, were the graphics would go e.g. 2D. This might safe battery on a notebook and the game might run smoother in some battle which went "wilder".
its just anying to loose because your opponent created a several hundreds of token at once and your computre couldn t handle it. and then you lose because of timeout...
6 votes -
People forced to mute opponent to mute pets
Please allow us to mute pets permanently.
Even once you fix the mute/unmute issues that don't always work for pets I'd prefer to have no sounds for my pet or my opponents pet without having to mute them.
16 votes -
Counter target spell Instant cards doesent counter targeted spell
I was playing Ranked with my deck All Blue and in two ocations my cards that counter spells didnt counter at all. More over they trigger oddly: there were instants, and when i play them, they make me target the spell (that never happen before) and when i oddly target the image of the card that was visually blocked by my card and the legend <Are you sure you whant to target xx with xx?> (that never happen before) and i click YES; The spell was not countered that way and enters play and resolves. The cards i encounter this…
49 votes -
Niv mizzet + curiosity circumvents rules on infinite loops
As I understand it Niv Mizzet and curiosity results in infinite combo where no interaction is possible, is this not against the rules. It should result in a draw not in a win for its use.
If this isn't the case why is the Vito + Exquisite blood combo not allowed.
13 votes -
The system auto-passed my turn
After using "light up the stage" and with one mana open, the game passed my turn when I had a spell available to play. This error caused me to lose the match. "Light up the stage" hit "wizards lightning" and "skewer the critics." My one land was "ramunap ruins" and I had a wizard, "ghitu lavarunner," on the battlefield. I should have been able to cast "wizards lightning."
5 votes -
Game defeat without a reason
My Premier Draft game ended with defeat randomly at the start of my turn, 15 turns in to a game. No explanation was given, and there was no reason for the defeat. What gives?
28 votes -
Constructed Rank not working
In a standard ranked best of 3(Traditional standard play), I won the first match, and my opponent quit the game so we didn't play the other matches and the "Victory" word appeared, but no points where added to my constructed Rank. I was at platinum 4 with zero bars out of six, and after the game was still zero. I think that in this case, if the opponent quit, and the victory was displayed the bars should be filled, such as in "standard play" mode
7 votes -
Game crashes during Draft, cant pick cards without the game crashing
Game crashes during Draft, cant pick cards without the game crashing
20 votes -
Game crashes
Game crashes at multiple occasions. Quite annoying if you just spent 10.000 gold to take part in a premium draft (and the game crashes while drafting = random card & while playing = loosing).
Is it possible to redeem the 10000 gold?
23 votes -
Crash during battle
Hi !
Crash during sealed match while the turn 2 and impossible to reconnect to the match. The game load and when "Ready" is displayed on the screen, the game crash again.
23 votes
- Don't see your idea?