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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1314 results found

  1. Mac Resolution issue

    The resolution is not working properly for Mac. Can only run in windowed mode. Need to fix resolution to accommodate fullscreen.

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  2. Crazy idea, but, how about the feedback section actually letting you give feedback.

    As above. Instead of an endless loop of use to no one, how about letting the feedback form actually exist. Seems like it's in exile like the shuffler is.

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  3. MTGA Crash

    Launch Game and Crash Randomly , i try many times relaunch game but crash on loading.

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  4. Mouse clicks are unreliable on Mac

    I've installed Arena on two different Macs, and they’re both having the same issue: mouse interaction is very unreliable. Clicking on things doesn’t always work — I’ll often have to click a button or a card multiple times to get it to register, but then occasionally it’ll work fine on the first try. This is true throughout the interface — from the home screen to in-game actions (for example, when clicking the “Play” button on the home screen, I routinely needed to click at least three times to get the blade to open). Dragging cards has also been very fickle,…

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  5. Android login/pw auto fill doesnt work

    Option appears for google to auto fill username and password, but the app simply doesn't accept it, and leaves the PW field blank.

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  6. Brawl decks not selectable

    On PC Arena, when trying to challenge a friend to Brawl, our brawl decks are not selectable, only our standard decks.

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  7. Arena is stuck on "Retrieving asset manifest" on Mac

    After yesterday's system maintenance, I cannot get any of my mac machines to get beyond the "Retrieving asset manifest" screen on Arena. I have tried deleting and re-installing Arena with the same result.

    I don't know of any workaround, I'd be happy to try a workaround to get this working.

    Thanks in advance.

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  8. Frequent Mac crashes

    Mac client won't stop crashing. Happens everyday

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  9. Fix Resend Verification Email feature

    It seems that you now have to login to your account before submitting a request to Customer Service. However, the website asks you to verify your email adress first, which I am unable to do because it won't send me the verification email. I think that the Send Verification email feature might be broken. It's been hours now and I still can't find said email. And yes, I've checked my spam folder.

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  10. crash on mac client

    Mac client crashes constantly, at least three times a day

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  11. High CPU usage when running MTGA on Macbook Pro

    Upon launching MTGA on a Macbook Pro, CPU usage spikes to over 100% usage and battery drains faster than I've ever seen it drain before. Adjusting graphics options had no effect, and the high usage persisted as long as the game was open, no matter what was happening on screen.

    Another issue is the lack of fullscreen support for Macbook Pros, though this one is minor.

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  12. Game crash

    When i start a battle or the opponent cast a spell, the game crash and impossible to join the battle after, the game crash systematicaly and i loose the game.... In a ranking match...

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  13. Add sort option for deck selection

    I spend way too much time scrolling through the seemingly randomized deck list when selecting a deck for a match.

    Would it be that difficult to persist the sorting you select in the deck creation dialog or allow a sort option in the deck select dialog?

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  14. Victory/Defeat Screen

    The victory/Defeat Screen hangs without letting you interact for too long

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  15. Menu options are all blank.e all blank.

    When quality level is high or ultra, mac version's menu options are all blank consistently. My machine is a Mac mini(2018), 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4, with a rx 5700 xt 8g(egpu).

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  16. menu has no text

    The main menu (when pressing Esc) has no text when brought up during a game, and after that even in the lobby.

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  17. Unable to report bug.

    Trying to report bug. I enter information, attach file. The I click post idea, and it spins then it never gets posted.

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  18. Please allow animations to be disabled

    The animations on both the card sleeves and in-game slow my game down to the point of crashing. Please allow an option for these animations to be disabled.

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  19. Card stuck to mouse pointer during Draft

    So... i paid to play a draft, and i missed one card pick because a card got stuck on my mouse pointer, very frustrating

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  20. Server Disconnect

    Whenever I try to log in it says I'm disconnected from the server, and when I try to reconnect it won't let me. Do I need to update the game or something?

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