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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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15463 results found

  1. 19 votes
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  2. Game crashes

    Game crashes during my second draft match

    11 votes
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  3. Game freezing during draft

    My game froze during my round of M21 quick draft.

    I was at 4w, 2l yesterday.
    Today I logged in, played the workshop event without any problem then I went to continue the draft event.
    Game froze and I was force to pass my turn 3.
    Turn 4 was heading the same way, so I closed the client and restarted it. After the restart, I was able to play but I could not catch on the tempo loss

    11 votes
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  4. Deck Validation Failed

    Happens with my 5 color Niv-Mizzet Reborn deck. I have tried creating a new version from scratch - same error. All cards are legal for the format.

    51 votes
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  5. game crash in middle of the match

    Game Crash in middle of the match. Repair it. Is very annoying.

    10 votes
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  6. Lost draft

    Disconnect during draft. A lost one draft e one sealed. 10.000 gold e 2.000 diamonds.

    19 votes
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  7. Fix the matchmaker or I'm done spending money on this game.

    I'm serious, it's so obvious that losses only occur back to back to back and the matchmaker clearly favors topdecking whoever it wants to win. It's total *****.
    Stop trying to rig it to discourage people to get their dailies. Or I'm totally done. Ask Marvel how the whole, 'bye Felicia' to your customers works out for book sales.
    **** too buddy.

    18 votes
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  8. Kor Blademaster: double strike does not work (only the first strike)

    This is the 2nd time I'm encountering this bug (also the case for Favored of Iroas).

    The double strike on Kor Blademaster does not work. It only triggers first strike, not regular combat damage. I have had this happen in 6 games already in completely different scenario's.

    6 votes
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  9. Connection issues during draft games

    In the last two days i lost 3 draft games due to connection issues.
    Once the game froze as soon as i hit the "play" button and i found an opponent.
    Another time my opponent went for a double block, i pressed pass to damage and the game froze.
    Another time the game crashed during sideboarding.
    I feel like i should have one draft refunded, since 3 games equals a draft, but i even more hope that you manage to solve these issues.
    Hope those log files can help, even though i don't know if they are accurate.

    16 votes
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  10. juego partidas "No Clasificatorias" y gane o pierda la partida baja mi clasificacion

    jugue un par de partidas clasificatorias normalmente y cuando quise jugar en partidas sin clasificar....
    juego una partida "No Clasificatorias" que perdí y me bajo clasificación y luego jugué otra que gane y también bajo mi clasificación
    es un doble error primero que el juego considera que estoy jugando clasificatorio (cuando me asegure de estar jugando en no clasificatorio, ademas que los nombres de los jugadores salen si la imagen de su respectiva clasificacion) y tambien esta filtrando mal los resultado de los match

    5 votes
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  11. disconnect during draft

    During prerelease event, I disconnected as soon as the draft started and couldn't get back in until halfway through pack two making my deck unplayable. I registered using a draft token from the preorder package and was hoping to get one back

    6 votes
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  12. freeze

    just freeze ...

    34 votes
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  13. Game frozen

    The game has frozen mid game. Not sure what to do now

    45 votes
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  14. Problem with "Cling to dust"

    There is a problem with the new card- "Cling to dust" in MTG Arena. I cast the card and exiled an island from my graveyard. according to the ruling, I needed to draw a card for exiling the island, but somewhat I just didn't, this made me lose my sealed and my 2,000 gems.

    26 votes
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  15. MTG Arena crashing, colors challenge

    MTG Arena crashing if I try to play in colors challenge, I can't begin a game. I wasn't expreriencing these crashed since I reinstalled the game recently.

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  16. Kaya's Ghostform vs Glass Casket - Creature Didn't Return Upon Exile

    Kaya's Ghostform vs Glass Casket - Creature Didn't Return Upon Exile

    Murderous Rider had Kaya's Ghostform attached but when exiled by Glass Casket Murderous Rider did not go back to my battlefield.

    JackTupp is my screen name. Forget opponent. Match was approximately 8:30 PM EST.

    26 votes
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  17. Random Defeat Mid Match

    Happened twice tonight! In the middle of "Traditional Standard Play," the screen suddenly showed my avatar exploding and showed "defeat."

    The first time it happened, I was about to cast a Wicked Wolf during my first main phase. I had lost to my opponent the first match, and this was the second match.

    The second time it happened, my opponent had just past the turn to me, and I was moving my cursor over to use a Deathsprout. This game was the 3rd game in the match, and both my opponent and I had won a game a piece prior…

    48 votes
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  18. Opponent Mirror Matching

    1. I build a new deck
    2. I play a mirror match, sometimes for several games in a row

    Question (please answer): Can you provide us with details on WHY this happens, how we can avoid it, and consider a game format that has ZERO influence on player matching? What's wrong with random matching? It allows your customers to test decks properly rather than with the Arena finger on the scale.
    Question (please answer): Do you provide your customers with an explanation? How your algorithm works? Why they will never be matched against certain deck types (unless they switch the deck they…

    21 votes
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  19. counters not working on creatures.

    it happened twice already to me and cost me both matches. my essence scatter countering broodmother. it will asked are you sure? when you click yes the spell will still resolve. same with another spell i countered it ask me if im sure i want to counter then the spell resolve. it also happened with my frilled mystic. please address this bug it cost me more matches today. should,ve been mythic now if those spells didn't bug.

    10 votes
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  20. Deck Validation Fails. Any Deck I try. After I updating.

    Deck Validation Fails. Any Deck I try. After I updating.

    40 votes
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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions


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