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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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15543 results found

  1. Freeze

    In the Ranked Match, suddenly Freeze --'

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  2. Cannot build or edit deck

    When I try to build or edit a deck, the screen goes to the loading server screen and doesn't go past it. The same issue occurs if I try to view my collection. This started about a week ago. I am using an Android device.

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  3. Frozen timer

    Opponent's timer ran out when he was about to loose, but turn did not go to me next. Timer just ran out and stayed frozen.

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  4. 121 votes
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  5. No Mythic Rare wildcard reward

    I just opened a pack which gave a mythic rare wildcard and at the same time I also unlocked the mythic rare pack reward, but I only received one mythic wildcard.

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  6. destroyed indestructable

    opponent destroyed nylea keen eyed (indestructable) with a destroy target artifact or enchantment.

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  7. Cannot block

    I had nine creatures on board and my opponent attacked with their full board of 10+ creatures. Two of my creatures were the same, two copies of wall of forgotten pharaohs. I could block with all my creatures except one of the walls. I tried cancelling and resetting the blockers, but as soon as I blocked with one of the walls, the other could no longer be selected. I'd click on the wall that wasn't blocking and nothing would happen. All my other creatures were single copies of the creature and could block normally. In the screenshot it is the…

    27 votes
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  8. people are playing historic cards in standard ranked

    I keep meeting people that are playing sleep and tibalt trickery. Historic in standard and banned cards too. Very unfair. Need to fix the bug or catch the cheaters...

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  9. Couldn't cast spells, had to pass turn

    Played a land for turn, couldn't use mana to cast spells (tried manually tapping too). Tried to go to second main, but it just passed the turn (without me wanting to).

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  10. Crash during draft

    Crash During Quick Draft Game, causing game loss: Some kind of disconnect happened during the second last game of a Quick Draft event, with the app crashing multiple times after failing to reconnect.

    Am currently unable to reconnect as well, after having completed the last game of the draft event (a played through loss) and closing the app and attempting to reconnect.

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  11. Quest for new deck did not award deck

    Today I did the color quest to get the deck with the shark on it. (25 White or Green spells) Once Finishing this quest, I did not retrieve the deck and the quest is now on a cool down.
    I was really looking forward to this pre-con also.

    1) Have daily quest (play 25 W/G spells) to unlock new preconstructed deck (UB)
    2) Play in Standard 2021 Play queue
    3) Complete quest during Standard 2021 Play match
    4) See reward for completing quest, Shark deck
    5) Click "claim prize
    6) New Deck not in decks
    Can I get my deck?

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  12. Deck win loss stats

    I have never played the card game but did play the original computer game. When I saw the MTG arena I thought I would give it a go. I still have some trouble trying to figure out how some cards and decks work but playing helps solve that. With the ability to have so many decks and I am sure many with better knowledge than me have purpose built gimmick decks, I think there should be a win/loss tracker for your saved decks. You can hit a rut where you lose several games in a row where you can't get…

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  13. Add sort option for deck selection

    I spend way too much time scrolling through the seemingly randomized deck list when selecting a deck for a match.

    Would it be that difficult to persist the sorting you select in the deck creation dialog or allow a sort option in the deck select dialog?

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  14. Rank when not Rank

    I played one Standard Ranked game earlier today, and I've play many regular Play or Brawl games since. At the end of each game I see my Rank decrease by one when it shouldn't have, I wasn't playing Ranked.

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  15. "Unable to complete draft pick" bug in premier draft

    During a premier draft today I experienced a bug. After a pick (some time in the middle of the second pack IIRC) the new selection of cards briefly disappeared and then reappeared. After picking again, I got an error message along the lines of "Unable to complete draft pick" and then the screen went black. I had to restart the MTGA client to continue with the draft and missed a pick or two. I have attached a log file if it's any use.

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  16. Foretold card bugged

    The cards I foretold during my last game were bugged. I couldn't play them anymore, even though I had the mana. I lost a BO3 draft gale because of this, and the rewards that go with it.

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  17. My turn was skipped even though it was still my opponents turn

    Opponent embalmed with 5 anointed processions in play and triggered 1024 life triggers, it was my opponents turn, and the triggers were happening, I was tapped out and waited for them all to resolve, (having a boardwipe and alt win-con I didn't care that they had 1k life)
    For some reason while the triggers were resolving my timeouts were being used and my opponent kept their two timeouts, immediatly after the triggers were done the game went back to my opponents turn, in like a split second.

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  18. Exert UI

    The interface with exert is unintuitive. Attacking all does not function with it and leads to frustrating gameplay moments

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  19. Exert abilities don't always trigger

    It has happened to me, many times already, that when I exert Glorybringer it doesn't fire the 4 points of damage.
    I'm on a windows PC.
    The matches in which the exert failed to fire were always ranked (best of three).
    There was always a target creature to target and no rules-changing permanent affecting abilities whatsoever.
    Once it was targeting Nicol Bolas, The Ravager; another time (different match) it was targeting Terror of the Peaks and a third time targeting some other creature I don't recall.
    It's been happening since the last days. And since the last days I'm playing…

    7 votes
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  20. Victory/Defeat Screen

    The victory/Defeat Screen hangs without letting you interact for too long

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