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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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4859 results found

  1. Game stuck after match end with player concede

    Playing with an opponent. Player conceded following casting a channel targeting a treasure token (boseju) I cracked the treasure as the player conceded. The opponents head exploded however no victory was shown, was stuck in the game following concession.

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  2. Adventure Card that Destroys a Target goes to graveyard instead of exiling upon resolution when target is indestructible.

    Adventure Card with "Destroy Target Tapped Creature" and opponent makes target indestructible fizzled the adventure spell and put it into my graveyard instead of exling it. The spell still resolves and tries to destroy the LEGAL target. It just doesn't do anything because the target is indestructible. I should still get to cast the creature part of the adventure spell.

    It cost me the game leaving me with no blocker.

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  3. Convenient Target aut-tapper fail

    When you activate the 2R ability to return Convenient Target to your hand, the auto-tapper does not realize you'll need a R mana to cast it, and will tap mountains instead of other lands. This should be improved.

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  4. unable to move cards to block attack

    In 1st phase of tutorial & unable to block... therefore unable to move any further in the game :s

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  5. Break Expectations Player

    Break expectations says that the targeted player drafts a card, but my opponent got to draft a card for me. My understanding of the draft mechanic is that the player who is drafting (in this case the player who is forced to discard) gets to select one of three randomly selected cards. I believe my opponent got to select the card that was put into my hand. I never saw a selection of 3, but had a card placed into my hand. This seems wrong to me, and makes the card much stronger than intended.

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  6. Annihilating Glare can't target Treasures

    When I cast Annihilating Glare and select "sacrifice an artifact or creature", it won't let me target a Treasure token

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  7. Unable to join premier draft

    I keep getting locked into "Network Error: Unable to join event" for Premier draft. Now, I can't play anymore.

    Then, I tried to submit this bug and got a 404 error.

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  8. Report A Player

    Mind you the player might benefit from a bug temporarily.
    Players cannot troll one another with this system for
    MTG Arena which is just awesome.

    But if you feel they cheated can we click on the name after the game ends to report cheating?
    This shouldn't be abused.. if a player reports basically everyone they lose to that sucks.

    But if you're allowed 1 report/day,
    or 1 report/week.

    Then it does matter, you can see what kinds of players are getting reported a lot. Maybe just a brief decription of what they did.
    Manners don't manner, tons of…

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  9. Unable to play Instants on my opponents turn

    I'm unable to cast instants or flashed spells during my opponents turns.

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  10. Player Hexproof Issue

    I use surge of protection, which gives me, the player, hexproof, so when I get targeted with a spell such as Gix's command, why am I still forced to sacrifice a creature if it targets a player to sacrifice a creature? Doesnt make sense that I have hexproof, but still made to be targeted and used, which is making me lose Rank points because my deck becomes obsolete to an extent if these cards are not working like they are explained.

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  11. Vraska Betrayal's sting was unable to be targeted with Rite of Oblivion

    Playing on Android. My opponent played a Vraska on Turn 5 using phyrexian mana. I had a Rite of Oblivion in the graveyard and on my next turn I had enough mana and sacrifice fodder to cast it, but when cast I was unable to target Vraska.

    I'll add that they had no open mana and no other permanents in play.

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  12. Winterthorn Blessing skipping 2nd target

    Winterthorn Blessing sometimes not gives target second creature leaving you only with +1+1.
    Lost a few matches to this bug 👎

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  13. UI Bug - Unable to target opponent

    I was playing a draft and attacking with my creature and the enemy board was empty except leech gauntlet was on the side of the map

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  14. Bug Urza's Rebuff can't tap up to target creature

    Bug Urza's Rebuff can't tap up to target creature

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  15. Player cheating (?)

    I went up against a player and froze once I played my first land on turn one. my game froze for less than one minute, yet, when I came back, he had five lands, two artifacts, and a creature on the field. The player's name was ANTE.

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  16. Player quit and then nothing happen

    Player Quits nothing happen

    had a player rage quit then no victory pop up and my option buttons disappears forcing me to turn my game off improper and no victory there no option button anymore also

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  17. Mobile-Computer Unable to connect to challenge matches

    Challenging Mobile to Computer as of LCI release doesn't function. It just says, 'unable to submit deck' once direct challenging the friend.

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  18. Can’t target another furnace skullbomb with a furnace skullbomb

    If you have 2 furnace skullbomb same need to target one of them with the other you cannot. The two are permanently stacked on top of each other so you can only use and target the top one.

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  19. roping player

    This is to report a player who was roping in a game I played against. Screen shot and log inccluded.

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  20. Unable to Login

    When starting the game "Unable to Login" appears again.

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